Upload files from dropbox/box account to a public cloud using an iphone app - ios

I need to transfer files from the drop box account directly to a public cloud without downloading the files and storing it in the application sandbox. Does Apple allow this?

I am looking at the same and did not find it. It should not be due to Apple allowing or not; but dropbox app does not have the function. E.g. to send a photo from dropbox, sharing function only sends a link in my apple mail.
Only possible solution I am exploring is using airfile (not sure of other apps AFAIK now), clicking on sharing allows me to open it in other app (buggy 4 my test nw) or to send via email.. send via email sounds ok since i can select photos in airfile, see the actual pic in the apple mail and send it via to flickr.
Hope that idea helps!


Can I perform a task in Main iOS app from the app Extension?

I have an app extension for Sharing (Share Extension) and when a user selects my app to share an image, my app will send that image to a server.
The problem is that the server requires an authenticated identity (AWS Cognito) to send the object to the server. Since I cannot share Authentication from my main app to my extension and I don't want to have the user sign in every time they want to share, I'm stuck.
I can see this being done with messaging apps where a user sends a message from a share extension. I'm not sure how they achieve this. Since the user is not asked to login again in the extension, somehow the credentials are either being shared with the extension or the app is momentarily launched to perform that upload while remaining in the background (not sure this is possible).
So my question is what is the approach I should be using. Should the extension somehow be directing the main app to upload the image or should I figure a way of sharing the access tokens with the extension in a secure way and accessing them without any user action?
The solution is to setup a shared container for the app & the extension, please see "Sharing data with your containing app" section in this article: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/ExtensionScenarios.html#:~:text=To%20enable%20data%20sharing%2C%20use,App%20to%20an%20App%20Group.

Is there a way to send content from my app, which is not from my app?

I have a theoretical question to the file system/restriction from iOS.
In an Android app I can open a file from filesystem, with my app, and send it via mail or send it to a REST-service.
This is not possible under iOS, because there is no filesystem like under Android.
As far as I know I can only send file, which are created by my app.
Is there a way to send content from my app, which is not from my app?
For example a pdf received per mail, opened in my app and send it to a server or something else.
best regards
Yes, you can make your app eligible to open specific type of files ( images, videos, pdf, docs, etc )
see https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/DocumentInteraction_TopicsForIOS/Articles/RegisteringtheFileTypesYourAppSupports.html
After that you bring the url file and you can work on it locally into your app, or uploading the linked file on a server as well

Sending a file via AirDrop (iOS) and the recipient is not given the opportunity to accept/reject the file

I've made it possible to send a serialised object via AirDrop. I've added both a custom Document Type and an Exported UTI.
Sending and receiving the file is working just fine - in that the recipient can process and use the data as expected.
However, when testing this process between my devices the files are automatically accepted - the recipient isn't given the opportunity to accept/reject.
Normally, when sharing files via AirDrop the user is given the opportunity to accept or reject, so I'm wondering if I need to do something to ensure this happens? But, I haven't seen anything in Apple's documentation relating to this...
Any suggestions?
Ah! This turned out to be a non-problem.
I've been testing the application using two of my own devices (iPhone and iPad). The key here is that the same user / Apple ID is signed into each device.
In this case, when sharing data using AirDrop files are accepted automatically. I confirmed this by sending a photo from the Photos app between the same devices and the same auto-acceptance was observed.
When expanding the test to use someone else's iPhone, data shared via AirDrop from my app did get the system's Accept/Reject dialog.
Nothing to code. Nothing to do.

Can we take over the air backup of Applications, Call Log, SMS, MMS, Bookmarks, Alarms, Dictionary on an iPhone?

My app need to take backup of user's iPhone's almost entire data to iCloud.
Can we access the call log, SMS, MMS etc. databases of iPhone just as iCloud does internally while backing up programmatically?
Is there some means to give user option list for data he wants to backup to iCloud in our app and backup only that data instead of all data programmatically?
Assuming that you are referring to a non-jail broken device then in a word, no. An app cannot access data outside of its own sandbox
Apple can't allow to access and change SMS and log associated database. If you have jailbreak iPhone then you can access database using following path.
For development level you can access it but your application wan't get approve from iTune store.
It is not possible to get SMS/Call Log/MMS detail.
Your application only access those data which can be supplies by Apple's public API.
Your application can not access data outside of Sandbox other than public API.
Yes, if your device is jail-broken and you can use hack like direct url to database.
But if you do so your application will never approve by App Store.
Please read App Review Guidelines

User stats required for an offline iOS web app

I'm creating an iPad bespoke web app for a sales team which, on occasions, will need to work offline. So far, so good.
The client wants to be able to grabs stats of when the app is used by the sales team? Am I able to write to a file locally, then upload this file or email it at a given time?
Many thanks
If I understand your question correctly, the answer is YES!
You can write and read any kinds of file to your app document. Please check this link. After grabbing your file info, you can send it by email or dropbox or......
