Weird error in accessing the text of UIButton in swift - ios

When I write a simple function such as this:
#IBAction func buttonTapped(theButton:UIButton) {
It gives me an error: UILabel doesn't have a label called text.
However, when I change it to this:
#IBAction func buttonTapped(theButton:UIButton) {
It works fine, but it prints out something like this:
What I am doing wrong? I am expecting a value of 1. But it is printing out Optional("1") and secondly, it is working fine when println(theButton.titleLabel?.text);

You can get directly from
let title = theButton.currentTitle!

Optional chaining makes the result optional, so you are printing optional value:
With optional binding you can print the value only if it exits.
if let text = theButton.titleLabel?.text {
} else {
// text doesn't have value

#Kirsteins's answer shows how to obtain the button label text in a safe manner.
Remember that:
UIButton has a titleLabel, which is an optional UILabel.
UILabel has a text property, which is an optional String
so there are 2 optionals in the chain. You can use optional binding as in #Kirsteins's answer, or use forced unwrapping:
let text = theButton.titleLabel!.text!
which however I discourage using, because if any of the 2 is nil you'll have a runtime exception. But for completeness it's worth mentioning.

The buttons titleLabel property returns an optional UILabel, that means it's possible that the button doesn't have a titleLabel.
var titleLabel: UILabel? { get }
If you don't set a title to the button, then the button doesn't have a titleLabel property, the iOS framework adds the titleLabel only if the button has a title, I think this happens to reduce memory.
This is why you have to put the "?" (is called optional chaining you can read about it here in that line, but this usually get auto completed by Xcode itself.

Kirsteins answers it correctly but misses one small detail
if your object can be nil (optional) you need to check first if it exists to then access its value, like this:
if let text = theButton.titleLabel?.text {
but you can also ignore the if and just call it like this:
let text : String = theButton.titleLabel?.text
// If theButton.titleLabel don't exists then text will be nil
this happen if the IBOutlet was declared with ? but if you declare with ! that means you know that it could be nil, but you never want it to be nil, for a IBOutlet i prefer this approach since if the IBOutlet is not connected then maybe something is worn with my code.
#IBOutlet var theButton : UIButton!
// and get text value as
this will ensure theButton.titleLabel could be nil, but in this part of code it is required, hope this helps to understand the difference between optional (?) and optional required (!)


Force unwrapping (UITextField().text!) Not Crash .But (UILabel().text!) Crash

Check this please i need explain why texField.text! not crash and label.text! crash
And as we know UITextField has property open var text:String? and UILabel have open var text:String?
let texField = UITextField()
texField.text = nil
print(texField.text!) // not crash
let label = UILabel()
label.text = nil
print(label.text!) //crash
From the documentation of UITextField
var text: String? { get set }
This string is #"" by default.
From the documentation of UILabel
var text: String? { get set }
This property is nil by default.
Please note the subtle difference
As a general rule of thumb, you should never force-unwrap optional values like this.
You should use if-let or guard or any way provided by swift to handle optionals safely.
If a label has no text, then label.text will return nil.
However, if a text field has no text then textField will return "" (an empty string). That's why it will not crash if you force-unwrap the text property of a text field.
I'm not sure why it designed like this by Apple, but as I wrote above you should handle optionals safely.

