how to set the login screen after the launching screen to landscape in iOS 7 - ios

how to set the login screen after the launching screen to landscape in iOS 7.
As I m getting orientation issues when App Launches in Portrait

If you still need to support portrait inside the app you could simply rotate the assets you use for launch images 90 degrees so it always looks to be booting with the same orientation. The only thing you need to figure out for yourself is what you do with reversed portrait on iPad.


IOS Launch screen storyboard shows up in different orientation

I have an IOS app built with XCODE 11 which is landscape only(right+left).We are trying to move from Legacy launch images to Story board Launch screen.
The issue seems to be that the new launch screen appears as expected in landscape mode but when the device is in portrait orientation, the launch screen also appears in portrait , which looks weird because the image is meant to be in landscape to match the app orientation.
Note: The app launches in landscape after the launch screen irrespective of how the device is held.
Is there a way to lock the launch screen orientation to match the app (Landscape left+right)?
Been stuck on this issue for a while, appreciate any inputs :)
Have you tried set Supported interface orientations landscape in your info.plist only ?

Is there a way to ensure iPad Simulator landscape screenshots are rotated correctly?

Most of the iPad apps I develop are used in Landscape mode. The iPad Simulator always starts in Portrait mode; with ⌘+R I rotate it to Landscape mode. In the past (before iOS 13.0 or 13.1), screenshots made with ⌘+S had the correct rotation, but if I make a screenshot right now it's rotated by 90 degrees.
(click to enlarge)
This is how the Mac desktop looks like when I make the screenshot on the Simulator:
Is there a way to stop this behaviour? I've tried the menu option Hardware -> Rotate Device Automatically but that didn't help.
This issue seems to have been fixed with the release of iOS 14 / Xcode 12. Now, when I take a screenshot of my Simulator in Landscape mode, it is saved in Landscape orientation.

iOS launch screen will appear in portrait instead of landscape

I am creating an iOS app that will support iPhone and iPad in landscape and portrait orientations. I have setup my launch screen storyboard with an ImageView and that appears correctly in both landscape and portrait modes in Interface Builder. However, even though I am holding my phone in landscape, the launch screen will always appear in portrait. I have logged my device current orientation in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, but it reports UIDeviceOrientation unknown. After the launch screen disappears, the first view appears in landscape as expected.
Do you know why that happens and how to fix it?
I think that you haven't open this:

Do you need a landscape iPad launch image for app thats just portrait

I have made me app so that device orientation is portrait only, however there it still has a place to put landscape launch image. Will I have to have one? If so can I just have a rotated version of the portrait one (i.e. this will be sideways if the device is held in a landscape manner)?
You don't need to have a landscape default image even if you do support landscape.
If you are only in portrait, then a single image will do.

Interface orientation (Landscape) on iPad weird behaviour on ios 6(xcode 4.5)

I am building a word game app for iPad. I want it to run only in Landscape mode.
1. I have enabled only Landscape in plist settings.
2. The rootview controllers view is also set Landscape.
The issue is when I run it on simulator (ios 6.1), it runs in proper Landscape mode but when I run it on iPad the views are messed up and rotated 90 degree anti clockwise. Do I need to do something else in order to have it run properly on iPad device.
