iOS - app icon doesn't appear while app is loading - ios

I am using the asset catalog and all the images for the app icon are chosen with zero errors/warnings in the asset catalog.
When loading the app, the white app icon template (the one with lines that look like a target) appears behind the progress circle and it is grayed out. Only once the app finishes loading and installing then my desired app icon appears. Has anybody seen this and have a solution? I have tried almost everything I can think of:
Used all the standard app icon names and sizes and included in project
Add those app icons to the info.plist's cd bundleprimaryicon dictionary.
The above didn't work so tried asset catalog which also didn't solve the issue.
His occurs whether I distribute the app using either ad hoc or enterprise cert.
Running Xcode 6.1, iOS 8.1

You can add files like this:
project files added:
info.plist added:
Hope this can help you.


Why is my React Native app icon showing up with distorted colors on iOS?

I checked my asset and it has the right color, but the colors of the icon in the iOS folder are wrong. I used expo prebuild to create the iOS and Android folders, has anyone else had this issue? I cannot find any questions about this online and I have no idea what the issue is. The first image is what the icon should be, the second is what it is showing up as. The app target in Xcode also shows this strange version so I think it's an issue with react/expo. I have not tested on Android yet to see if this is also an issue there.
NOTE: The colors behind the iOS icons are different because the apps are on different parts of the home screen. That is not part of the issue.

App icon not appearing in app switcher in ios

I have recently developed a set of icons for my ios app using This provides a folder of appropriately sized images. I then have dragged each of these images into the appropriate slot in the AppIcon section in Assets.xcassets. The icon shows up fine in on my phone screen but not in the app switcher (see circled in image). There are no errors showing.
I have:
- Cleaned build folder and rebuilt
- I have restarted my iPhone
- I have manually placed all the images in the slots
- I have also tried replacing the original AppIcon folder with the one provided by make appicon
All to no effect. Be grateful for any suggestions.
Uninstall App → Restart Device → Install App
Just putting here for the sake of working answer !
As #cobberboy has mentioned in comment, doing above works - verified
I have been trying to figure out this issue, as I multiple times changed the icons removed the build, took new builds etc, but the app switcher icon was the default icon.
I have tried the app on a new phone and the desired icon was showing. So my guess is that the app switcher, (also apple watch OS's app switcher) has some sort of hardcore cache machanism.
If anyone coming from Google facing this issue, not sure how to flush this cache, but you can go ahead and ship your app, as this cache is only on your device.
Good luck!
Ensure you have provided icons for all sizes, deploy, then restart the device to clear any caches.

Application launched to a pink screen and a blank screen after built on Xcode and tested on Testflight

I am creating a mobile game application using Unity software. I have already successfully uploaded it onto Google Playstore and there was totally no issues.
However, when I built my game on my MacBook using Xcode, there seems to be a major issue.
Everything was built successfully and after I tested the app on TestFlight, these are the issues that were occurring:
Upon launch, screen was in a magenta/pink color
Took few seconds to load then screen changed to a somewhat grey color
Background music was playing
I clicked certain buttons on the blank screen and it could bring me to the play mode (as I roughly know where the buttons are)
So the main issue is that nothing is showing on my screen but codes wise should be working fine.
I have tried resetting the graphics setting in unity and removed all storyboard related as I am not using any storyboards for launchscreen. I am using Xcode 11.1 and tested on my iPhone X on the latest iOS 13.2
When I first submitted for Apple to review, it was rejected by saying that upon launch there was a blank screen and no information on how to resolve it was given to me
This pink usually is caused by wrong shaders, especially if you are using asset bundle to load assets at runtime, you need to build different copies of asset bundles for different platforms and load the corresponding one.
It's recommended to build an empty project to test your environment, such like different version of Unity Editor, different rendering API settings and so on.
This is due to missing shaders in graphics settings of your project. reset shaders and your game will work fine, i found this effective in my case
Edit/ProjectSettings/Graphics. And Right Click at the top of the inspector page for built-in shaders and choose reset it should fix it for you automatically.

