Robot framework, how to compare sound, video file - comparison

I have sound, video source file and I have to verify my program which open and play this file is work correctly.
I don't know how to verify file like this!
I think i should capture (sound/video) and then compare it to source file.
Till this time, I've searched on the internet but didn't get any solution.

This is going to be a real challange for you, I personally have never done this but hopefully I can provide you with some help to set you on your way...
First you need to know that robotframework is run on python so anything you will need to be in python or have python bindings so asking there may be a good start.
In terms of capturing sound I believe it would be eaiser to use a program with a api you can use, I found a document here of someone doing this, as to whether this is still correct I am not sure:
For video capture try looking here:
Next would be stripping the video, seperating the audio and video frames and comparing them seperatly. For this you are going to need a video editor, audio comparison library and a tool for comparing images.
In terms of how this would work I dont know as I have never done this...
Why do you need to do this tho, is there not a better way of doing this? Does you application make the video? In which case could just doing some checks on frames, length, file size suffice? You need to provide for information.
This is a bit long for a comment but this answer is incomplete.
Let me know how you get on?


Designing a library for Hardware-accelerated unsupported containers on iOS (and Airplay)

I'm trying to put together an open source library that allows iOS devices to play files with unsupported containers, as long as the track formats/codecs are supported. e.g.: a Matroska video (MKV) file with an H264 video track and an AAC audio track. I'm making an app that surely could use that functionality and I bet there are many more out there that would benefit from it. Any help you can give (by commenting here or—even better— collaborating with me) is much appreciated. This is where I'm at so far:
I did a bit of research trying to find out how players like AVPlayerHD or Infuse can play non-standard containers and still have hardware acceleration. It seems like they transcode small chunks of the whole video file and play those in sequence instead.
It's a good solution. But if you want to throw that video to an Apple TV, things don't work as planned since the video is actually a bunch of smaller chunks being played as a playlist. This site has way more info, but at its core streaming to Apple TV is essentially a progressive download of the MP4/MPV file being played.
I'm thinking a sort of streaming proxy is the way to go. For the playing side of things, I've been investigating AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer (more info here) as a way of playing the video track. I haven't gotten to audio yet. Things get interesting when you think about the AirPlay side of things: by having a "container proxy", we can make any file look like it has the right container without the file size implications of transcoding.
It seems like GStreamer might be a good starting point for the proxy. I need to read up on it; I've never used it before. Does this approach sound like a good one for a library that could be used for App Store apps?
Finally got some extra time to go over GStreamer. Especially this article about how it is already updated to use the hardware decoding provided by iOS 8. So no need to develop this; GStreamer seems to be the answer.
The 'chucked' solution is no longer necessary in iOS 8. You should simply set up a video decode session and pass in NALUs.

IP-Cam / CCTV-Cam Live Streaming on iPhone/iPad

I want to get stream of an ip-cam on my iPhone/iPad and want to display it on screen. By R&D i found that ffmpeg is the only way to achieve it but i found nothing on ffmpeg. Is there any other way to achieve it or a confirmed way to get compiled ffmpeg on mac please mention that. Material regarding how to use ffmepg or source code example will be highly appreciated.
Is there nothing built-in framework to achieve it if not then please mention if there is any free framework/sdk to achieve this functionality.
There are actually a few.
here are some links
I am sure if you google you can find more.
I cannot only address the first one, because that is ours, but I didn't want this to sound purely like self promotion.

Programming screen recorder - output issues

I want record screen (by capturing 15 screenshots per second). This part I know how to do. But I don't know how to write this to some popular video format. Best option which I found is write frames to separated PNG files and use commandline Mencoder which can convert them to many output formats. But maybe someone have another idea?
Must be multi-platform solutions (I'm using Free Pascal / Lazarus). Windows, Linux, MacOS
Exists some librarys for that?
Could be complex commandline application which record screen for me too, but I must have possibility to edit frames before converting whole raw data to popular video format
All materials which could give me some idea are appreciated. API, librarys, anything even in other languages than FPC (I would try rewrite it or find some equivalent)
I considered also writting frames to video RAW format and then use Mencoder (he can handle it) or other solution, but can't find any API/doc for video RAW data
Argalatyr mentioned ffmpeg already.
There are two ways that you can get that to work:
By spawning an new process. All you have to do is prepare the right input (could be a series of jpeg images for example), and the right commandline parameters. After that you just call ffmpeg.exe and wait for it to finish.
ffmpeg makes use of some dll's that do the actual work. You can use those dll's directly from within your Delphi application. It's a bit more work, because it's more low-level, but in the end it'll give you a finer control over what happens, and what you show the user while you're processing.
Here are some solutions to check out:
FFVCL Commercial. Actually looks quite good, but I was too greedy to spend money on this.
Open Source Delphi headers for FFMpeg. I've tried it, but I never managed to get it to work.
I ended up pulling the DLL wrappers from an open source karaoke program (UltraStar Deluxe). I had to remove some dependencies, but in the end it worked like a charm. The relevant (pascal) code can be found here:
There was some earlier discussion with a Delphi component here. It's a very simple component that sometimes generates some weird movies. Maybe a start.

iOS Audio Service : Read & write audio files

I'm working on some audio services on iOS.
I trying to search any examples or tutorials about
how audio service or stream can read a existing audio file than
process something like filter, than write another file.
Is there any body who can help me?
Dirac3LE (by Stephan M. Bernsee) is a great library for this job.
There are examples and manual included in the download.
It is particulary inteded for time and pitch manipulation
but in your case you'll be interested in its EAFRead and EAFWrite
If you want to get familiar with the lower level library that you can also use for microphone input/sound output, and that you can get raw samples into and out of, I would suggest taking a look at Audio Queue Services.
I used it in my side project to get audio from the microphone, and I also wrote some code you might find useful to do fast vectorized, FFT based FIR filtering on input audio. You can find the code here

XNA | C# : Record and Change the Voice

My aim is code a project which records human sound and changes it (with effects).
e.g : a person will record its sound over microphone (speak for a while) and than the program makes its like a baby sound.
This shall run effectively and fast (while recording the altering operation must run, too)
What is the optimum way to do it ?
If you're looking for either XNA or DirectX to do this for you, I'm pretty sure you're going to be out of luck (I don't have much experience with DirectSound; maybe somebody can correct me). What it sounds like you want to do is realtime digital signal processing, which means that you're either going to need to write your own code to manipulate the raw waveform, or find somebody else who's already written the code for you.
If you don't have experience writing this sort of thing, it's probably best to use somebody else's signal processing library, because this sort of thing can quickly get complicated. Since you're developing for the PC, you're in luck; you can use any library you like using P/Invoke. You might try out some of the solutions suggested here and here.
MSDN has some info about the Audio namespace from XNA, and the audio recording introduced in version 4:
Working with Microphones
Recording Audio from a Microphone
Keep in mind that recorded data is returned in PCM format.
