How to correctly inject a property to form? - delphi

I will up the question at second time.
Do not blame me please.
I have a form
TfrmMain = class(TForm)
FSettings: ISettings;
I have container initialization procedure:
procedure BuildContainer(const container: TContainer);
container.RegisterType<TfrmMain, TfrmMain>.DelegateTo(
function: TfrmMain
Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, Result);
So I initialize both TfrmMain as well as TIniSettings via container.
in .DPR I have:
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain);
Also I have a helper for TApplication:
procedure TApplicationHelper.CreateForm(InstanceClass: TComponentClass; var Reference);
locator: IServiceLocator;
locator := TServiceLocatorAdapter.Create(GlobalContainer);
if locator.HasService(InstanceClass.ClassInfo) then
TObject(Reference) := GlobalContainer.Resolve(InstanceClass.ClassInfo).AsObject
inherited CreateForm(InstanceClass, Reference);
when I try to
procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
s := FSettings.ReadString('Connection', 'Server', 'localhost');
I get AV exception because FSettings currently is NIL.
What is correct way to get FSettings object from the container?
FSettings := GlobalContainer.Resolve<ISettings>;
This row works perfectly... As in last time I have problem to use [Inject] attribute.
Even with solution from Stefan I can make the method working:
How to initialize main application form in Spring4D GlobalContainer?

First the reason why the container does not have a HasService anymore is because that method has been removed. You can access it as follows:
if container.Kernel.Registry.HasService(...) then // yeah yeah, I know LoD is crying right now ;)
I would avoid mixing using ServiceLocator and GlobalContainer. While they should point to the same instance it might not be the case because actually someone could point one of them to another instance. If you really want to use ServiceLocator in this case then also resolve from ServiceLocator. But keep in mind that there is nothing on it that the container does not know (even if you have to call some different parts of the kernel.
But that is not the problem you are facing here with your settings injection. The problem you have is the timing. The FormCreate method (I just guess it is attached to the OnCreate event). So the container instantiates the TfrmMain, the event gets called and then returns to the container code which afterwards does all the injections. So calling something that has not been injected via constructor in some code being called during construction is a temporal coupling.
There are different approaches to this problem:
moving your access to the FSettings to some event that gets triggered later (like OnShow or OnActivate)
don't use field injection it can be nice but that couples your code to the container because "traditional" code cannot do that. Use property injection and a setter that executes the code.
When you consider constructor injection as for dependencies that are mandatory and property injection for those that are optional I would say go for the constructor injection. But knowing that you working with a TComponent descendant I probably would use the property injection in that case although that dependency is not optional.


What is the proper way to free a form in Delphi when it was created with a reference counted interface?

Say my form is delared as TFormOther = class(TForm, IMyInterface) where
IMyInterface = interface
procedure DoSomething;
TFactory = class(TInterfacedObject)
procedure MakeIt;
procedure TFactory.MakeIt;
LMyIntf: IMyInterface;
LMyIntf := TFormOther.Create(nil);
// (LMyIntf as TFormOther).Free; This is wrong and gives the classic:
// FastMM has detected an attemp to use an interface of a freed object.
If I don't free the TFormOther instance I leak memory.
I know I can do Action := TCloseAction.caFree in TFormOther.FormClose but is that the only and best way?
This Will an interface-implementing form free itself when there are no more references to it? helped a lot but did not say how one should free the form.
Problem with directly freeing form through its interface reference with (LMyIntf as TFormOther).Free; is that interface reference will outlive form object instance.
When that interface goes out of scope, in the procedure epilogue, compiler inserted call to _IntfClear to finalize LMyIntf reference will eventually end up calling _Release method on already destroyed form instance.
To avoid such scenario, you must explicitly clear the interface before you can free form. This requires additional object variable through which you can call Free to free the form.
procedure TFactory.MakeIt;
LMyIntf: IMyInterface;
LObj: TObject;
LMyIntf := TFormOther.Create(nil);
LObj := TObject(LMyIntf);
LMyIntf := nil;
When it comes to releasing the form through FromClose event handler, such release will work flawlessly only if there are no active interface references to the form at the time of the release. It is hard to say which approach is better when discussing general code, but when using FormClose event it might be harder to ensure that you don't have active interface at that moment and such code may be harder to follow.

