Convert NSInlineData to Nstring in ios - ios

i am trying to get a substring from a parent string. parent string is mac address of device available in a dictionary. But when i try to convert it it si giving me error as below "[_NSInlineData substringFromIndex:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance".
I just want to remove some of the chars from the parent string (here it is mac address like "<0001ui3 234563>" ) and get "ui3 234563".
// This is my nsdictionary.
advertisementdata = { kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1; kCBAdvDataLocalName = "test123"; kCBAdvDataManufacturerData = <00029r21 6y051rt2>; kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs = ( FFF0 ); kCBAdvDataTxPowerLevel = 0; }
// I want 9r216y051rt from kCBAdvDataManufacturerData;
NSString *str2;
str2=[advertisementData objectForKey:#"kCBAdvDataManufacturerData"];
NSString *str3;
str3=[str2 substringFromIndex:5];
// here I do not get the required 12 character string from str2 string.
get NSInlinedata error for all NSString method.

Note that iOS CoreBlueTooth advertisementData is binary NSData:
Documentation clearly states:
A NSData object containing the manufacturer data of a peripheral.
BTW, when you have a NSDictionary value type NSData*, you get the error by casting this NSData into a NSString*
// this is a bug!
NSString* str2=[advertisementData objectForKey:#"kCBAdvDataManufacturerData"];
To inspect the dictionary value try
NSData* advData = [advertisementData objectForKey:#"kCBAdvDataManufacturerData"];
Unfortunately, since this is binary, you need to interpret it according to the peripheral manufacturer data documentation. There is no easy way to transform this into a NSString*

Sounds like you have an NSData object, and you're trying to use an NSString method to access it. You can convert your NSData object using the callinitWithData: encoding:
Then apply the substringFromIndex call to your new NSString.

The point that you have NSInlineData and what you need is hexadecimal representation of data object.
First step should be to get a hexadecimal representation of data object's content in property list format.
NSData *datakCBAdvDataManufacturerData = [advertisementData valueForKey:#"kCBAdvDataManufacturerData"];
NSString *strmanufacturerData = datakCBAdvDataManufacturerData.description;
NSString *ChkStr = [strmanufacturerData substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(10, 8)];//depends upon your requirement.
unsigned int outVal;
NSScanner* scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:ChkStr];
[scanner scanHexInt:&outVal];
This outVal variable will contain value what you need.


NSString initWithBytes with openssl encrypted data returns nil with NSUTF8StringEncoding

I'm having an issue where I'm trying to create an NSString from encrypted data created by OpenSSL and I keep getting nil for the string.
The code that I'm using to encrypt and decrypt the data is taken from the following link
Now here is the code where I'm calling to encrypt my data ("aes_init" is of course called on my application init):
//-- encrypt saved data
int textLen = str.size();
char* buff = const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
EVP_CIPHER_CTX encryptCtx;
unsigned char *ciphertext = aes_encrypt(&encryptCtx,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buff),
NSString * nsstring = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ciphertext)
length:strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ciphertext))
[nsstring autorelease];
UIApplication* clientApp = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
AppController* appController = ((AppController *)clientApp.delegate);
[appController saveData:nsstring]; //--> crash at this line
I've tried different Encoding (NSASCIIStringEncoding and NSUnicodeStringEncoding) and they don't crash but the data is completely wrong after I decode.
Any ideas on how to solve this issue?
Thanks :)
Ciphertext, the output of an encryption function, should be indistinguishable from random. Meaning that any byte value can be generated, including byte values that do not map to characters. Hence it is needed to encode the ciphertext, for instance using base 64 encoding.

iOS NSString initwithbytes returns null

I have following snippet:
uint8_t* cipherBuffer;
size_t cipherBufferSize;
sanityCheck = SecKeyEncrypt(keyRef, kSecPaddingPKCS1, nonce, (size_t)sizeof(nonce)/sizeof(nonce[0]), cipherBuffer, &cipherBuffeSize);
NSString* encryptString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:cipherBuffer length:cipherBufferSize encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autoRelease];
Here, I always get nil for encryptString.
Any suggestion where I made mistake?
You assume that you are getting a result that is in valid UTF-8 format. That is very unlikely. NSString* is for text. Encrypted data is pure data, not text. To put the encrypted data into an Objective-C object, you probably want to use NSData.
The docs say:
If the length of the byte string is greater than the specified length a nil value is returned.
Have you double checked the length of cipherBuffer is equal to cipherBufferSize?