IF Statement Incorrectly Evaluating to True when Using Optional Values in Swift

I have set up my view controllers so that they send a notification once their -viewDidLoad method is about to return. For example:
class MyViewController: UIViewController{
override func viewDidLoad() {
//Do Stuff
var notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter();
notificationCenter.postNotificationName("AViewControllerDidLoadNotification", object: self);
My AppDelegate class is listening for this notification and implementing the method shown in this picture.
In case the picture isn't loading, the method takes the notification sent by the view controllers as it's only argument and then tests whether the UIViewController's title property has a non-nil value. If the title property is non-nil it logs the title.
However, as you can see in the debugger panel, the title property of the view controller is nil and the if statement is still evaluating to true.
I am admittedly new to optional values. But I have recreated this situation in a swift playground and the if statement evaluates to false. Any ideas?
You've gotten yourself into rather an odd situation with your very peculiar use of the expression notification.object?.title, because notification.object is not, of itself, a UIViewController. It is an AnyObject.
Now, an AnyObject has no known properties, so it has no title and your expression, it would seem, should not even compile. But, by a special dispensation coming from certain oddities of Objective-C, you are in fact allowed to ask about an AnyObject's properties anyway. But when you do, the result is itself an Optional, because no such property might exist.
Thus, you are actually testing, not the value of a view controller's title property, but whether this unknown object has a title property in the first place; and if in fact it does have a title property at all, the value of that title property is double-wrapped inside that Optional.
To see this clearly, just test this (silly) code:
let n = NSNotification(name: "Howdy", object: "Hi")
let t = n.object?.title
Look at what type t is. It is not a String?; it is a String??. That's your double-wrapped Optional. This means that it would be an Optional-wrapping-a-String in case this object turns out to have a title property, but just in case, that value has itself been wrapped in an Optional.
Thus, your test doesn't do what you want it to do. To do what you want to do, just speak much more plainly and simply. You need to cast the object to a UIViewController first, and then examine its title. Like this:
func aViewControllerDidLoad(notification:NSNotification) {
if let vc = notification.object as? UIViewController {
if vc.title != nil {
// ...

Pass a Class (UILabel) with its properties through a function Swift

I am wondering if anyone knows how to (if possible) pass a UILabel through a function while being able to access and change its properties? Here's what I have:
func plusMinusChange(minus: UILabel, plus: UILabel) {
if (minus.hidden) {
} else {
And here's how I am calling it:
plusMinusChange(firstMinus, firstPlus)
I know this is probably really illogical but I want to give it a try anyways. If you were wondering, firstMinus and firstPlus are linked to UILabels on the storyboard.
Calls to methods (that is, funcs defined within a class or other type) require parameter labels for the second (and subsequent) parameter but not the first. If you want to change which labels are required at the call site, you change the declaration.
To require a label on the first parameter:
func plusMinusChange(#minus: UILabel, plus: UILabel) {
To require no label on the second:
func plusMinusChange(minus: UILabel, _ plus: UILabel) {
There is no need to use a conditional if there. You can use ! in front of the property to toggle its value as follow:
minus.hidden = !minus.hidden
plus.hidden = !plus.hidden

UILabel AutoResize Swift

I'm learning Swift, but I Have two "stupid" Problems.
the first, I'd like autosize my UILabel
The second, I have another UIlabel and I want to put name and surname in it's field
I tried with
#IBOutlet weak var title: UILabel!
title.text = currentPerson?.name+""+currentPerson?.surname
But I have this error
Value of optional type 'String?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use
"!" or "?" ?
Generally advised to ask 1 question per post so you get clear responses & don't mix topics, but...
In XCode storyboard "Attributes Inspector" you can change "Autoshrink" from "Fixed Font Size" to minimum font size or scale. Also change "Lines" from default 1 to 0. You'd also need to set some AutoLayout constraints to pin the label to superview or other elements in a way that will allow it to scale. Can't say more w/o seeing storyboard.
By using optional chaining to set the label text you're trying to set the label's .text property to an optional type String? instead of a String. Those aren't equivalent. An optional of type String? might contain a String, or it might be nil. The UILabel expects you to use a String instance, so it's complaining about the mismatch.
One approach is to explicitly check the optional value against nil:
if currentPerson != nil {
title.text = "\( \(currentPerson.surname)"
else {
title.text = ""
Swift's optional binding is similar to the first option, but you create a temporary constant and can reference its properties. If currentPerson is not nil, then the if block executes.
// current convention would be to use "currentPerson" on both sides, which can be confusing. The left side is a temporary constant & the right side is the optional property you've declared somewhere above
if let aPerson = currentPerson {
title.text = "\( \(aPerson.surname)"
else {
title.text = ""
Alternatively, as the error message suggests, you could Force Unwrap the optional value to access the name properties:
title.text = currentPerson!.name + " " + currentPerson!.surname
This assumes that currentPerson is never nil. If it is nil, your app will crash here.
Also note you can concatenate using + and " " or with string interpolation.

