Opening pdf data as image in rails views - ruby-on-rails

I have used Rails 4,
<%=image_tag(some_method_path), class: 'image-view' %>
controller method
def some_method
#label_image = Base64_incoded image hex
send_data #label_image, :type => 'application/pdf', :disposition => 'inline'
The image is not opening in view but it is opening as pdf if we run the url in window.
How to display the pdf as image in the div ?
Any help appreciated

As far as I understood, what you are trying to do is to render a preview into an image tag of a PDF document. However, this is not an automatic task, and your browser won't magically perform the conversion for you.
You need a library to render the PDF and capture a preview. This is not a Rails problem, it's a generic PDF conversion problem.
Note. This question is very similar to How to have pdf viewer in ruby


How to display the variant of an image with Active Storage in a JS box?

In my view, I can display my file attached to the model with Active Storage in a popup like this:
<%= image_tag #image.variant('small') %>
It's working well.
The problem is when I want to use a variant in the link:
<%= image_tag #image.variant('small') %>
The variant code used is:
The link seems to be good, but when I click the image, the image is not opened in my JS popup as before but opened in a new browser window. This is very strange.
I shortened the link.
Is-it a "content-disposition" issue ?
Well, this is what I did:
In my Image model, I added an action and used the rails_representation_url() method from url_helpers:
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers # need this for
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
def get_variant(version="high", disposition="attachment")
variant = file_variant(version)
return rails_representation_url(variant, only_path: true, disposition: disposition)
In my html, I can call my method with attachment disposition:
<a href="<%= #image.get_variant('high', 'attachment') %>" rel="example_group">
I can also download the image variant directly from my controller:
def download
redirect_to #image.get_variant('high', 'attachment')
If you want to only display the variant in the browser window, you can use 'inline':
redirect_to #image.get_variant('high', 'inline')
Not sure it's the best option, but it works.

Use PDF as an image Rails

I'm using paperclip to upload my images, in this instance i would like to use the pdf as an image and enable the user to have the option of downloading it. I upload my images to an S3 bucket.
Currently when trying to render the image it fails to load the given URL
<% for i in #timetable %>
<%= image_tag( %>
<% end %>
Whereas the exact same code works if the image type is png or jpeg for example
The HTML generated is
<img src="" alt="Timetable">
When putting the link in the url it renders but opens in a pdf reader
How would i go about getting it to open as an image? and also having the option to download
You can enforce the file format when specifying your styles, for example:
has_attached_file :photo,
:styles => {
:timetable => ['100x100#', :jpg],
this should create a preview image of the first page for you on upload. Be sure to run rake paperclip:refresh to regenerate your assets.

Raills app is sending a blank pdf

In my rails app I have a STATIC pdf here "../public/camp.pdf" visitors can download it, but when they do the file size is extremely small and the pdf wont open. I think my rails app is sending a blank pdf. Any ideas?
def download_1
send_data '/camp.pdf', :type => 'application/pdf', :filename => "camp.pdf"
<%= link_to 'PDF', home_download_1_path %>
EDIT: contents of the pdf is only this "/REGLAS_DE_CARBONO_MEXICO2.pdf"
The answer is to use an HTML5 download attribute:

Rails prawn gem - multiple dispositions?

I am using the prawn gem in Rails to generate a PDF. Currently I am using disposition: "inline" to render the PDF in the browser (and in my view: <%= link_to "PDF", product_path(#product, format: "pdf") %>. Is there any way that I can have multiple dispositions so that in my view I could have one link that renders the PDF in the browser and a separate link that will automatically download the PDF?
You can insert link as you've specified to render the .pdf, and call to a specific action of a controller, in which you have to send the .pdf as a file, for example with #send_file method:
send_file '/path/to.pdf', type: 'document/pdf'

rails: produce pdf and render it as image

I'm trying to produce a pdf and send it as a file, or, better, render it as an image in the browser, using imagemagick and wicked_pdf.
I'm able to send something, but it's not recognized as an image by the OS.
The pdf string is generated correctly, so I suppose the problem is in the image part
this is the code of my controller:
format.jpg do
#format = :pdf
pdfstr = render_to_string 'generated_graphics/tag.erb', :pdf => "tag", :layout => nil, :page_height => '38mm', :page_width => '129mm'
file ='foo')
file.write pdfstr
require 'RMagick'
pdf =
send_data pdf.write("myimage.jpg"), :type => 'image/jpg'
Take a look at imagemagick and rmagick plugin for ruby. This allows you to do all kinds of image conversions, including PDF to jpeg.
untested sample code:
require 'RMagick'
pdf ="doc.pdf")
if doc.pdf has 3 pages, this should output 3 images: myimage.jpg.0 myimage.jpg.1 myimage.jpg.2
take a look at the end of the documentation on this page, which shows
a similar example with a multi-frame gif converted to multiple PNGs
If your goal is to have an image I think you can skip the pdf stuff alltoghether, there's no sense of converting it first to pdf and then to image.
Have a look at IMGKit, it allows to generate an image from an html string.