Derived TClientdataset; defining an always-run OnAfterPost

I'm deriving from TClientdataset and trying to define an 'always run' AfterPost event. I have tried assign my AfterPost event at the constructor, but the derived component does not seem to pick it up
TMyClientDataset = class(TClientDataset)
FInserting: Boolean; //set to True at the MyOnNewRecord event
property FuserAfterPost: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
constructor TMyClientDataset.Create(AOwner: TComponent)
if Assigned(AfterPost) then
FuserAfterPost := AfterPost;
Afterpost := MyAfterPost;
procedure TMyClientDataset.MyAfterPost(Dataset: TDataset);
If Assigned(FuserAfterPost) then
FInserting := False;
What I'm trying to do: On new record, set Finserting := True; On after post, run the user supplied OnAfterPost and set FInserting := False; But the MyAfterpost event won't even run. I'm assuming the constructor is not the right place to do AfterPost := MyAfterPost;? Where should it go?
There's no good place for what you want to do. Because a user of the component may attach a handler or nil to the event handler anytime while the program is running, not just at design time. May detach an existing handler too. Then your code will not run.
For this reason, VCL employs a two step call to event handlers. First is a virtual procedure which, generally, does nothing more than to call a possible event handler. In your case, this is DoAfterPost.
TMyClientDataset = class(TClientDataset)
procedure DoAfterPost; override;
procedure TMyClientDataset.DoAfterPost;
FInserting := False;
For a case when no such opportunity exists, there would be no chance but properly document and hope for the user of the component reads and complies with it. Overriding Loaded would be the right place to backup an existing design-time attached handler.
Sertac's answer is excellent guidance on this type of problem. And yes it does answer the question you asked, but it's missing something.
It seems to me that you have an XY problem, and failed to ask the correct question. There is no need for you to try to manually track FInserting. Delphi already does this. Take a look at TDataSet.State and TDataSetState.
Basically your FInserting is equivalent to State = dsInsert.
Although, as you have pointed out, your FInserting flag is True in OnAfterPost (which makes it misleading, and on that basis is technically a bug).

Instantiated COM Component gets invalid after leaving method (but not its scope)

I am currently testing two external COM components. I have big issue with one of them, but I cannot really find reason behind such behavior. Let me provide some example.
CLASS_SomeClas: TGUID = '{SomeGUID}';
ISomeInterface = interface(IDispatch)
function SomeMethod(const AInput: WideString): WideString; safecall;
TWrappingClass = class(TObject)
strict private
FInstance: ISomeInterface;
procedure CreateInstance;
procedure DoYourActualJob;
procedure TWrappingClass.CreateInstance;
FInstance := CreateComObject(CLASS_SomeClass) as ISomeInterface;
dbg(FInstance._AddRef); // Debugs 3
dbg(FInstance._AddRef); // Debugs 4
dbg(FInstance.Release); // Debugs 3
dbg(FInstance._AddRef); // Debugs 4
FInstance.SomeMethod(''); //Runs as expected
procedure TWrappingClass.DoYourActualJob;
dbg(FInstance._AddRef); //Debugs -1!
FInstance.SomeMethod(''); //AV
As provided with example instance gets invalid after it leaves CreateInstance method. Component is designed to work with many sequential calls of SomeMethod and it does work when called inside single method.
Could someone give me clue what is actually happening there, why my instance gets invalid? Is it problem with my code, with Delphi or with component's code? When I change the implementation of TWrappingClass to another vendor (that is I change both ISomeInterface and CLASS_SomeClass) then everything works fine.
Behaviour does not change when I don't even call SomeMethod. That is after I leave CreateInstance, call to _AddRef returns -1. Component I am testing is here CadEditorX Probably I am not allowed to attach the OCX without violating its license.
You state clearly in the question that the erroneous behaviour only occurs with one specific COM object. Given this fact, and that Delphi's COM reference counting is known to work correctly, the only reasonable conclusion is that the fault lies in this specific COM object.
Your only recourse of action is to contact the vendor of this COM object and file a bug report with them.
One thing to look at, with a view to a possible work around, is how you are creating the object. You use CreateComObject. This receives a class ID and returns IUnknown. It calls CoCreateInstance passing the class ID, and requesting the IUnknown interface. You then need to query for your interface, ISomeInterface. So your code looks like this:
iunk: IUnknown;
intf: ISomeInteface;
IUnknown, iunk);
iunk.QueryInterface(ISomeInterface, intf);
The fact that you have two interface variables, one IUnknown and one ISomeInterface explains why you see the reference count that you do. Now, you might think that you only have one interface variable, but that's not the case. There are two, only one of them is an implicit local. You can see this by looking at the compiled code and stepping through under the debugger.
This code:
procedure TWrappingClass.CreateInstance;
FInstance := CreateComObject(CLASS_SomeClass) as ISomeInterface;
is compiled as if it were this (ignoring error checking):
procedure TWrappingClass.CreateInstance;
iunk: IUnknown;
iunk := CreateComObject(CLASS_SomeClass);
FInstance := CreateComObject(CLASS_SomeClass) as ISomeInterface;
iunk := nil;
Perhaps the COM component cannot handle the call to Release made on its IUnknown interface.
So, you could try to work around this by using CoCreateInstance instead of CreateComObject. Pass ISomeInterface as the riid parameter.
OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLASS_SomeClass, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER
or CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, ISomeInterface, FInstance));

