Display long text in multiple UITextView - ios

I need to display articles with pictures or videos maybe later. I need to display this in multiple pages. User and swipe up and down to change page. The pages need to slide out and in. What are the good ways to do this? I did some research and have some thoughts with questions.
UITextview. Using one layout manager for each UITextview, it can decide how to separate the article into different pages. Then I need to put UITextview to different views. Add all the views to controller and slide in and out. Question with this approach: how do I know how many views do I need?
UIScrollView. How can it slide in and out?

I would prefer UIScrollView with Paging.
Here are a few examples
Example 1
Example 2


Implementing PageViewController in Swift

I can't seem to get a simple answer to this anywhere. I have a Page View Controller and similar lay-outs for all of the other view-controllers.
This is working without problems if I have one view-controller per view, but it seems very inefficient given that all the lay-outs are the same.
I've seen tutorials like this, but not for Swift. Is it possible to use a single view controller for all the pages and just switch out the text or images? If so, can you please explain how this is done?
All you have to do is make each page link to the same viewController and then dynamically change the content on each page based on the page number associated with it. You could easily have some elements that were hidden or diabled on certain views.

Xamarin.iOS ScrollView with the use of UIPageViewController, UIScrollView

I'm currently trying to implement a scroll interface the same as this https://developer.xamarin.com/samples/monotouch/FrogScroller/ but instead of scrolling images I want to scroll UIViews. I'm trying to reverse engineer this solution but it's proving difficult. Does anyone know of an example that already exists for this? Or can anyone suggest how best to achieve this UI? I would have thought this was a common UI, allowing the user to swipe to new screens.
Basically, my app will show a screen which has a list of images based on a subject. The user can swipe left to move to the next subject which swipes the screen along to show the next screen which lists the images about the next subject.
You can use the UIPageViewController, I have wrote a sample for others, you can check this link:
xamarin.ios implement PageController with images only code.
Customize the ContentViewController, you can put anything you want, or make your own CustomViewController(with the Index property) to instead of it.
Hope it can help you.
If you still have any questions, leave it here.

How to add multiple rows of buttons?

I am creating an app that would have many categories at the top for filtering (as in I would have items with tags, and I would want to filter items by their tags). Originally I was using scope buttons but that is not user-friendly/visually appealing for many categories. Do you have any suggestions, advice, or existing projects that use a different UI? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can use scroll view horizontally to show your cat1, cat2, cat3, etc...
main view -> scroll view -> buttons for cat1, cat2, etc....
You can add buttons at run time and set a action.
There are many open source horizontal category bars are available, please search on Google.
Hope this helps.
A UICollectionView is probably the way to go. You can have lots of customization in the presentation, including size and flow. For tagging you could have a custom UIView that renders as a tag and exists within the Collection.
Often people use them for image collections, but you can collect most anything that can be rendered as a UIView subclass.

How to put several views(not images) in page view controller?

I am a very starter in iOS Developing.
Now I would like to make an app of a children's story book using PageViewController. I have read some tutorials of PageViewController, but unfortunately all of them are about putting images in the PageContentViewController. I want to use views instead of images, because the content will be modified sometimes. Also, I don't want the views overlapped together because I want the workflow be visible.
I wonder whether there is a way to achieve it??? Thanks in advance!!!

iOS: How to get swipe effect between views of tabbed view controller?

I keep seeing apps that appear to be tabbed view controller apps, where the user can easily swipe left or right between views.
How do I enable that kind of behavior?
The best and least hassle free solution I found is Andrey Tarantsov's ATPagingViev class. Works just like a UITableView, i.e. how many pages do you want, scroll horiz or vert. provide view for page, etc. Very easy and well coded. It's here: SoloComponents
It also has a recycling feature so it's memory stable.
If you refer to something like Apples photo app, it is using UIScrollView which has a property to enable paging.
If you define the views content width wider than your view's frame, you'll get the effect you describe. The view will page in steps of it's bounds width.
On each page you can place another view.
Another option I found is SwipeView:
