Kafka Monitoring JMX Attributes Count or MeanRate? - jmx

I have configured jmxtrans to get the values from "kafka.server":type="BrokerTopicMetrics",name="AllTopicsMessagesInPerSec"
It has 3 attributes- Count , OneMinuteRate, MeanRate
I am confused to identify, which of these attributes gives the "Number of Messages into the Broker Per Sec"?
Sample values I got for these attibutes at an instance are
Count =1955600, MeanRate = 1036 , OneMinuteRate=2643
Which of these attributes should I refer to?

That will be MeanRate.
OneMinuteRate - means average value of MeanRate for last 60 seconds


[Google Data Studio]: Can't create histogram as bin dimension is interpreted as metric

I like to make a histogram of some data that is saved in a nested BigQuery table. In a simplified manner the table can be created in the following way:
id int,
pagename STRING>>
INSERT INTO Sessions (id, hits)
( 1,[STRUCT('A'),STRUCT('A'),STRUCT('A')]),
( 2,[STRUCT('A')]),
( 3,[STRUCT('A'),STRUCT('A')]),
( 4,[STRUCT('A'),STRUCT('A')]),
( 5,[]),
( 6,[STRUCT('A')]),
( 7,[]),
( 8,[STRUCT('A')]),
( 9,[STRUCT('A')]),
and it looks like
and so on for the other ids. My goal is to obtain a histogram showing the distribution of A-occurences per id in data studio. The report for the MWE can be seen here: link
So far I created a calculated field called pageviews that evaluates the wanted occurences for each session via SUM(IF(hits.pagename="A",1,0)). Looking at a table showing id and pageviews I get the expected result:
table showing the number of occurences of page A for each id
However, the output of the calculated field is a metric, which might cause trouble for the following. In the next step I wanted to follow the procedure presented in this post. Therefore, I created another field bin to assign my sessions to bins according to the homepageviews as:
WHEN pageviews = 0 OR pageviews = 1 THEN "bin 1"
WHEN pageviews = 2 OR pageviews = 3 THEN "bin 2"
According to this bin-defintion I hope to obtain a histogram having 6 counts in bin 1 and 4 counts in bin 2. Well, in this particular example it will actually have 4 counts in bin one as ids 5 and 7 had "null" entries, but never mind. This won't happen in my real world table.
As you can see in the next image showing the same table as above, but now with a bin-column, this assignment works as well - each id is assigned the correct bin, but now the output field is a metric of type text. Therefore, the bar-chart won't let me use it (it needs it as dimension).
Assignment of each id to a bin
Somewhere I read the workaround to create a selfjoined blend, which outputs metrics as dimension. This works only by name: my field is now a dimension and i can use it as such for the bar-chart, but the bar chart won't load and shows a configuration error of the data source, which can be seen in this picture:
bar-chart of id-count over bin. In the configuration of the chart one can see that "bin" is now a dimension. The chart won't plot, however, as it shows a data configuration error (sorry for the German version of data studio).

Find nodes with 3+ occurrences in a 10 minute period

I have a list of nodes with a startTime property. I need to determine if the list contains a clump of 3 or more nodes with a startTime within 10 minutes of each other. I don't need to get the nodes that are in the clump, I just need a boolean indicating the existence of such a clump.
I am at a loss, everything I have tried fails so badly that it is not worth posting them.
I feel that I am missing something easy.
This should be doable.
First you'll need to collect the startTimes, order them, and collect them.
From there, you'll need to get the relevant pairings (each entry, and the entry 2 indices ahead for the end of the duration) that will comprise a group of 3, then see if the start times of that pair occur within 10 minutes of each other.
Assuming for the sake of example :Event nodes with a startTime property, you might use this query to get the results you want:
MATCH (e:Event)
ORDER BY e.startTime ASC
WITH collect(e.startTime)[1..] as times
WITH times, range(0, size(times) - 3) as indices
RETURN any(index in indices WHERE times[index + 2] <= times[index] + duration({minutes:10}))