Constructing an Object from a Class Reference

I have a method which constructs an object, calls an Execute method, and frees the object. The type of object is determined by a TClass descendant passed into the method.
Note this is Delphi for Win32 I am talking about, not .NET.
Edit: I should point out that this is Delphi 2006, as it has been noted in answers below that in future versions the NewInstance call may not be required. In my case, however, it is required. As such, I would imagine the answer to my question (is it safe? and does CreateForm() have a potential leak) would need to be answered on the basis that this is Delphi 2006
Edit#2: seems that the solutions given for D2007 & D2009 do in fact work for D2006. I must have picked up the "NewInstance" habit from an earlier version of Delphi...
function TPageClassFactory.TryExecute(ScrnClass: TCustomPageClass): boolean;
//TCustomPageClass = class of TCustomPage
ScrnObj: TCustomPage; //TCustomPage defines an abstract Execute() method
Result := FALSE; //default
ScrnObj := TCustomPage(ScrnClass.NewInstance); //instantiate
ScrnObj.Create(Self); //NB: Create() and Execute() are *virtual* methods
Result := TRUE;
What I want to know is whether this is safe - what will happen here if Create() raises an exception?
Looking at a similar example, from Forms.pas.TApplication.CreateForm(), a different approach has been taken to exception handling (I've cut out the irrelevant bits below):
procedure TApplication.CreateForm(InstanceClass: TComponentClass; var Reference);
Instance: TComponent;
Instance := TComponent(InstanceClass.NewInstance);
TComponent(Reference) := Instance;
TComponent(Reference) := nil;
In the Forms.pas method, does this mean that memory is leaked when an exception occurs in the Create() method? My understanding was that InstanceClass.NewInstance allocated memory, thus in this case the memory is not being deallocated/released/freed?
You should put the create out of the try finally block.
But a better solution is:
TMyClass = class ()
constructor Create(...); virtual;
function Execute: Boolean; virtual;
TMyClassClass = class of TMyClass;
procedure CreateExecute(const AClass: TMyClassClass): Boolean;
theclass : TMyClass;
theclass := AClass.Create;
Result := theclass.Execute;
There have been a few questions raised in comments that I'd like to clarify.
First is the continued myth that the constructor needs to be virtual. It does not. Consider this example:
TBase = class
constructor Create(x: Integer);
TDerived = class(TBase)
field: string;
TMetaclass = class of TBase;
instance: TBase;
desiredClass: TMetaclass;
desiredClass := TDerived;
instance := desiredClass.Create(23);
Assert(instance.ClassName = 'TDerived');
Assert(instance is TDerived);
Assert(instance.field = '');
The created object will be a full-fledged instance of class TDerived. Enough memory will have been allocated to hold the string field, which didn't exist in the base class.
There are two conditions that must be true before you'll need a virtual constructor:
The constructor will be called virtually. That is, you'll have a variable of the base-class metaclass type, and it will hold a value of a derived class, and you will call a constructor on that variable. That's demonstrated in the code above. If all your constructor calls are directly on the class names themselves (i.e., TDerived.Create(23)), then there's nothing to be gained from virtual methods.
A subclass of the base class will need to override the constructor to provide class-specific initialization. If all descendants use the same construction, and only vary in other methods, ten there's no need to make the constructor virtual.
What's important to realize here is that those two rules are no different from the factors that determine when the make any other method virtual. Constructors aren't special in that regard.
The constructor knows which class to construct based not on the class where the constructor was defined, but on the class the constructor was called on, and that class is always passed as a hidden first parameter for every constructor call.
Second is the issue of whether NewInstance should be called in place of or in addition to the constructor. I think other comments have already established that it has nothing to do with compatibility with older Delphi versions. All versions have supported calling constructors on class references without the need for NewInstace. Rather, the confusion comes from looking at TApplication.CreateForm and treating it as an example of how things should be done. That's a mistake.
CreateForm calls NewInstance before calling the constructor because CreateForm's primary reason for existence is to ensure that the global form variable that the IDE declares is valid during the form's own event handlers, including OnCreate, which runs as part of the constructor. If the CreateForm method had done the usual construction pattern, then the global form variable would not yet have had a valid value. Here's what you might have expected to see:
TComponent(Reference) := InstanceClass.Create(Application);
Simple and obvious, but that won't work. Reference won't get assigned a value until after the constructor returns, which is long after the form has triggered some events. If you follow good programming practice and never refer to that variable from within the form class itself, then you'll never notice. But if you follow the documentation's instructions, which are written for an inexperienced audience, then you will refer to the global form variable from within the form's own methods, so the CreateForm method does what it can to make sure it's assigned in time.
To do that, it uses a two-step construction technique. First, allocate memory and assign the reference to the global variable:
Instance := TComponent(InstanceClass.NewInstance);
TComponent(Reference) := Instance;
Next, call the constructor on the instance, passing the TApplication object as the owner:
It's my opinion that CreateForm should be called exactly once in any program. I'd prefer zero times, but it has the side effect of defining Application.MainForm, which is important for other aspects of a Delphi program.
Third is the notion that it's unusual for an object to call a constructor on itself.
In fact, this happens all the time. Every time you call an inherited constructor, you're calling a constructor on an object that already exists. The inherited constructor is not allocating a new object. Likewise, the VCL has some examples of non-inherited calls of constructors. TCustomForm.Create delegates much of its construction tasks to its CreateNew constructor.
Re your question about memory being leaked when Create() raises an exception: You should try it out for yourself. I just did on Delphi 2007, and with your code FastMM4 shows an error dialog about the attempt to call a virtual method on an already freed object, namely Destroy(). So the exception in Create will already lead to the destructor being called and the memory being freed, so your code is actually wrong. Stick to the idiom used in the answer by Gamecat, and everything should work.
I just tried on Delphi 4, and the behaviour is the same. Test code:
TCrashComp = class(TComponent)
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
constructor TCrashComp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
raise Exception.Create('foo');
destructor TCrashComp.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
C: TComponent;
C := TComponent(TCrashComp.NewInstance);
C.Tag := 42;
With FastMM4 the Free in the finally block gives the same error, because C has been freed already. On application shutdown the exception and the exception string are reported as memory leaks, though. This is however not a problem with the code, but with the runtime.
Didn't fully remember how it was in old delphi versions but apparently this should work in all based on other replies.
Note, Create has been calling Destroy on fail for as long as I can remember. It shouldn't be after I think.
Code would be:
procedure TPageClassFactory.TryExecute(ScrnClass: TCustomPageClass);
ScrnObj: TCustomPage;
ScrnObj := ScrnClass.Create(Self); // Exception here calls the destructor
ScrnObj.Execute; // Exception here means you need to free manually
FreeAndNil(ScrnObj); // Be free!
I removed the result returned by the original function as it can never be false, only "unassigned" (exception) or true. You could after all get an exception before you assign result to false. ;)