How to Convert NSValue to NSString

Some background... I am writing code that interacts with javascript via a ObjC-JS bridge utilizing UIWebView's stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:. The idea is that the "brains" of the app be in JS which tells Objective-C how to behave. There are multiple benefits to this like reduced binary size, flexible updates, etc. However, there is a case where there is some Objective-C only object that the JS needs to have a reference to (JS instructs ObjC when to use/remove the object). This is being done by placing the native object in a dictionary with a unique identifier which can be passed as a string to JS (over the bridge). My problem stems with coming up with a nice identifier for said native Objective-C object.
Thus, I am trying to convert a reference to an object to a string with no luck. This is what I have:
// anObject is a custom class
NSValue *handle = [NSValue valueWithPointer:(__bridge const void *)anObject];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithValue:handle];
NSString *stringHandle = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
The dataWithValue: function (taken from this SO post):
+ (NSData *)dataWithValue:(NSValue *)value {
NSUInteger size;
const char* encoding = [value objCType];
NSGetSizeAndAlignment(encoding, &size, NULL);
void* ptr = malloc(size);
[value getValue:ptr];
NSData* data = [NSData dataWithBytes:ptr length:size];
return data;
Walking through it in the debugger shows me a nil value for stringHandle:
What am I doing wrong?
What you're doing wrong is trying to treat an address as if it's a UTF-8 encoded string. An address -- or any other chunk of arbitrary data -- isn't very likely to be valid UTF-8 data. (If by chance it were, it still wouldn't be the string you expect.)
If you're trying to get a string containing the pointer value, i.e., the address of the original object, that's just [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%p", anObject];
If you really need to do it from the NSValue, then replace anObject with [theValue pointerValue].
If you want to pretty-print arbitrary data, see How to convert an NSData into an NSString Hex string?
You can get a string representation by calling the NSObject method "description". You can override the "description" method in a subclass if you need.
An NSValue of a pointer will be an object holding the 4 bytes of the 32-bit pointer. It will not hold any of the data pointed to in RAM.

Save Special Character/Swedish/German Characters in NSDictionary

I want to save special characters/german/swedish character in NSDictionary and have to post this data to server, but the data saved in the dictionary is converted to some other format as in console output. I am trying to save this string as different typecasts but not getting.
As NSDictionary's data type is generic, and while sending to POST its sent as in the modified format, I want to save this data in NSDictionary as it is, so that it can be sent in proper format to server and readable at server-end
My code is
NSString *playerName = #"Lëÿlã Råd Sölvê"; // dummy player name
NSLog(#"playerName: %#",playerName);
NSDictionary *postParameters = #{#"playerName1": playerName,
#"playerName2": [NSString stringWithString:playerName],
#"playerName3": [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[playerName UTF8String]],
#"playerName4": [NSString stringWithCString:[playerName UTF8String] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding],
#"playerName5": [[NSString alloc] initWithString:playerName],
#"playerName6": [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",playerName]};
NSLog(#"postParameters: %#",postParameters);
and output is
playerName: Lëÿlã Råd Sölvê
postParameters: {
playerName1 = "L\U00eb\U00ffl\U00e3 R\U00e5d S\U00f6lv\U00ea";
playerName2 = "L\U00eb\U00ffl\U00e3 R\U00e5d S\U00f6lv\U00ea";
playerName3 = "L\U00eb\U00ffl\U00e3 R\U00e5d S\U00f6lv\U00ea";
playerName4 = "L\U00c3\U00ab\U00c3\U00bfl\U00c3\U00a3 R\U00c3\U00a5d S\U00c3\U00b6lv\U00c3\U00aa";
playerName5 = "L\U00eb\U00ffl\U00e3 R\U00e5d S\U00f6lv\U00ea";
playerName6 = "L\U00eb\U00ffl\U00e3 R\U00e5d S\U00f6lv\U00ea";
How can I achieve this...
There is nothing wrong with your code.
What you are seeing is an artefact of NSLog and the description method - the former invokes the latter to obtain the textual representation of an object for output. For NSString the string is displayed using Unicode. However for NSDictionary contained strings are displayed using Objective-C Unicode character escape sequences, which have the form '\Uxxxx'.
To assure yourself all is OK you can use:
for (NSString *key in postParameters)
NSLog(#"%# -> %#", key, postParameters[key]);
and everything should display fine (except playerName4 where you mess the string up yourself).

how to encode NSData to string

I have a dictionary of NSData values where I am passing the different values into their variables that I later use to display in tableviewcells etc.
However I have some international characters that are not displaying correctly and I would like to encode the data I am passing to a NSString but I am not sure how to do it because of the circumstances.
This is what I am currently doing.
manString = [dict valueForKey:#"MAN"];
The dict contains all of the data that i am using. any help would be appreciated
You can do this:
NSString* string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[dict valueForKey:#"MAN"]
Where encoding should be a value from NSStringEncoding enum, you can find it in NSString.h, just choose encoding you need, usually it is NSUTF8StringEncoding, but I guess not in your case.
