How do I present the UIPickerview to a user in my app? - ios

I have a universal app that requires two text inputs to display a list of options to choose from. I believe the UIPickerView is the best thing for this. However when I display it on the app it does not look good. Is there a standard practice on how this element should be presented ?

Solved by dynamically creating the picker and assigning the picker to a text element.


Append custom UIMenuItems at the beginning of UIMenuController iOS

I have implemented a custom UIMenuController with two aditional options besides the ones that are set by default in iOS (cut, copy, look up, share). I want to keep these standard options, but I want them to appear after my two custom items, does anyone know how to achieve this in an efficient way? Thanks in advance.
The UIMenuController documentation says:
Custom items appear in the menu after any system menu items.
So there is probably no approved way around that. It appears to be baked in functionality.

Is there a way to get array of all possible keyboards

I'm working on dictionary and trying to give user possibility to choose keyboard he gonna use. Is there a way to get array of system keyboards just like in Settings>General>Keyboard>Keyboards>Add New Keyboard... ?
Question wasn't correct at all. There's no need in getting list, because there's no way to change keyboard language programatically. Instead founded this solution:
Change Language in the app programmatically
And here is list of languages suppored in IOS:

Spinner in iOS, like in Android

I am very first time developing the Spinner in iOS.
I searched a lot for default Spinner view in iOS, but failed.
What I get is, two ways to design spinner like view in iOS.
Custom TableView which will be displayed on Click of DownArrow Button
I found the tutorial for UIPickerview.
But There are some OS orientation for this,
Means I want the UIPickerview in different Look & feel with selection style, also Scrolling of picker is not as I want.
So I was thinking to go for second options.
But Is there any other superior way to achieve this task,
As I think the second option is GOOD, but NOT BEST.
What I want is like the image below, its from Android,
I want to go for the same in iOS.
Thanks for help..
I think what you are looking is here
But I use RMPickerViewController which is more powerfull.

Presenting choices to user in iOS app

I am writing an iPhone app. My next step is to create a card object. I know how to do this theoretically, but my problem is coming from my lack of experience in Xcode.
This is my add item page
I want the user to specify a name and then choose an icon, either from the 3 most popular choices, another page of premade options, or take their own picture and use that.
Now, how do I show those choices in a way that the user can select one and I can collect their response? Right now, they are simply buttons, I can add my background image to them, but I don't know how to record their response. I would like it to show them their selection by adding that shadow around the box.
I'm not sure if a button is the best approach.
Also, I will need the same selection behavior for the image they take themselves, but I figure if I get the icon choices to work, I can figure out using a picture taken by the user.
Thanks for any help.
I would create button "Select image" below the uiimageview.
This button would present action sheet where you would have two options
a) select form existing
b) take a picture.
Then I would probably use Grid view to present the existing icons and UIImagePicker for taking pictures :)

iOS autocomplete feature

What most people mean by autocomplete is that the app has a textview/searchbar/whatever which accepts user input. Attached to this component is a tableview which keeps updating based on the user input. This is a well researched topic and is now relatively easy to implement thanks to the UISearchDisplay controller.
Now here is what I want. When the user is typing in some text in the UISearchBar, there will be no searchdisplaycontroller. Instead, I want the app to do something like Google Instant on desktops. That is, if I type "Goog", the searchbar should show Goog*le. So the suggestion "le" should be in a lighter font than the rest of the user input string Google. So I don't want an auto-suggest feature, I want an autocomplete feature.
Any ideas on how I can do this?
Alternatively, you can use this UITextField subclass (inspired by DOAutocompleteTextField):
It's got a few more features and is actively developed. The example shows you how to use an array as the data source for the autosuggest text.
I haven't tried it but here's a control that appears to do what you're asking for:
