highcharts move a point using pixels - highcharts

I have the following chart as an example. I would like to move the points over B such that 1% is over the orange column, and the 2% is over the blue column. Is this possible?

The points are positioned according to the y value. So if you need increae position of it, you need to prepare another y values.

I managed to do this, but in a complicated way. I had to split the points into two series, use pointPlacement to move them to the correct place, and then use the renderer to draw custom lines!
Here is an example: http://jsfiddle.net/8datkr4m/


Highcharts - Pie inner circle size

I am using Highcharts [Pie] series
How can I add one more inner circle with depth as it has marked in pic 1?
Online Demo
What I am getting is:
To do this you need to have two series, each with type set to pie, then you can manipulate the look of the two pies with inner size.
Here is an example of your data with two pies, I made the inner size pretty wide so you can see what happens as you change it around.
JSfiddle Example
Good luck!

shinobi chart gridline end in data point instead of going all the way to the top of chart

I'm drawing a chart in an iOS app and I want the gridlines to start in the x axis but end in the data point instead of extending all the way up to the top.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
Disclaimer: I work for ShinobiControls
The shinobicharts framework doesn't currently support this as an out-of-the-box feature.
A workaround may exist though. You may be able to add your own gridline subviews by using the SChartAxis method pixelValueForDataValue: to work out where in the plot area coordinate space you should draw your vertical line up to for a given data point.
Once you have your coordinates there are various ways you could draw your gridlines:
Add a canvas view behind or in front of the chart (depending on what effect you want). Then use your coordinates to draw your gridlines using CoreGraphics or some other drawing technique.
Create individual UIViews that each represent a gridline using your coordinates and add these behind or in front of the chart.
One thing to be aware of with this technique is that the gridlines will not automatically update when you pan and zoom. In order to do this you will need to override one of the chart's delegate methods that notify you of range changes and update your drawn gridlines to match the new data point positions.
Another potential workaround could be to use a column series to mimic gridlines. If you create a column series and feed it the same data points as your original series this will result in columns that go up to the y-value of each data point. You could then use the property interSeriesSetPadding on SChartAxisStyle to cause the columns to appear very thin.
I hope that information is useful!

how to center highcharts at the middle

I have two axis in highcharts and I dont specify the range for either. Please see graph.
For some reason, series one from 201 to 206 is taking up the whole chart while series 2 which is only -2k to 2k is being squeezed to the bottom, thereby extending the range all the way to 30k which is totally unnecessary. I think highcharts by nature wants to not have any overlap but I want that. What I'd like is for the right series to be centered, in fact I want the right axis to be centered at 0 always and can grow unrestricted in either direction. I can't hardcode any of these since I have no idea what the values could be. So Series 1 on the left is ok, but I want the value 0 for series 2 to always start at the middle of the chart. Any way to achieve that?
Try to set alignTicks as false.

Coreplot: Axis Labels Fixed Location

I'm trying to customize a Coreplot graph in many ways I can and the next thing I would like to do is place the X Axis Labels (one that is custom as well) at the bottom of the graph, independent of the X axis' position (whether it's scrolled up or down).
To make it clear, it is similar to giving the labels an offset value of something like 50.0. But offset is not the property I'm looking for since it fixes the labels location relative to the X axis.
Any way this can be done? Or do I have to skip the axisLabels property and place and layer or something manually at the bottom of the graph?
EDIT: Alright, I managed to place an axis on the bottom with CPTConstraints. But it's not on the bottommost. If a plot point is on those levels, the plot line overlaps the labels. I tired padding of the graph but of course, it moves the whole graph, hence the issue persists.
Thanks in advance
Make a second x-axis. Have the first one draw the axis line, tick marks, etc., as normal but no labels. Label the second one and set all of the line style properties to nil so it doesn't draw any of the lines.
Turns out that aside from the graph, the plotAreaFrame property of the CPTGrpah also has paddings. If you give more paddings to plotAreaFrame than that of the graph, the plot will be drawn in a smaller frame and the rest of the graph area will be for you to add what you want (i.e., a second Axis).
Big thanks to #Eric, for trying to answer Every single CorePlot question as soon as possible.
CorePlot does have a lot of customisation than I thought.

Highcharts - multiple plot with the same x scale

I want to make a multiple plots with the x-axis aligned so that we can compare two set of data. I want it to look like this
In my case there are some addition requirement that some of the plot are lines and some are bar. So the default scale does not align even if the data range are the same.
I found some good suggestion about "stacking" the charts. It is a little bit complicated but a promising way to try.
However I also have other use case that may push the envelop of simple stacking. For example, I'd like to do scatter plot matrix sometime when both x-axis and y-axis have to align like this
Rather than putting many chart in one Highchart, this may requires have many separate charts but have better control in how the axis is layout.
If you want to use one one chart, you can use linkedTo option to connect axis.
If you want more simple charts, you can manage to connect axis using event afterSetExtremes, where you can call setExtremes() for another chart.