RTTI on objects in Delphi

I'm trying to parse objects to XML in Delphi, so I read about calling the object's ClassInfo method to get its RTTI info.
The thing is, this apparently only works for TPersistent objects. Otherwise, I have to specifically add a compiler directive {$M+} to the source code for the compiler to generate RTTI info.
So I happily added the directive, only to find that, even if it did return something from the ClassInfo call (it used to return nil), now I cannot retrieve the class' properties, fields or methods from it. It's like it created the object empty.
Any idea what am I missing here? Thanks!
Did you put those properties and methods into the published section?
Besides that, 'classical' RTTI ($TYPEINFO ON) will only get you information on properties, not on methods. You need 'extended' RTTI ($METHODINFO ON) for those.
Good starting point for extended RTTI: David Glassborow on extended RTTI
(who would believe that just this minute I finished writing some code that uses extended RTTI and decided to browse the Stack Overflow a little:))
RTTI will only show you published properties,etc. - not just public ones.
Try your code with a TObject and see what happens - if that isn't working, post your code because not everyone is psychic.
Have you considered using the TXMLDocument component? It will look at your XML and then create a nice unit of Delphi classes that represents your XML file -- makes it really, really easy to read and write XML files.
As for the RttiType problem returning only nil, this probably occurs for one reason: in your test, you did not instantiate the class at any time. The compiler, because it never has a reference to this class (because it is not an instance at all), simply removes it from the information as a form of optimization. See the two examples below. The behavior is different when you have the class instantiated at some point in your code or not.
Suppose the following class:
TTest = class
procedure Test;
and the following code below:
LContext: TRttiContext;
LType: TRttiType;
LTest: TTest;
LContext := TRttiContext.Create;
for LType in LContext.GetTypes do
if LType.IsInstance then
so far, TTest class information is not available for use by RTTI. However, when we create at some point, within the application, then a reference is created for it within the compile, which makes this information available:
LContext: TRttiContext;
LType: TRttiType;
LTest: TTest;
LTest := TTest.Create; //Here i´m using TTest.
//Could be in another part of the program
LContext := TRttiContext.Create;
for LType in LContext.GetTypes do
if LType.IsInstance then
At that point, if you use LContext.FindType ('TTest'), there will not be a nil return, because the compiler kept reference to the class. This explains the behavior you were having in your tests.