Missing Icons error when submitting my Apple Watch App

I get an error when trying to submit my Apple Watch app to iTunes Connect.
However, I have added all Apple Watch icons to my xcassets file and have added it to my Apple Watch App Target.
So I don't know what to do about this. Thanks!!
This is a crazy bug on Xcode 6.2 but I found an easy fix (after lots of hard work).
Apparently, Xcode doesn't work well when using same icons for the app and for the watch at the same asset catalog so just separate the icons and that would fix that.
Moreover, Pay attention that the assets resource is attached to the WatchKit app.
Just a small notice, Pay attention to have a square icon and not to include any transparency on those icons. It would be submit if you do but would reject automatically after few minutes.
I'm not sure if there is an icon spot for CarPlay in xcassets for the Apple Watch Apps or not, but I know that there is a glitch in Xcode 6.2 that has caused me to encounter the same error when I have a CarPay icon image added. When I removed the CarPlay icon, it fixed the issue instantly.
Go to the Watch App Target and click the arrow next to the App Icons Source field. Then click on an icon of your choice (doesn't matter which one). Open the File Inspector (right sidebar, first icon from left) and select the Apple Watch Target under Target Membership.

Wrong Icon Installed by Xcode

I have been pulling my hairs for the past few days. It appears I am the first one who has experienced this problem because I could not find anything that is even close through Internet searches. The problem that I have experienced is the following:
Icon for retina iPad of iOS 6.1 and prior (size 144x144) and Icon for iPhone of iOS 7 (size 120x120) are not installed correctly. If I use asset catalog, when installing my app on iPad (retina) with iOS 5, the iPhone icon (120x120) is installed. iPhone with iOS 7 works fine using the same icon (120x120). If I don't use asset catalog, but instead add the icons to the info.plist (CFBundleIcons array), it goes the other way around. iPad icon is fine this time (144x144 icon was installed). But iPhone uses the iPad icon (144x144).
What's more strange is that this is not a problem with one of my two targets. It is only a problem for the second target. The second target was created by duplicating the first one. I have compared the info and settings of the two projects, but did not see any difference (other than bundle identifiers and product names etc., of course).
I've upgraded my Xcode to 5.0.2 and that makes no difference.
I'd appreciate it if anybody could shed some light on this.
Update #1: I tried to use the icons from the first target and the problem is still there. So it's not related the icon png files. It's target related. Also tried to clean the project, delete the app from the devices to no avail.
Update #2: When I use plist instead of asset catalog, what's (incorrectly) installed on my iPhone (iOS 7) is not the 144x144 icon. It is 144x144 icon for iOS 6.1 and prior. It's still an incorrect icon.
Update #3: This is actually easy to reproduce. I created a cocos2d project from scratch this time (the Hello World project). Tried to add all the icons using the two ways introduced in the following technical article from Apple:
When using the asset catalog, 120x120 icon was installed on my iPad (retina) with iOS 5.
When using the project editor, 152x152 icon was installed on my iPad (retina) with iOS 5.
In both cases, what is supposed to be installed is the 144x144 icon. Will probably contact Apple on Monday.
I filed a tech-support case with Apple and confirmed that this is a known issue (as of 02/10/14). I open a bug report with Apple. This issue is not noticeable for most people because icons are all resized from one design. Even though the wrong icon is installed, it is barely noticeable (the icon is still resized to to the correct size on the device automatically). This is noticeable when you want to use different icon design on different iOS. For example, the icon curvature for iOS 7 is different. There is no workaround according to the Apple support.
Hope this is useful for anyone who runs into the same issue.
Make sure you don't have the older icons named with the an older version of Xcode's default icon names (Icon.png, Icon#2x.png, Icon-72.png). I have found that when these names exist, they are used even if other icon names are specified.
Try cleaning the project. Command-Shift-K , that usually fixes such issues
