Autolayout for iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus - ios

I have been try a good solution for this problem... I have an app and this work perfect in iphone 4, and iphone 5, But in iphone 6 and 6 plus i don't know how made a good solution with autolayout.
the problem is: my app is a clone of a home screen, and i need that all the icons have the same position in all devices
I don't know how to let the space between the icons flexible
iphone 4 and 5
for iphone 6 should look like, but if it works for one does not work in another


iphone 5 UI Fonts and Images look blurry in iphone6 and iphone 6 plus UI

In my projects there are around 100 screens and I have made it for iPhone 5 UI, all are working and look proper in iPhone 5 UI and for iPhone 6 and 6 plus I am using same storyboard and auto scaling working for that. Issue I am facing that fonts and images which are scaled in iPhone 6 and 6 plus look slight blurry then it look in iPhone 5 UI. Is there any method or way where I can show font and images perfect for iPhone 6 and 6 plus UI as well using single storyboard which made in iPhone 5. If anyone have any solution to make it perfect please guide. screens are many, I do not want to create separate storyboard for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus as there are many screen in project. Help is very much appriciatable. Thanks.
Hi there,
Look at this post :
How to fix blurred text on an iPhone 6 (+)
First comment :
Is your app scaling or do you have native support for the larger iPhone 6/6+ screen sizes? – rmaddy
You can use 3x size images to display it proper in iPhone6 and 6+ and put it in Images.xcassets with new ImageSet
i.e. Dimensions 725 × 205 pixels for Resolution 72 pixels/inch (#3x size)

i am trying to get iPhone 6 screen size in simulator but it showing the wrong dimensions

Here u see the Width as 320 and Height as 568 but it is wrong because i am running in iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus simulators. Any one of you know why it happens like this. I Reset the simulator and tried there is no change.
This is for iPhone 6 Plus
This is for iPhone 6
Until you will not add the launch image for iPhone 6 and 6 plus it will not resize your views according to the iPhone 6 and 6 plus but it will return it as of iPhone 5.
It is because if your app is build on xcode 5 using the ios version less than 8.0, apple will take care and they will be scaled and stretched to fit them in iPhone6 and iPhone 6 plus. If you want to take advantage of new devices you will have to uadd launch images on your project. find the Question it will clear your doubt.

Why my iOS project work on both iPhone 5 and iPhone 6

I found out that the iOS app project I work on works on both iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 without adding any constraint. All the UI width is correct with the scale.
However, when I start a new project in Xcode 6, now the collection view cell, or view is not scaling automatically in iPhone 5 and 6, why is that?
it is most probably because you have specified a launch image with a fixed size for the iphone 5. So it will scale it for the iphone 6.

Bound iPhone App to 3.5 inch Frame in iPhone 5

Wrote an app for iPhone in 3.5 inch mode, and now - I need to make it work for iPhone 5 (4-inch retina).
I'm getting a little complicated with Auto-layouts and can't seem to make it work. Is there some way I can just bound the app to a 3.5 inch frame on an iPhone 5 in the middle of the screen (not with the ugly white space in the bottom I see now), and in that frame it would work like and iPhone 4?
I know it may not be the optimal solution, but I need to publish the app and for now it will do.
As the responses indicated - this should not be done.
I fought with the layouts until I made them fit 4 inch screens too. It's the only way to go.

iOS make universal app for iPhone 4 and 5

Quick question. For iOS in Xcode I want to make an app that looks good on the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 4. I am using story boards. All I know is when you click the button on the bottom of the storyboard page with the two arrows on both sides of an iPhone it changes the views of the app from 4 inch to 3.5 or vise versa. This usually makes it look messed up because if I made the app with an iPhone 5 screen it looks weird on the iPhone 4 screen. Preferably without using code and just using storyboards, how do I make an app that is universal for the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 5. Basically like making an app universal for the iPhone and iPad where there are 2 storyboards (one for the iPhone and one for the iPad) how do I do that for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 (one story board for the 4 inch screen and one for the 3.5 inch screen)?
Thank you
Use autolayouts to format your views.
Those arrows are only to simulate the view. They are not view holders.
