Lua Script to insert 100000 random keys on redis [closed] - lua

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to test this on some redis instances.
Is there a way to do it?

for i = 1, 100000, 1 do"SET", "ZzZ_MYKEY_ZzZ_"..i.."key", i)
return "Ok!"
Save this as redis_load.luaand execute with redis-cli --eval redis_load.lua

Redis' Lua scripts (try to) prevent you from doing random writes, the reason being that it would break replication. While arguably there ways to work around that restriction, you really shouldn't :) Instead of try to Lua your way, consider using redis-benchmark (or memtier-benchmark) to populate your database with random values.
That said, if this is a once off, you could generate the keys with Lua. Further more, with v3.2's new effect-based replication you can even do really random stuff.


This program is a combination of stacks queue and linked list [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I do not know how to solve this question and I have a deadline for this assignment can you please help me solving it:
The car names are saved in a linked list. The customer orders are saved in the queue. You should take order from the beginning of the queue and search for it in the linked list, then delete it and put the sold car in the stack to be able to retrieve the last sold car.
The program must be written in C language
As you didn't share your attempt (your code) in your post, here I am sharing the pseudocode for this problem. You should write your own code to solve your assignment.
ProcessOrder(LinkedList<CarDetails> ll, Queue<Order> Q, Stack<Order> S):
Order currentOrder =
CarDetails cd = findAndDeleteFromLinkList(ll, currentOrder.car_name)
Now to write the code by your own, you can use the following resources:
How to use the STL stack in C++
Stack Implementation in C
How to Use C++ STL Queue with an Example Program
How To Implement Queue in C?
C function to find and delete a node from a singly linked list

is one hot encoding is free of the dummy trap [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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there is a thing called dummy trap in one hot encoder that is when we encode the categorical column with 3 categories lest say a,b,and c then with one hot encoder we get 3 categories like or columns a, b ,and c but when we use get_dummies we get 2 columns instead a, and b then it is save from dummy trap. is one hot encoding exposed to dummy trap or it takes care of it . am i right? which one is save of dummy trap? or is it ok to use both with our removing columns, iam using the dataset for many algorithms.
looking for help . thanks in advance.
OneHotEncoder cannot process string values directly. If your nominal features are strings, then you need to first map them into integers.
pandas.get_dummies is kind of the opposite. By default, it only converts string columns into one-hot representation, unless columns are specified.

Why is everything a tuple in swift? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So I found out that any variable or constant in swift is a tuple. For example, variable x below is a tuple
var x = 15
and following statement is valid and evaluates to value of x as the first element of tuple
x. // outputs 15
I'm wondering why the language has been built to accommodate this. Any known (or outworldly) use case?
I don't know can it be the right answer, but it gives some information and shows that it's a known thing. Look this 2 sections:
Special: The 1-Tuple
Bonus Track: Tuples All the Way Down

How to insert charactor like "don't" in Sqlite in ios [closed]

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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am inserting some keyword like Don't , has'nt in Sqlite which is not inserted.any one have idea about it.
Use ' as escape character and insert it like this:
A single quote within the string can be encoded by putting two single quotes in a row - as in Pascal
In case you are using an API to connect with Sqlite, instead of manipulating the original string a better approach would be to use sqlite3_bind_text() function to bind a value to a ? placeholder in the SQL. Thanks to #Rob for pointing this out.

extracting data from docx files in python [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to extract data from a word document with extension docx. This document contains a table. I want to fetch the data from each column and row of the table.
then I would like to process the data and insert it into an Excel file under their respective fields.
Can anyone please guide me how to do this in python.
I am using python3 on windows 7. (Might also want to run this code on windows sever 2003).
Any help will be much appreciated.
Try something like:
import win32com.client as w32c
Word = w32c.Dispatch("Word.Application")
for t_cnt in range(tables.Count):
for r_cnt in range(table.Rows.Count):
for c_cnt in range(row.Cells.Count):
ALT+F11 and F2 on a Word doc will show VBA objects... In Perl the above procedure is better documented.
Reading and writing to Excel is well supported by Python3's packages xlrd3 and xlwt3
