Make changes to app w/o update - ios

I was wondering how it works to make changes to an app without re-uploading the binary and go through the whole process again. I have got an example for it:
The developer of Whatsapp made changes to his app twice already, just today for the second time. This "update" included the blue indicators which show wether the chat-partner read your message or not. The 1st time I noticed changes to the app without an update was when he introduced voice messages.
Does anyone have an idea how this works?

You can use Google Tag Manager to make simple tweaks to your app without having to update the entire app. Here is an overview of how it can work (I've used this on Android apps)

Suppose your app's interface is supplied in whole or in part from a server - i.e., it's really a web view showing HTML that you are serving. Then you can just change the code on the server.


How to automatically bring the url (share-link of share api) of the corresponding app page to the clipboard when a screenshot is detected

literally, I need to know how to automatically bring the url (share-link of share api) of the corresponding app page to the clipboard when a screenshot is detected..
I'm not sure the store allow my app.. but I really want to know it is technically possible
I tried this using Android broadcast receive, and talked with many senior programmer.
But everytime I asked, they were so pessimistic.
I just know how it works in technically.

Will my app update automatically or will user need to update the app when the code is updated?

I am creating a weather app and want to give local warnings to people through an app. I want to be able to give up to date warnings, but I am wondering: does updating information in Xcode get automatically pushed to the devices or will it need an update every time I put new information in?
If I understand your question correctly - you have an app, which warns people about some unexpected weather conditions?
You basically have two options:
Do a code push to your app every time you do a change. This is not supported by default in Swift and Xcode, and can only be done via some third-party integration or framework (e.g. React Native), and is generally a hard thing to implement.
Setup a back-end server and link it with your app, so the new information is downloaded from this back-end server dynamically.
The only suitable and easy thing to do for your use case seems to be option 2.

Without publishing the app on appstore, how to push updates for my iOS application?

After publishing the app on appstore, is there a way to push the changes in the view/layout, also the underlying functionality of the settings screen(or any other screen) without having user to update the app from app store.
No , there is no way to accomplish this you have to create and upload a new build for every view/layout update , your issue is possible if you previously embed that logic inside the uploaded version and dynamically do this according to server responses which is not a recommended way
Think of it this way: There are many, many apps that download changing data and display it in a tableview or collection view. Different text, images, etc. That is, in effect, changing the app without submitting an update.
Depending on what exactly you want to do, it may be fairly straight-forward or it may be complex.
For example, you may have a section of code that lays out an "options" screen, and you decide to add a new option. Your app could connect to a server, download a "configuration" file, and then have your code re-layout the screen as needed.
So, sure, it's possible - you just need to plan ahead and code your app for that flexibility.
One note, however: if you're thinking of significant changes to your app's design and/or functionality, you may run into issues with Apple's guidelines. For example, don't use that idea to try and "get around" having your app rejected for inappropriate content (such as having a "hidden" gambling section that would only be revealed after the app has been published).

How to test in simulator?

I'm scratching my head how I'm supposed to test my integration on simulator.
For link generation, I'm using the Javascript/web SDK instead of the iOS SDK. When you click a button to 'view content in app' on my landing page, it will generate the link and follow it.
All this works just great, but when I open the jump page in the simulator, it never actually attempts to open the local app on the phone which has the same bundle identifier.
I would guess this might be because the current app store URL box is blank (because it doesn't exist yet)... but I am not sure how I'm supposed to test if it works if I can't get the deeplink to trigger it locally.
Not exactly ideal, but if you're just trying to pass in static params to your app through a Branch link and test your app's implementation of them in the simulator, you can just hardcode them in the Branch initSessionWithLaunchOptions:andRegisterDeepLinkHandler: block. This block is called every time the application becomes active again (i.e., if it's backgrounded) and on application start, even if it's used in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:.
The Branch handler block passes in a params dictionary, which you can either override (they'll be nil or just contain a few keys, if the block wasn't called from a tapped link) or just create your own to pass into your app.
This obviously doesn't work for testing desktop web site redirects or App Store downloads (or for many other use cases for Branch), but if you just wanted to test redirecting into specific views for your app from a clicked link (or in my case, how a dynamically generated view would look on a 4S when I didn't have a 4S available to test on), it gets the job done.
#Tallboy, unfortunately a simulator is not fit for testing deep links for two reasons:
there is no App Store on the simulator, so you cannot see true redirect behavior
the simulator does not support Universal Links
You're absolutely right -- you can click the link then manually open the app. In this case, we use our "deferred deep linking" mechanisms to determine that link was previously clicked. That method is discussed in our documentation here.
If you have questions about any of this, please ask. You can also reach the Branch team via
I did this by using the Reminders app, create a new list, add that url as new item in that list, then click/tap that link in that item. It should open your app. :)
I found a work around for this problem. Just use any online note taking app from Safari. I've used googlekeep to create a new and pasted Branch url, then click/tap that link from there.

Calling a telephone number to download Android/iPhone app

Color App for Android and iPhone can be downloaded by calling a certain number (call **COLOR (**26567)). How exactly it works? I'm interested in both the way it redirects the user on the UI level as well as the technology used.
I understand that "**" is some kind of special prefix used it US - can it be done without this prefix (i.e. by calling an typical cellphone/stationary number)?.
I am posting this question here because I believe it is related to programming. I also cannot check it as I live outside US.
The answer below is from the Developers website:
I guess the computer-based answering machine records your number when you call it, and then sends out a text message with a direct link to the app. Quite simple and elegant solution.
How do I get Color?
The easiest way is to call *COLOR (*26567) from your device. You will instantly receive a text message with a link to download the app from the Apple App store or Android Market.
