Plot Time values in Y- Axis in achartengine - achartengine

the timeseries has add method as add(date,double) . How to interchange it to add(double,date) ?

I don't think its possible the way you think but you can use if you stick to your plan to keep time on y-axis
mRenderer.addYTextLabel(10, "28/10/2014");
mRenderer.addYTextLabel(20, "29/10/2014");
mRenderer.addYTextLabel(30, "30/10/2014");
here you will set a string as time at specific points on y.


Coreplot Graph Scaling Issue

I have two graphs which have variable range of X and Y values.
The following graph-scaling was attained of using the scaleToFitPlots:(NSArray *)plots method.
But my intention is to get the scaling look like following and I can't find any suitable method in CorePlot framework to accomplish it. Some pointers on it would be very appreciated.
If you already know the ranges you want displayed, skip calling -scaleToFitPlots: and set the xRange and yRange directly.

coreplot Xaxis start value iOS 7

I am developing an Area chart like the following and facing the following issue.
curve shape is not looking proper, i need a smooth curve.
X-axis values are Dynamic, it May start with 40 or May be 60 or
any other to calculate that ?
Any Help will be greatly Appreciated.
To make the line smoother, either give it more data points or make a curved plot.
plot.interpolation = CPTScatterPlotInterpolationCurved;
If you know the range of data values, just set the xRange directly. Remember to set the location to the min value and the length to (max - min). You can also have the graph scale the plot space for you.
[plotSpace scaleToFitPlots:[graph allPlots]];

How to set min and max values for an axis?

I have some data that can have values in the range (0..100). Highcharts will sometimes label the axis from -10 to 110, which looks odd.
How can I prevent this? I can set a fixed min and max value for the axis, but if the current values happen to be between e.g. (50..60), I'd rather let Highcharts zoom in on the axis accordingly. Just don't want Highcharts to ever show anything outside of (0..100).
I could of course determine the appropriate min and max values myself every time I load data, but was hoping there would be some kind of minMin and maxMax setting?
So it looks like this isn't possible; opened a feature request.
Nowadays highcharts has floor and ceiling options for this use case.

HighCharts: To restrict the length of bars in wind rose chart

We are facing issue in wind rose chart when displaying real data. The data values range from very small (100) to very large (1000000000). On rendering the data set in wind rose chart, as the max length has to be set according to the highest value, the smaller values are not visible.
As a workaround to this, we planned to restrict the length of the bars/ spikes in the chart to say 10px so that all the values are visible. But couldn't find a way to do so. In bar chart we can use minPointLength property.
Can anyone provide any help on how to restrict the length of bars or any other workaround for this?
Thanks in advance.
Use type: 'logarithmic' axis, see:
Thanks a lot. It worked in our case. Would like to add few points for the modifications required for using this property.
1. On using “type: 'logarithmic'” property, if the data series contains value 0 for any value, JavaScript will throw error #10 ‘Can't plot zero or subzero values on a logarithmic axis’. To avoid this error you need to change the zero value to some non-zero value. This scenario occurs for stacked series.
2. Providing non-zero value will render that value in tooltip also. So as a workaround, we can provide the non-zero value like 0.00001. This way it will display value 0 in the tooltip for that series and also the corresponding bar would be very small.

linear Dataseries Say 0 on Y Axis Having Issue

Linear Dataseries Say all y axis is 0, Autoscaling on y axis is not working as desired.
High stock version - 1.3.1
DataSeries to be plotted,
Try Above series with Y min set to 0 and Y Min to Auto.
I had the same issue with 0 values displayed in the center.
The only way I found to get round it was to either use tickPositions and pass range values across to it for the data based of min/max values and ones in between or to use the tickPositioner call back function to return to go through the data and return the tick values based on these.
Still fairly new to highcharts so there is probably another way I don't know of. If anyone knows how to have 0 values displayed at the bottom of the chart while it auto-scales then please post as I would love to know how/if its possible.
Edit: turns out this isn't really possible currently, only way to get around it is to set min/max values and that won't allow auto scaling but at least it stop there from being any middle 0 values.
