I wanna test an action which attaches an image. I use a rSpec request spec.
The image gets attached in real requests, but the rspec fails Why?
def update_logo
if params[:logo].present?
image = params[:logo]
if image && #current_user.logo.attach(image)
puts #current_user.logo.attached? # !!! results in TRUE !!!
render json: #current_user, status: :ok
it "attaches a logo" do
post update_logo_url,
params: { logo: fixture_file_upload(file_fixture('400x400.png'), 'image/png') },
headers: { "Authorization" => token_generator(user.id) }
expect(user.logo).to be_attached
expected `#<ActiveStorage::Attached::One:0x00007fb9f57a90e8 #name="logo", #record=#<User id: 1, name: "....210787000 +0000">>.attached?` to be truthy, got false
Other tests like ActiveStorage::Attachment.count works
So, this is "green":
it 'saves the uploaded file' do
expect {
}.to change(ActiveStorage::Attachment, :count).by(1)
Try reloading the user instance before checking the attachment:
expect(user.reload.logo).to be_attached
# ----------^^^^^^
You're pulling the user out of the database before the request is made. Then the controller method will create its own instance, add the attachment, and save everything. But the user in your test won't know about any of that. If you user.reload, user will be refreshed with the latest information from the database and user.logo should be attached.
I'm with the following problem:
Environment: Ruby: 2.3.1 and Rails
I'm trying to validate a datetime field with RSpec and Factory Girl.
I got this error:
expected: "2016-11-11 13:30:31 UTC" (From Factory Girl)
got: "2016-11-11T13:30:31.218Z" (From database)
My code:
klass_object = FactoryGirl.create(:character)
klass = Character
RSpec.shared_examples 'API GET #index' do |klass|
before { get :index, params: params, accept: Mime[:json] }
it "returns a list of #{klass.to_s.underscore.pluralize}" do
object_array = json(response.body)
klass_attributes = klass.attribute_names.without("id", "created_at", "updated_at").map(&:to_sym)
klass_attributes.each do |attribute|
object_array.each do |object|
expect(object[attribute].to_s).to eq(klass_object[attribute].to_s)
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :character do
marvel_id { Faker::Number.number(6).to_i }
name { Faker::Superhero.name }
description { Faker::Hipster.paragraphs(1) }
modified { Faker::Date.between(DateTime.now - 1, DateTime.now) }
factory :invalid_character do
id ''
name ''
marvel_id ''
modified ''
How can I correct this problem?
I did that, it works but I think it is not so good. There is a better way to do it?
object_array.each do |object|
if ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone == klass_object[attribute].class
expect(object[attribute].to_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")).to eq(klass_object[attribute].to_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
expect(object[attribute].to_s).to eq(klass_object[attribute].to_s)
Thanks for your help.
I can suggest you to change your approach to compare the results. You can use approach, which based on the idea of the golden master.
In according to this approach you take a snapshot of an object, and then compare all future versions of the object to the snapshot.
In your case you can write json fixture first time, check that json is correct and compare it with result json next time.
For example
"travel_time_seconds": 43200,
"available_seats_amount": 10,
"departure_at": "2016-04-08T02:00:00.000+03:00",
"arrival_at": "2016-04-08T17:00:00.000+03:00",
"source_point_name": "New York",
"destination_point_name": "Moscow",
"tickets_count": 2
RSpec.shared_examples 'API GET #index' do |klass|
before { get :index, params: params, accept: Mime[:json] }
it "returns a list of #{klass.to_s.underscore.pluralize}" do
verify(format: :json) { json(response.body).map {|o| o.except('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at' }
approvals gem, for example, can help you with that
I know this is a very old question but I just came across the solution to this today and couldn't find another answer. I've been using Faker too, but the Date/Time formats don't seem to work very well with Ruby time math without a lot of finagling.