Write Cypher query to display temperature values till it reaches set temperature

I have about 200,000 rows of 24 hour data as follows:
I can use the query to create a room node with time, roomtemp, and set temp as properties. Moreover, I can also, define the relationship of each room with its corresponding temperatures.
Now, I need to find:
all rows that show an update/increase/decrease from initial temperature till set temperature for all rooms. e.g. based on above data, I need:
Here I have discarded 5th row data as 16 was repetitive and showed no update(increase or decrease) in temp value. The temperature values continued till it reached set temperature '18'.
I can manually create the temperature states by giving its values one by one, but I am unsure how to MERGE the above requirement into the graph using Cypher.
Can I utilize any other programming language to obtain same results using Neo4j in conjunction?
Do I have to utilize in-graph time-tree for this scenario? Can I retrieve my results without creating a time tree?
Filter temparature by room and date (which can also be a date-node)
Sort by time
Collect into a list
Filter by differences in two subsequent temperatues
Turn list into rows
Here is a query that does this:
MATCH (r:Room)<-[:TEMP]-(t:Temparature)
WHERE t.time STARTS WITH "2016-01-01"
AND t.temp < room.temp ADN t.temp > {initial}
WITH t ORDER by t.time ASC
WITH collect(t) temps
WITH [idx in range(0,size(temps)-2) WHERE temps[idx].temp <> temps[idx+1].temp | temps[idx] ] as filtered
UNWIND filtered as t

neo4j REST 'Server got itself in trouble'

I am running a very basic test to check my understanding and evaluate neo4j REST server (neo4j-community-1.8.M07). I am using Neo4j Python REST Client.
Each test iteration starts with a random strings for the source node name and the destination node name. The names contain only letters a..z and numbers 0..9 (oddly enough, I never got it to fail if I use A..Z and 0..9). The name may be from one char to 36 chars long and there are no repeating chars. I create 36 nodes, where the 1-st node name is only one char long and the 36-th node name has 36 chars. Then I create relations between all nodes. The name of each relation is the concatenation of the source node name and the destination node name. The final graph has 37 nodes (1 reference node and 36 nodes with names from one char to 36 non-repeating chars) and 1260 relations. Before each test iteration I clear the graph, so that it has only one (the reference) node.
The problem is that after several successful iterations neo4j REST server crashes:
Error [500]: Internal Server Error. Server got itself in trouble.
Invalid data sent
The query that crashes the system can be different - here is an example of a query_string that caused a problem:
START n_from=node:index_faqts(node_name="h"),
n_to=node:index_faqts(node_name="hg2b8wpj04ms")CREATE UNIQUE
n_from-[r:`hhg2b8wpj04ms` ]->n_to RETURN r
self.cypher_extension.execute_query( query_string )
I spent a lot of time trying to find a trend, but in vain. If I did something wrong with the queries none of the tests would ever work. I have observed crashes for number of successful test cycles between 5 and 25 rounds.
What might be causing neo4j REST server to crash?
P.S. Some details...
The nodes are created like this:
self.index_faqts[ "node_name" ][ p_str_node_name ] =
self.gdb.nodes.create( **p_dict_node_attributes )
Just in case - before issuing the query to create a new relation I check the graph to make sure that the
source and the destination nodes exist. That check never failed.
You are using too many relationship-types, currently the limit is at 32k. Might be patched in Neo4j if you have a valid use-case.

YQL sample query returns max 260 results

I am following YQL sample query
select * from local.search(500) where query="sushi" and location="san francisco, ca"
but I get 260 max count instead of 500. I tried also to use limit 500 after 'where' and different keywords, always get maximum 260 results. How do you increase it?
The underlying API that the local.search table uses (Yahoo! Local Search Web Service) has restrictions on the number of results returned.
The results parameter (the number of results "per page") has a maximum value of 20.
The start parameter (the offset at which to start) has a maximum value of 250.
Since you ask for the first 500 results, YQL makes multiple queries against the Local Search API returning 20 results at a time. Therefore the start values are 1, 21, 41, ... 241. This brings back 260 results, as you have seen.
Since the YQL query asks for more results, the next start value is tried (261) which is beyond the allowed range so the underlying service returns an error (with the message "invalid value: start (261) must be between 1 and 250"). If you turn on "diagnostics" in the YQL console, you will see the "Bad Request" being returned.
Nothing you do to the query will bring back more results than the underlying service allows.
I figured out, I was missing paging number, so 0++ will work
select * from local.search(0,500) where query="sushi" and location="san francisco, ca"
