sending parameters to another website -

I use Asp.Net Mvc4. I need to transfer some data to another web site.I want to explain:
There is a site that people query their salaries on this site. For exmaple People enter this site. They enter their identity number, year, month etc. infos to textboxes into this site. Then they click submit button and, the site shows their salary infos to them.
I have a personnel web application. I have personel's identity number etc. I show personnel salaries in a page. In this page, there is button.When someone click this button, application open the site that I explain above, and textboxes in this site is filled with my sending parameters identity number, year etc. infos.
I hope I can explain what I need. How can I do this in Mvc ? Is it possible ?
Thank in advance.

My idea would be. Put a #html.TextareaFor element on your main site. Connect this element with your Model. If the user push the submit button, you send the information from your textarea to your controller where you can query the Information from your database. Now you can put the salary information into another view.
Let the controller call the result view and show the user his salary information.


Is it possible to let a user fill a google form in different sessions?

I want a form where the user can fill some values and then exit, and then come back in some time and complete the form and submit it. Is it possible with google forms? If so, will the data entered in the second session be saved along with the corresponding row in the spreadsheet or will a new row be entered?I hope my question is clear
Data from the Form only goes to the server when it is submitted, so you cannot store that form data before submission (disregarding any data that might have gotten stored in the browser session).
What you could do instead is select Settings and check the option Edit after submit. This way, a user can submit the Form and then come back later to edit the responses.
Google Forms: Allow people to edit responses

Have a link in custom crm report

Is it possible to have a link in a custom crm report?
In the picture, How can I make patientId as link that when it is clicked, the patient form opens?
Turn those labels into hyperlinks, seems to be plenty of questions on this already.
Use this information to set the correct URL to open the patient form
Open forms, views, dialogs and reports with a URL, for example:[your entity name goes here]&pagetype=entityrecord&id=[record Id goes here]

One view having multiple button in mvc

I am not able to understand the flow on this page
how they are doing in MVC
till now i created only one button for one page (view ) or provide me some similar link or similar code so i can understand
i want to implement same in my application
Thanks in Advance
The page is using AJAX to achieve the effect. Let's go through how it works.
The page is divided up into four sections.
Billing Address
Payment Method
Payment Information
Confirm Order
Each section is treated separately and are likely rendered using partial views. Each section has it's own form. When the user fills out a section and then submits that section, the form is submitted to a particular action. The Billing Address section submits its form to /checkout/OpcSaveBilling, the Payment Method section submits its form to /checkout/OpcSavePaymentMethod and so on.
When these forms are submitted (asynchronously, remember), the server handles the business logic and the validation and returns a result in the form of JSON. The JSON describes what happened, i.e. the result of the validation (success or fail), any errors that occurred and also contains HTML that the page can use to redisplay that particular section.
How is this data being remembered? Sessions. When forms are successful in their submission, the form data is stored per user in the session data. This way the system knows each user's settings and also knows where they are up to in the process.
The final step, Confirm Order, doesn't bother sending any form data because the server already knows everything through the session information.

ASP.NET MVC 3 Session

I am very new to MVC. I am coming from web forms.
I have a simple search page. The user has option of searching contacts by state. I have a multi select box where they can select multiple states and click search contacts.
The result contacts will be displayed in a grid. The grid has options of edit,details and delete.
When they click delete it goes to a different page and asks for confirmation. Once they click delete and its done succesfully i am redirecting to the search page. But i want to redirect them to the same list they have earlier.
How i can acheive this with MVC ??
I am storing the selected state ids in an integer array in the view model.
You could try doing a modal popup and then doing an Ajax request and bind the results to a Partial view on the page.
Ie. $('#partialDiv').load( your controller call here )
Might make for a better experience...

Rails how to prefill a form that is located on another website?

How is it possible to prefill inputfields in a form with data from a database?
In my database I have name, age and gender
The form that is on a website have the same input fields and the names are name, age and gender.
A user click on link which goes to another website and the inputfields are automatic filled out.
How do I send the information in my database to prefill the input fields on the other website?
You can't make your application type things into a web form that you don't control. If you do control the web form, you could of course make it accept parameters for those values and fill them in when the form is constructed.
You can construct a POST to the other site that would be the equivalent of filling in AND SUBMITTING the form, but that won't show the fields to the user and allow them to edit; it would skip past that step. Also that might very well be prevented if the external site has security in place to prevent cross-site request forgery.
