Beginners guide for Mesos, Marathon, Docker Integration [closed] - docker

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am scratching my head, to figure out how the combination of docker, mess and marathon can help me in building my distributed application.
Application has a backend comprising of services processing client requests and returning json data, which is consumed by the fronted UI layer.Services need to be highly available and scalable. User interaction supported through REST and Web UI.
I would appreciate if some one can answer my following queries :
Any example/ebook/guide for building an application using all of the above?
Does mess/maraton offer built in support for clustering? or you need to use akka
clustering or netty within containers?
How load balancing works with mess/marathon?
is my application a good use case for these technlogies?


Design and architecture solutions to break a monolithic "NON web based local host application" [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am looking at pointers for design and architecture solutions to break a monolithic application. This application is a non-web, localhost application. How can I do this using Microservices, Kubernetes, Dockers? Are Dockers, Kubernetes and Microservices design patterns only applicable to Web-based apps?
Here is a good starting point describing patterns for refactoring monolith app to microservices.
It also contains two examples there with the same application: one being the monolithic and the same microservices based one so that you can see how exactly it was refactored into small pieces.
There is some good information around that question here:
Network applications, that you have the source code for, make ideal candidates. Web nicely fits into the model since it works on TCP/IP stack. There are other use-cases out there as well but don't fit naturally.

How to create a user/event tracking tool, backed by Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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are there any good references to start looking into building a simple but efficient tracking/event tool? Super simple version of a tool like Google Analytics. I am assuming this consist of two separate applications. One for the front-end which gets embedded into the client's website, and a back-end API to handle the events, queue, etc.
Preferred tools for the back-end for me is Rails.
I appreciate the help.
You'd be reinventing the wheel, but you'll need a javascript library to track the user and a rails API. Pretty much what you seem to know you need.
Here's the documentation on building a rails API:
Refer to the top answer here for the javascript module: User Activity Tracking or Logging with javascript

How can i deploy docker cluster for many instances via web interface? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a several instances of my application, like dev stand, test stand, demo stand and several production stands. My application is a cluster of microservices, packaged in docker container and managed by docker-compose. I need an ability to conveniently deploy some versions of application to several stands.
My question is: What tools should i pick for this feature? Ideally i want to have web interface which has one button “Deploy” for one stand and an input field for a version of my application.
We use Teamcity for building applications, and we can use it for continuous delivery, but i am looking for a more convenient and specialized tool.
We're using Octopus Deploy in our CI process for deployments (releases created by TeamCity) and we're really happy with this tool.
Although I'm not much into container/Docker things, but i saw that recently Octopus has implemented some features for Docker deployments so you could check that maybe. ;)

How and where do i start learning creating project with node, webpack, redux, react? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to make a web application with frontend of node, webpack, redux, react and backend with rails api project. I did't find any tutorial with all of these. I need some solution where i have to start learning and creating my project?
[There are lot of tutorial/ebooks/documentation separately of each part but i need a path with those part in a single tutorial or documentation]
And also want some tutorial how i can connect with rails api project and frontend project?
Node.js and Ruby on Rails are actually competing server side technologies. In ordinary cases you would like to use one or the other, but not both.
Please clarify.
Otherwise I would recommend Modern React with Redux for front end Web development and Learn and Understand Node.js for server side.

Website Monitoring Libraries [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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There has been some talk of Website performance monitoring tools and services on stackoverflow, however, they seem fairly expensive for what they actually do. Are there any good opensource libraries for automating checking/monitoring the availability of a website?
If you just want to know if your server is serving out content or not, take a look at Montastic. I use it, and am pleased. Plus its free!
It will ping your site periodically, and if it doesn't get a 200 status, it lets you know.
Intelligent website monitoring by simulating a human user is done with Sahi + OMD.
I have always used Zabbix especially for critical web sites. It uses MySql for the database and it has a PHP frontend. Of course it is open source and it is very flexible. It uses servers to stick data in the database and agents collect the data and send it to the servers. It is very scalable with this respect. I cannot recommend this software enough. I have all kinds of monitoring going on, not just web servers.
Check out as well.
