I'm learning Smalltalk, but I didn't found any example of how change variable value.
How can I do it?
Object subclass: test [
| testvar |
"setvalue [
Function to change value of variable 'testvar'
getvalue [
Test := test new.
How i can set value to testvar?
Transcript show: Test getvalue.
You can use so-called keyword-messages.
You end a method with a colon and put the variable name after that (probably multiple times).
So if you have something like methodFoo(a, b, c) in a curly-brace language, in Smalltalk you typically write
methodFoo: a withSomething: b containing: c
or likewise. This can make method names more readable, too!
Also, getters and setter in Smalltalk typically are named after the variable they are representing.
(And classes are typically capitalized while variables are not)
So your example would turn into
Object subclass: Test [
| testvar |
testvar: anObject [
testvar := anObject.
testvar [
test := Test new.
test testvar: 'my value'.
test testvar print.
" prints 'my value' "
I would like to extract from a text file only some structured patterns.
example, in the text below:
foo FUNC1 ; blabliblo blu
I would like to isolate only 'foo FUNC1 ;'.
I was trying to use lark parser with the following parser
start: statement*
statement: foo
| anything
anything : /.+/
foo : "foo" ID ";"
ID : /_?[a-z][_a-z0-9]*/i
%import common.WS
%import common.NEWLINE
%ignore WS
%ignore NEWLINE
parser="lalr" ,
But the token 'anything' captures all. Is there a way to make it not greedy ? So that the token 'foo' can capture the given pattern ?
You could solve this with priorities.
For parser="lalr", Lark supports priorities on terminals. So you could move "foo" into its own terminal and then assign that terminal a higher priority than the anything terminal (which has default priority 1):
foo : FOO ID ";"
FOO.2: "foo"
Parsing your example string then results in:
anything blablabla
anything blabliblo blu
For parser="earley", Lark supports priorities on rules, so you could use:
foo.2 : "foo" ID ";"
Parsing your example string then results in:
anything blablabla
foo FUNC1
anything blabliblo blu
Rebol2 has an /ANY refinement on the FIND function that can do wildcard searches:
>> find/any "here is a string" "s?r"
== "string"
I use this extensively in tight loops that need to perform well. But the refinement was removed in Rebol3.
What's the most efficient way of doing this in Rebol3? (I'm guessing a parse solution of some sort.)
Here's a stab at handling the "*" case:
like: funct [
series [series!]
search [series!]
rule: copy []
remove-each s b: parse/all search "*" [empty? s]
foreach s b [
append rule reduce ['to s]
append rule [to end]
all [
parse series rule
find series first b
used as follows:
>> like "abcde" "b*d"
== "bcde"
I had edited your question for "clarity" and changed it to say 'was removed'. That made it sound like it was a deliberate decision. Yet it actually turns out it may just not have been implemented.
BUT if anyone asks me, I don't think it should be in the box...and not just because it's a lousy use of the word "ALL". Here's why:
You're looking for patterns in strings...so if you're constrained to using a string to specify that pattern you get into "meta" problems. Let's say I want to extract the word *Rebol* or ?Red?, now there has to be escaping and things get ugly all over again. Back to RegEx. :-/
So what you might actually want isn't a STRING! pattern like s?r but a BLOCK! pattern like ["s" ? "r"]. This would permit constructs like ["?" ? "?"] or [{?} ? {?}]. That's better than rehashing the string hackery that every other language uses.
And that's what PARSE does, albeit in a slightly-less-declarative way. It also uses words instead of symbols, as Rebol likes to do. [{?} skip {?}] is a match rule where skip is an instruction that moves the parse position past any single element of the parse series between the question marks. It could also do so if it were parsing a block as input, and would match [{?} 12-Dec-2012 {?}].
I don't know entirely what the behavior of /ALL would-or-should be with something like "ab??cd e?*f"... if it provided alternate pattern logic or what. I'm assuming the Rebol2 implementation is brief? So likely it only matches one pattern.
To set a baseline, here's a possibly-lame PARSE solution for the s?r intent:
>> parse "here is a string" [
some [ ; match rule repeatedly
to "s" ; advance to *before* "s"
pos: ; save position as potential match
skip ; now skip the "s"
[ ; [sub-rule]
skip ; ignore any single character (the "?")
"r" ; match the "r", and if we do...
return pos ; return the position we saved
| ; | (otherwise)
none ; no-op, keep trying to match
fail ; have PARSE return NONE
== "string"
If you wanted it to be s*r you would change the skip "r" return pos into a to "r" return pos.
On an efficiency note, I'll mention that it is indeed the case that characters are matched against characters faster than strings. So to #"s" and #"r" to end make a measurable difference in the speed when parsing strings in general. Beyond that, I'm sure others can do better.
The rule is certainly longer than "s?r". But it's not that long when comments are taken out:
[some [to #"s" pos: skip [skip #"r" return pos | none]] fail]
(Note: It does leak pos: as written. Is there a USE in PARSE, implemented or planned?)