However, if you use Time in your factory, and then convert it .to_i, it will get sent to the db in the correct format for comparison in rspec.
class CreateExperiences < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
create_table :experiences do |t|
t.datetime :start_date
FactoryBot.define do
when_it_started = Time.zone.now - rand(3000).days
factory :experience do
start_date { when_it_started.to_i }
RSpec.describe "Experiences API", type: :request do
let!(:valid_attributes) { attributes_for(:experience) }
describe "POST /v1/experiences" do
before { post "/v1/experiences", params: valid_attributes }
it "creates an experience" do
expect(JSON.parse(response.body).except("id", "created_at", "updated_at")).to eq(valid_attributes.stringify_keys)
Then my tests passed. Hopefully this will help someone else!
Try to use to_datetime instead to_s
expect(object[attribute].to_datetime).to eq(klass_object[attribute].to_datetime)
So I have a Request model (I know it's a terrible name), and 2 single inherited models TenantRequest and PropertyRequest. Now I have fixtures for all 3. So I wrote functional controller tests for my requests_controller and my tenant_requests_controller, which both work fine. But for some reason, my property_controller tests show me the following error for every setup:
1) Error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find Request with 'id'=298486374
test/controllers/property_requests_controller_test.rb:12:in `block in <class:PropertyRequestsControllerTest>'
This is the tenant_requests.yml:
title: This is the title of the tenant request
body: This is the body
user: regular
email: jim#retail.com
type: TenantRequest
contact_name: Jim
Here is my property_request.yml:
title: This is the title of the property request
body: This is the body for property
user: broker
email: sue#broker.com
type: PropertyRequest
contact_name: Sue
budget: 1234
city: New York
region: Manhattan
created_at: now
updated_at: now
status: open
company: Walmart
contact_position: Boss
contact_phone: 555-555-5555
squarefeet: 12345
broker: true
parking: true
onsite_tour: true
part_of_town: Downtown
time_to_reach: 7pm
budget: 1234
Here is the property_requests_controller_test:
require 'test_helper'
class PropertyRequestsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
setup do
#regular = users(:jim)
#broker = users(:sue)
#analyst = users(:kev)
#admin = users(:lin)
sign_in :user, #analyst
#myrequest = property_requests(:one)
test "should get index" do
get :index
assert_response :success
assert_not_nil assigns(:requests)
test "should get new" do
get :new
assert_response :success
test "should create request successfully" do
assert_difference('Request.count') do
post :create, request: { contact_name: 'Sue', body: 'this is the body', email: 'sue#broker.com', title: 'newly created property request', type: 'PropertyRequest' }
assert_redirected_to property_request_path(PropertyRequest.last)
If you need more information, please let me know and I can add it. Thank you,
According to this blog post, fixture files have a one-to-one relationship with database tables. There could be a conflict occurring from having files for each child class. Try placing all fixtures into requests.yml.
Your fixture file is named property_request.yml (singular), while you're calling property_requests(:one) (plural) in the test itself. The Rails Guides show fixture files given pluralized names, so I would rename the file to property_requests.yml to make them match and conform to Rails' conventions (and hope that's the issue).
I'm using scaffolding to generate rspec controller tests. By default, it creates the test as:
let(:valid_attributes) {
skip("Add a hash of attributes valid for your model")
describe "PUT update" do
describe "with valid params" do
let(:new_attributes) {
skip("Add a hash of attributes valid for your model")
it "updates the requested doctor" do
company = Company.create! valid_attributes
put :update, {:id => company.to_param, :company => new_attributes}, valid_session
skip("Add assertions for updated state")
Using FactoryGirl, I've filled this in with:
let(:valid_attributes) { FactoryGirl.build(:company).attributes.symbolize_keys }
describe "PUT update" do
describe "with valid params" do
let(:new_attributes) { FactoryGirl.build(:company, name: 'New Name').attributes.symbolize_keys }
it "updates the requested company", focus: true do
company = Company.create! valid_attributes
put :update, {:id => company.to_param, :company => new_attributes}, valid_session
expect(assigns(:company).attributes.symbolize_keys[:name]).to eq(new_attributes[:name])
This works, but it seems like I should be able to test all attributes, instead of just testing the changed name. I tried changing the last line to:
class Hash
def delete_mutable_attributes
self.delete_if { |k, v| %w[id created_at updated_at].member?(k) }
expect(assigns(:company).attributes.delete_mutable_attributes.symbolize_keys).to eq(new_attributes)
That almost worked, but I'm getting the following error from rspec having to do with BigDecimal fields:
-:latitude => #<BigDecimal:7fe376b430c8,'0.8137713195 830835E2',27(27)>,
-:longitude => #<BigDecimal:7fe376b43078,'-0.1270954650 1027958E3',27(27)>,
+:latitude => #<BigDecimal:7fe3767eadb8,'0.8137713195 830835E2',27(27)>,
+:longitude => #<BigDecimal:7fe3767ead40,'-0.1270954650 1027958E3',27(27)>,
Using rspec, factory_girl, and scaffolding is incredibly common, so my questions are:
What is a good example of an rspec and factory_girl test for a PUT update with valid params?