Strange behaviour when naming variable in lowerCamelCase

I came across a strange behaviour in Swift while programming a Master-Detail application.
Here's the scenario:
It's a simple Task Manager application. I have two text controls (TaskName, TaskDescription) on the TaskDetailView and two string variables with the same name but in lowerCamelCase (taskName, taskDescription) declared in the TaskDetailViewController.
#IBOutlet var TaskName:UITextField! //UpperCamelCase
#IBOutlet var TaskDescription:UITextView! //UpperCamelCase
var taskName:String? //lowerCamelCase
var taskDescription:String? //lowerCamelCase
I am setting the values of Text controls on ViewDidLoad() as usual:
override func viewDidLoad() {
TaskName.text = taskName
TaskDescription.text = taskDescription
And I am passing the data in prepareForSegue (from TaskListViewController) as usual:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue!, sender: AnyObject!) {
if(segue.identifier == "TaskListSegue"){
let detailViewController = segue.destinationViewController as ToDoTaskViewController
let (task, desc) = m_ToDoListManager.GetTask(TaskListView.indexPathForSelectedRow().row)
println("selected \(task) \(desc)")
detailViewController.taskName = task
detailViewController.taskDescription = desc
The way everything is implemented is correct.
But now when you run the application, the values of text controls are not set.
In fact, the values of the variables also are not set.
What must be happening here?
I have already investigated this problem and also came up with a solution (see my answer below). Please also see Martin R's answer below for a detailed explanation. I just wanted to share this with everyone. I am not sure if anyone has come across this issue.
Here's the actual code:
Here is an explanation:
Your Swift class is (ultimately) a subclass of NSObject.
Therefore the properties are Objective-C properties with getter and setter method.
The name of the setter method for a property is built by capitalizing the first
letter of the property name, e.g. property "foo" has the setter method setFoo:
As a consequence, the setter method for both properties TaskName and taskName is called setTaskName:.
In an Objective-C file, you would get a compiler error
synthesized properties 'taskName' and 'TaskName' both claim setter 'setTaskName:' - use of this setter will cause unexpected behavior
but the Swift compiler does not notice the conflict.
A small demo of the problem:
class MyClass : NSObject {
var prop : String?
var Prop : String?
let mc = MyClass()
mc.prop = "foo"
mc.Prop = "bar"
println(mc.prop) // bar
println(mc.Prop) // nil
In your case
TaskName.text = ...
sets the "taskName" property, not the "TaskName". The properties have different type,
so that the behavior is undefined.
Note that the problem does only occur for "Objective-C compatible" properties. If you remove the
NSObject superclass in above example, the output is as expected.
Conclusion: You cannot have two Objective-C properties that differ only in the
case of the first letter. The Swift compiler should fail with an error here (as the
Objective-C compiler does).
The problem you were facing with was not connected to the swift language. Method prepareForSegue is called before loadView. That mean UITextField and UITextView are not initialized yet. That's why fields were not initialized.
You also asked: Why compiler doesn't show any error? That's because any selector performed on nil object doesn't throw an exception. So for example (sorry for obj-c):
UITextField *tf = nil;
[tf setText:#"NewText"];
Will not show any error.
As you said on your own answer to solve your problem you need to add additional fields to your destination controller (copy-paste):
var tAskName:String? //cUstomCamelCase
var tAskDescription:String? //cUstomCamelCase
Why is it happening?
I believe that internally Swift is using lowerCamelCase for text controls names which are not yet initialized and thus failing to set the values. But it is also strange that I didn't get any kind of error.
How did I solve it?
I know that the Swift is case-sensitive. So that was not the issue. So I just changed the case of one letter and named the variables as (tAskName, tAskDescription) and the values were set as expected.
#IBOutlet var TaskName:UITextField! //UpperCamelCase
#IBOutlet var TaskDescription:UITextView! //UpperCamelCase
var tAskName:String? //cUstomCamelCase
var tAskDescription:String? //cUstomCamelCase
So the conclusion is that if I have a control named TaskName, I cannot have a variable named as taskName