Yet a nice thing about it is that it offers hook points at all the moments of decision, and without the escaping defects a naive string solution has. (I'm tempted to give my usual "Bad LEGO alligator vs. Good LEGO alligator" speech.)
But if you don't want to code in PARSE directly, it seems the real answer would be some kind of "Glob Expression"-to-PARSE compiler. It might be the best interpretation of glob Rebol would have, because you could do a one-off:
>> parse "here is a string" glob "s?r"
== "string"
Or if you are going to be doing the match often, cache the compiled expression. Also, let's imagine our block form uses words for literacy:
s?r-rule: glob ["s" one "r"]
pos-1: parse "here is a string" s?r-rule
pos-2: parse "reuse compiled RegEx string" s?r-rule
It might be interesting to see such a compiler for regex as well. These also might accept not only string input but also block input, so that both "s.r" and ["s" . "r"] were legal...and if you used the block form you wouldn't need escaping and could write ["." . "."] to match ".A."
Fairly interesting things would be possible. Given that in RegEx:
matches abc=abc or def=def
but not abc=def or def=abc
Rebol could be modified to take either the string form or compile into a PARSE rule with a form like:
regex [("abc" | "def") "=" (1)]
Then you get a dialect variation that doesn't need escaping. Designing and writing such compilers is left as an exercise for the reader. :-)
I've broken this into two functions: one that creates a rule to match the given search value, and the other to perform the search. Separating the two allows you to reuse the same generated parse block where one search value is applied over multiple iterations:
expand-wildcards: use [literal][
literal: complement charset "*?"
func [
{Creates a PARSE rule matching VALUE expanding * (any characters) and ? (any one character)}
value [any-string!] "Value to expand"
/local part
collect [
parse value [
; empty search string FAIL
end (keep [return (none)])
; only wildcard return HEAD
some #"*" end (keep [to end])
; everything else...
some [
; single char matches
#"?" (keep 'skip)
; textual match
copy part some literal (keep part)
; indicates the use of THRU for the next string
some #"*"
; but first we're going to match single chars
any [#"?" (keep 'skip)]
; it's optional in case there's a "*?*" sequence
; in which case, we're going to ignore the first "*"
opt [
copy part some literal (
keep 'thru keep part
like: func [
{Finds a value in a series and returns the series at the start of it.}
series [any-string!] "Series to search"
value [any-string! block!] "Value to find"
/local skips result
; shortens the search a little where the search starts with a regular char
skips: switch/default first value [
#[none] #"*" #"?" ['skip]
reduce ['skip 'to first value]
any [
block? value
value: expand-wildcards value
parse series [
some [
; we have our match
result: value
; and return it
return (result)
; step through the string until we get a match
; at the end of the string, no matches
Splitting the function also gives you a base to optimize the two different concerns: finding the start and matching the value.
I went with PARSE as even though *? are seemingly simple rules, there is nothing quite as expressive and quick as PARSE to effectively implementing such a search.
It might yet as per #HostileFork to consider a dialect instead of strings with wildcards—indeed to the point where Regex is replaced by a compile-to-parse dialect, but is perhaps beyond the scope of the question.
John Heyes' ANS Forth test suite contains the following definition:
This is then used to conditionally define various words depending on whether we're using floored or symmetric division:
So IFFLOORED acts like either a noop or a \ depending on the result of the expression. Fine. That's easily implementable on my threaded interpreter by doing this:
...and now IFFLOORED works; the definition is equivalent to : IFFLOORED -1 IF ['] \ EXECUTE THEN ;.
Unfortunately, further down the test suite is the following code:
: GT1 123 ;
: GT5 GT4 ;
\ assertion here that the stack is empty
The same implementation doesn't work here. If POSTPONE compiles a reference to its word, then GT4 becomes the equivalent of : GT4 123 ;... but GT4 is immediate. So when GT5 is defined, 123 is pushed onto the compiler's stack and GT5 becomes a noop. But that's not right; the test suite expects calling GT5 to leave 123 on the stack. So for this to work, POSTPONE must generate code which generates code:
And, indeed, if I play with gForth, I see that POSTPONE actually works like this:
: GT1 123 ;
<long number> compile, ;
But these two definitions are not compatible. If I use the second definition, the first test fails (because now IFFLOORED tries to compile \ rather than executing it). If I use the first definition, the second test fails (because GT4 pushes onto the compiler stack rather than compiling a literal push).
...but both tests pass in gForth.
So what's going on?
Let me answer here, as the question changed considerably. I am still not sure I understand the question, though :)
In your example, you define
What happens here, is the following:
: is executed, reading GT4 and creating the new word
POSTPONE's compilation semantics is executed, which is to compile the compilation semantics of GT1 - as you have seen in GForth.
; is executed, ending the definition
IMMEDIATE is executed, marking the last defined word as immediate.
