Have a UITableView extend its footer beyond its height? - ios

I have a UITableView at the bottom of the screen that pulls up and then snaps back down. When it is pulled up, though, you can see the view behind it because the tableview's height is finite and less than the size of the screen.
I tried using a large footer, but that affects the snap-back of scrolling the table up.
I also tried setting a fixed height for heightForFooter and returning a large view from viewForFooterInSection, but that view gets cut off after it reaches the height returned by heightForFooter
How can I display fixed content beneath my table without affecting its scrolling?

Add a background view to your table view, and then add a subview to that view with the color you need. You can position the subview around table/section headers.
In viewDidScroll, update the y position and height of the subview.


Nested UIScrollviews behaving strangely

I have the following autolayout-driven setup:
Main viewController, with a scrollview inside it. Scrollview pinned to superview edges. This one scrolls up and down.
A few normal, fixed size views at the top of the scrollview
Another scrollview. This one scrolls left and right. The second scrollview contains a couple of tableviews, side by side. The idea is that the user can switch between them. They both contain a handful of cells, all the same width as the screen and 72pts tall.
The problem I'm trying to solve is that the tableview contents are not the same size. The left one has say, 6 cells, and the right one has 3.
My first approach was to dynamically change the second scrollview height to match which ever tableview was currently visible. What ended up happening was that switching between the two tableviews (by doing setContentOffset:animated:) went extremely wrong if animated was set to true - it would adjust the content offset so everything was offscreen. In fact it would set the content offset to and then as I switched, about a dozen times, then it'd reset. It was weird, I gave up.
Now I'm trying to just adjust the content inset of the main scrollview to offset the gap in the content of the current tableview, and it's also being weird. When I set the bottom content inset in viewDidLoad, it works fine. When I set it at the time the tableview becomes current, it does nothing.
What gives? What scenarios would lead to these view interactions not behaving properly?
Use different tableViewController for each table.
Embed them in pageViewController.
Add those few normal, fixed size views at the top of the pageViewControllers view.
Conform scrollViewDelegate in pageViewController.
Pass scrollViewDidScroll from tableViews to pageViewController.
Set tableViews inset to match those fixed size views at top.
Change height according to the scroll.
This is the way you can achieve the functionality you want.
I hope it helps.

Scroll Tableview Cell with outer Scrollview instead of It's own scroll ?

I have an Imageview covering half of the screen height and a tableview below it. Both are wrapped inside a UIScrollView. I want to scroll the whole view. Means inner scroll of tableview won't work and when I scroll, outer scroll will scroll image view up and then showing cells of tableview. At the end, Imageview will hide behind scroll and tableview content will take entire space. Can anybody tell me how to achieve this. ?
I don't think you need the outer scroll view(UIScrollView). Why don't you add only the inner table view and image view to where your outer scrollview is added. The image view can be added either above or below the table view. Let say your image view is below the table view then your image view will be covered by table view. In order to make it fully visible, set the talbview's content inset top to imageview's height and its background to clear color. then you can see both image and table view contents without one covering the other. The last thing you need to do is you have to handle the image view's y position when you scroll the table view so it looks like they are in the same scroll view. Use the scroll view delegate that is already available to you and play with scroll view's content offset and image view's y position.
I answered some similar question here with some sample code. Hand off parent container's pan gesture to nested UICollectionView
It does with collection view but the main idea is same.

Stop UICollectionView hiding cells out of view bounds

I have a horizontal-scrolling UICollectionView which is nested in a UIView that is centred and occupies 80% of the screen width.
I want the UICollectionView to be visible screen edge-to-edge rather than constrained to the super UIView bounds.
I have set the following which shows the UICollectionView across the screen width:
collectionView.clipToBounds = NO
...but when dragging the collectionView, it hides cells when they are completely outside of the super UIView bounds even though they are partially visible on the screen, which leads to a weird flickering of blank space/cell.
Ideally, I'd like a way to prevent the hiding of the cells completely out of bounds. Is there a way to do this?
The UICollectionView has a maximum size of 3 cells, so I'm not particularly worried about any performance implications of having all cells visible all the time.
The only way I found is to enlarge the frame of the collection view (and its superview in your case) and add contentInset's to it. You might also want to update scrollIndicatorInsets.

UITableView: scrolling outside bounds hides cells

I have an UITableView that does not fill the whole screen, so there is some space at the top and the bottom of the screen. This table uses table.clipToBounds = NO and table.bounces = YES.
But when scrolling the cells outside the original frame of the table, the cells are hidden. I know that's the normal behavior of UITableView to increase performance. But is it possible to define an area at the top/bottom of UITableView within which the cells are not hidden? Or even set a cell property to be "always" visible?
Subviews outside bounds of superview are hidden (table view's cells are also its subviews). That's just how iOS view hierarchy works, not really about performance. And it doesn't make any sense when a subview/cell is displayed on the screen while user cannot interact with it (because it's out of bounds). In particular, table view reuses cells that go out of its bounds, so no, you cannot set a cell to be "always visible".

UITableView dosen't change the size of UIScrollView when adding Cells

The scrollView, which is there with UITableView dose not change it's size.
So I have a UITableView, where Cells are added by the User. Right after adding these cells, I'm calling
[self.tableView reloadData];
Now the tableView shows the new cells added by the User. fine. But, if the tableView get's larger, if it's too big to show everything in the view, it doesen't change the size of my scrollView. I have no scrollView in the view, aside from the "normal" scrollView, which comes with the UITableView. So I can't scroll to the last row, because the scrollView is "too small".
Is there anything I forgot? I'm thinking of something like
[self.tableView.scrollView reload];
I'm using the same concept in another class: The user is able to add cells and they're shown. But in the other class the scrollView "resizes" correctly.
I assume that you have table inside a scrollview. You need to change content size of scrollview after adding cells. Height of content size should change according to content in scrollview so that you can scroll through whole content.
Updated answer:
I think your tableview's frame is larger. It is crossing window's bounds. Try minimizing tableview's height.