Is it necessary to use attributes.symbolize_keys and to delete the mutable keys? How can I get those BigDecimal objects to evaluate as eq?
Ok so this is how I do, I don't pretend to strictly follow the best practices, but I focus on precision of my tests, clarity of my code, and fast execution of my suite.
So let take example of a UserController
1- I do not use FactoryGirl to define the attributes to post to my controller, because I want to keep control of those attributes. FactoryGirl is useful to create record, but you always should set manually the data involved in the operation you are testing, it's better for readability and consistency.
In this regard we will manually define the posted attributes
let(:valid_update_attributes) { {first_name: 'updated_first_name', last_name: 'updated_last_name'} }
2- Then I define the attributes I expect for the updated record, it can be an exact copy of the posted attributes, but it can be that the controller do some extra work and we also want to test that. So let's say for our example that once our user updated his personal information our controller automatically add a need_admin_validation flag
let(:expected_update_attributes) { valid_update_attributes.merge(need_admin_validation: true) }
That's also where you can add assertion for attribute that must remain unchanged. Example with the field age, but it can be anything
let(:expected_update_attributes) { valid_update_attributes.merge(age: 25, need_admin_validation: true) }
3- I define the action, in a let block. Together with the previous 2 let I find it makes my specs very readable. And it also make easy to write shared_examples
let(:action) { patch :update, format: :js, id: record.id, user: valid_update_attributes }
4- (from that point everything is in shared example and custom rspec matchers in my projects) Time to create the original record, for that we can use FactoryGirl
let!(:record) { FactoryGirl.create :user, :with_our_custom_traits, age: 25 }
As you can see we manually set the value for age as we want to verify it did not change during the update action. Also, even if the factory already set the age to 25 I always overwrite it so my test won't break if I change the factory.
Second thing to note: here we use let! with a bang. That is because sometimes you may want to test your controller's fail action, and the best way to do that is to stub valid? and return false. Once you stub valid? you can't create records for the same class anymore, therefor let! with a bang would create the record before the stub of valid?
5- The assertions itself (and finally the answer to your question)
before { action }
it {
assert_record_values record.reload, expected_update_attributes
is_expected.to redirect_to(record)
expect(controller.notice).to eq('User was successfully updated.')
Summarize So adding all the above, this is how the spec looks like
describe 'PATCH update' do
let(:valid_update_attributes) { {first_name: 'updated_first_name', last_name: 'updated_last_name'} }
let(:expected_update_attributes) { valid_update_attributes.merge(age: 25, need_admin_validation: true) }
let(:action) { patch :update, format: :js, id: record.id, user: valid_update_attributes }
let(:record) { FactoryGirl.create :user, :with_our_custom_traits, age: 25 }
before { action }
it {
assert_record_values record.reload, expected_update_attributes
is_expected.to redirect_to(record)
expect(controller.notice).to eq('User was successfully updated.')
assert_record_values is the helper that will make your rspec simpler.
def assert_record_values(record, values)
values.each do |field, value|
record_value = record.send field
record_value = record_value.to_s if (record_value.is_a? BigDecimal and value.is_a? String) or (record_value.is_a? Date and value.is_a? String)
expect(record_value).to eq(value)
As you can see with this simple helper when we expect for a BigDecimal, we can just write the following, and the helper do the rest
let(:expected_update_attributes) { {latitude: '0.8137713195'} }
So at the end, and to conclude, when you have written your shared_examples, helpers, and custom matchers, you can keep your specs super DRY. As soon as you start repeating the same thing in your controllers specs find how you can refactor this. It may take time at first, but when its done you can write the tests for a whole controller in few minutes
And a last word (I can't stop, I love Rspec) here is how my full helper look like. It is usable for anything in fact, not just models.
def assert_records_values(records, values)
expect(records.length).to eq(values.count), "Expected <#{values.count}> number of records, got <#{records.count}>\n\nRecords:\n#{records.to_a}"
records.each_with_index do |record, index|
assert_record_values record, values[index], index: index
def assert_record_values(record, values, index: nil)
values.each do |field, value|
record_value = [field].flatten.inject(record) { |object, method| object.try :send, method }
record_value = record_value.to_s if (record_value.is_a? BigDecimal and value.is_a? String) or (record_value.is_a? Date and value.is_a? String)
expect_string_or_regexp record_value, value,
"#{"(index #{index}) " if index}<#{field}> value expected to be <#{value.inspect}>. Got <#{record_value.inspect}>"
def expect_string_or_regexp(value, expected, message = nil)
if expected.is_a? String
expect(value).to eq(expected), message
expect(value).to match(expected), message
This is the questioner posting. I had to go down the rabbit hole a bit in understanding multiple, overlapping issues here, so I just wanted to report back on the solution I found.
tldr; It's too much trouble trying to confirm that every important attribute comes back unchanged from a PUT. Just check that the changed attribute is what you expect.
The issues I encountered:
FactoryGirl.attributes_for does not return all values, so FactoryGirl: attributes_for not giving me associated attributes suggests using (Factory.build :company).attributes.symbolize_keys, which winds up creating new problems.
Specifically, Rails 4.1 enums show as integers instead of enum values, as reported here: https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl/issues/680
It turns out that the BigDecimal issue was a red herring, caused by a bug in the rspec matcher which produces incorrect diffs. This was established here: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/issues/1649
The actual matcher failure is caused by Date values that don't match. This is due to the time returned being different, but it doesn't show because Date.inspect does not show milliseconds.
I got around these problems with a monkey patched Hash method that symbolizes keys and stringifes values.
Here's the Hash method, which could go in rails_spec.rb:
class Hash
def symbolize_and_stringify
.delete_if { |k, v| %w[id created_at updated_at].member?(k) }
.map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v.to_s] }
Alternatively (and perhaps preferably) I could have written a custom rspec matcher than iterates through each attribute and compares their values individually, which would have worked around the date issue. That was the approach of the assert_records_values method at the bottom of the answer I selected by #Benjamin_Sinclaire (for which, thank you).
However, I decided instead to go back to the much, much simpler approach of sticking with attributes_for and just comparing the attribute I changed. Specifically:
let(:valid_attributes) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:company) }
let(:valid_session) { {} }
describe "PUT update" do
describe "with valid params" do
let(:new_attributes) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:company, name: 'New Name') }
it "updates the requested company" do
company = Company.create! valid_attributes
put :update, {:id => company.to_param, :company => new_attributes}, valid_session
expect(assigns(:company).attributes['name']).to match(new_attributes[:name])
I hope this post allows others to avoid repeating my investigations.
Well, I did something that's quite simpler, I'm using Fabricator, but I'm pretty sure it's the same with FactoryGirl:
let(:new_attributes) ( { "phone" => 87276251 } )
it "updates the requested patient" do
patient = Fabricate :patient
put :update, id: patient.to_param, patient: new_attributes
# skip("Add assertions for updated state")
expect(patient.attributes).to include( { "phone" => 87276251 } )
Also, I'm not sure why you are building a new factory, PUT verb is supposed to add new stuff, right?. And what you are testing if what you added in the first place (new_attributes), happens to exist after the put in the same model.
This code can be used to solve your two issues:
it "updates the requested patient" do
patient = Patient.create! valid_attributes
patient_before = JSON.parse(patient.to_json).symbolize_keys
put :update, { :id => patient.to_param, :patient => new_attributes }, valid_session
patient_after = JSON.parse(patient.to_json).symbolize_keys
patient_after.keys.each do |attribute_name|
if new_attributes.keys.include? attribute_name
# expect updated attributes to have changed:
expect(patient_after[attribute_name]).to eq new_attributes[attribute_name].to_s
# expect non-updated attributes to not have changed:
expect(patient_after[attribute_name]).to eq patient_before[attribute_name]
It solves the problem of comparing floating point numbers by converting the values to it string representation using JSON.
It also solves the problem of checking that the new values have been updated but the rest of the attributes have not changed.
In my experience, though, as the complexity grows, the usual thing to do is to check some specific object state instead of "expecting that the attributes I don't update won't change". Imagine, for instance, having some other attributes changing as the update is done in the controller, like "remaining items", "some status attributes"... You would like to check the specific expected changes, that may be more than the updated attributes.
Here is my way of testing PUT. That is a snippet from my notes_controller_spec, the main idea should be clear (tell me if not):
RSpec.describe NotesController, :type => :controller do
let(:note) { FactoryGirl.create(:note) }
let(:valid_note_params) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:note) }
let(:request_params) { {} }
describe "PUT 'update'" do
subject { put 'update', request_params }
before(:each) { request_params[:id] = note.id }
context 'with valid note params' do
before(:each) { request_params[:note] = valid_note_params }
it 'updates the note in database' do
expect{ subject }.to change{ Note.where(valid_note_params).count }.by(1)
Instead of FactoryGirl.build(:company).attributes.symbolize_keys, I'd write FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:company). It is shorter and contains only parameters that you specified in your factory.
Unfortunately that is all I can say about your questions.
P.S. Though if you lay BigDecimal equality check on database layer by writing in style like
expect{ subject }.to change{ Note.where(valid_note_params).count }.by(1)
this may work for you.
Testing the rails application with rspec-rails gem.
Created the scaffold of user.
Now you need to pass all the examples for the user_controller_spec.rb
This has already written by the scaffold generator. Just implement
let(:valid_attributes){ hash_of_your_attributes} .. like below
let(:valid_attributes) {{ first_name: "Virender", last_name: "Sehwag", gender: "Male"}
Now will pass many examples from this file.
For invalid_attributes be sure to add the validations on any of field and
let(:invalid_attributes) {{first_name: "br"}
In the users model .. validation for first_name is as =>
validates :first_name, length: {minimum: 5}, allow_blank: true
Now all the examples created by the generators will pass for this controller_spec
In debt management app I test the behavior, when user borrow money (create expense_debt) and then return them (create income_debt), app updates expense_debt.returned to true.
My debt_rspec.rb:
require 'rspec'
describe Debt do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
let(:expense_debt) { FactoryGirl.build(:expense_debt, user: user) }
let(:income_debt) { FactoryGirl.build(:income_debt, user: user) }
subject { income_debt }
it 'update expense_debt.returned' do
expect(expense_debt.returned).to be_true
This test fails, but in development everything works ok.
Then I've found that expense_debt and Debt.first has different values of returned. And if I rewrite test to:
it 'update expense_debt.returned' do
expect(Debt.first.returned).to be_true
it passes.
I can't understand, why they are not the same.
# This is expense_debt
#<Debt id: 1, ..., returned: false, ...>
# And this is Debt.first
#<Debt id: 1, ..., returned: true, ...>
Can somebody explain this behavior of RSpec?
may be it is using the cache version. Try this
expect(expense_debt.reload.debt_returned).to be_true