POSTPONE is called only when compiling GT4, and it does not appear in the compiled code. So when later using this immediate word in the definition of GT5, the interpretation semantics of POSTPONE is not needed.
By the way, according to the standard, POSTPONE has only compilation semantics, and the interpretation semantics is undefined.
See also the POSTPONE tutorial in the GForth manual.
EDIT Examples of interpretation and compilation semantics:
: TEST1 ." interpretation" ; => ok
: TEST2 ." compilation" ; IMMEDIATE => ok
: TEST3 TEST1 TEST2 ; => compilation ok
TEST3 => interpretation ok
: TEST5 TEST4 ; => ok
TEST5 => interpretation ok
TEST6 => compilation ok
If you have any more questions, you can reference these tests.
The snippet you've quoted does the following things:
Evaluate -3/2 (at compile time), and check if it is -2.
If it is, store a 0 (false), otherwise store a -1 (true) in IFFLOORED, so when it is evaluated, it will put this value on the stack. (This is the effect of LITERAL.)
When evaluating IFFLOORED, after pushing the value on the stack, comes an IF - THEN expression. When the value is true, it means that we are not in a floored environment, so we want to comment out the rest of the line, and that is what \ does.
So here comes the tricky part - \ is IMMEDIATE, i.e., you cannot use it inside a colon definition, because it will comment out the rest of the line. You have to explicitly tell the compiler that you want to compile this function, and not execute it, which is what POSTPONE does.
The behavior of postpone word in compilation state is to determine compilation semantics for its parsed argument and append these semantics to the current definition.
Compilation semantics for a word can be either special or ordinary (see the section Compilation semantics of Forth-2012). To work correctly, postpone should distinguish these cases and generate code according to the different patterns.
A problem of your implementations is that they are correct either for ordinary compilation semantics or for special compilation semantics.
A standard compliant implementation is as follows:
: state-on ( -- ) 1 state ! ;
: state-off ( -- ) 0 state ! ;
: execute-compiling ( i*x xt --j*x )
state # if execute exit then
state-on execute state-off
: postpone ( "name" -- )
bl word find dup 0= -13 and throw 1 = ( xt flag-special )
swap lit, if ['] execute-compiling else ['] compile, then compile,
; immediate
See more details in my post How POSTPONE should work.
Suppose I have a url
Each parameter can have many values like:
param1 = abc, xyz, qwe
param2 = 123, 456, 789
param3 = !##, $%^, &*(
All the parameters and values will be read from an excel file. There can be n number of parameters and each may have any number of values.
I want to generate all the combinations which can be formed using all values of each parameters.
Output will be like:
and so on
besides the previous comment in your post, you need construct some nested loops.
I will assume you have a bash shell available (since you hadn't specified your wanted language).
for I in 'abc' 'xyz' 'qwe'
for J in '123' '456' '789'
for K in '!##' '$%^' '&*('
echo "xyz.com/param1=${I}¶m2=${J}¶m3=${K}"
Note that:
that '&*(' will bring you problems, since & is the character that you use to delimit each parameter.
double quotes " around echo, will make a double quote character to make this program to fail miserably
the same apply to ', \ and some others
I have a string that contains something like this:
##### abc 'foo'
##### abc 'bar'
The string can potentially be very long (say, 50 lines) and doesn't change often.
I would like to fetch the last occurrence of text in between the single-quotes (bar in this example). This is similar to someone else's Python problem (except the answer there doesn't work for me in Lua, as seen far below).
I could parse each line, and put the results into an array, and then just take the last element of the array, but that doesn't seem elegant to me:
local text = [[
##### abc 'foo'
##### abc 'bar'
local arr = {}
local pattern = "abc '([^']+)'"
for s in text:gmatch(pattern) do
table.insert(arr, s)
print('last:', arr[#arr])
I'm interested in using Lua string patterns to search the string from the end. The pattern I tried below starts from the beginning instead of the end:
local text = [[
##### abc 'foo'
##### abc 'bar'
-- FIXME: pattern searches from beginning
local pattern = "abc '([^']+)'.*$"
local s = text:gmatch(pattern)()
assert(s == 'bar', 'expected "bar" but saw "'..s..'"')
print('last:', s)
This yields:
input:12: expected "bar" but saw "foo"
What string pattern specifies the "reverse search" I'm looking for?
You could use
local pattern = ".*abc '([^']+)'"
The .* is greedy so it chews up as much as it can before it matches (in this case, it chews up all the earlier matches and gives you the last).
Or if you really wanted, you could reverse your string and (sort of) your pattern too, but I think it's better to rely on the greedy .* :P
pattern = "'([^']+)' cba"
print(text:reverse():gmatch(pattern)()) -- rab
print(text:reverse():gmatch(pattern)():reverse()) -- bar
Another option would be to use the $ pattern anchor to anchor the pattern at the end of the string. You also don't need to use gmatch here, just match suffices (and saves you the need to call the iterator function returned by gmatch). All in all you get: