Xcode download: "The certificate for this server is invalid" - ios

Is anyone other then me getting this error trying to download the docs in Xcode 6?
Could not download and install iOS 8.1. The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “devimages.apple.com” which could put your confidential information at risk.
Here's a screenshot:

You can use Keychain Access to change the trust for the cert from Use System Default to Always Trust. For me it was the cert a248.e.akamai.net. After downloading the docs I switched it back to Use System Defaults. Or you can wait for Apple to correct the mistake.

In my case I solved this problem adding the certificate to my keychain, you can download from this site and configure the trust option in Always Trust

I can confirm the workaround. Seems like Apple has forgotten to renew this certificate.

I got exactly the same problem, try investigate using google chrome browser.
It's turn out that the provided certificate! is not match URL itself.
Could be apple web administrator mess.


iOS 11, 12, and 13 installed certificates not trusted automatically (self signed)

On our internal network, we use a self-signed CA certificate. This has worked fine for years, in both Safari and our iOS product, all the way through iOS 10. We simply install the CA certificate on any new device or simulator and everything works, even with ATS. This allows access to all of our internal test servers without having to trust each server individually.
Starting with iOS 11 the installed CA certificate no longer allows Safari or our app to trust the certificate for any of the servers. We receive the following relevant details with CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS enabled for our app:
Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1200
NSLocalizedDescription=An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Would you like to connect to the server anyway?
I spent considerable time trying to resolve this issue, scouring StackOverflow and the rest of the web. Although we use AFNetworking in our app, that seems to be irrelevant, as Safari no longer trusts these servers via the CA. Disabling ATS via NSAllowsArbitraryLoads allows access to the servers, but obviously isn't a solution.
No changes have been made to our -URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler code, and we have a proper (worked for years) implementation of challenge response via challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust.
I have re-evaluated and tested both the CA and server certificates every way I can think of, and they work everywhere except iOS 11. What might have changed in ATS for iOS 11 that could cause this issue?
While writing this question, I discovered the answer. Installing a CA from Safari no longer automatically trusts it. I had to manually trust it from the Certificate Trust Settings panel (also mentioned in this question).
I debated canceling the question, but I thought it might be helpful to have some of the relevant code and log details someone might be looking for. Also, I never encountered the issue until iOS 11. I even went back and reconfirmed that it automatically works up through iOS 10.
I've never needed to touch that settings panel before, because any installed certificates were automatically trusted. Maybe it will change by the time iOS 11 ships, but I doubt it. Hopefully this helps save someone the time I wasted.
If anyone knows why this behaves differently for some people on different versions of iOS, I'd love to know in comments.
Update 1: Checking out the first iOS 12 beta, it looks like things remain the same. This question/answer/comments are still relevant on iOS 12.
Update 2: Same solution seems to be needed on iOS 13 beta builds as well.
I've been struggling with this for 3 days now while attempting to connect to a local API running Laravel valet. I finally figured it out. In my case I had to drag and drop over the LaravelValetCASelfSigned.pem file from ~/.config/valet/CA/LaravelValetCASelfSigned.pem
After verifying the installing within the simulator I had to go to Settings > About > Certificate Trust Settings > and Enable the Laravel Valet VA Self Signed CN
Finally working!!!
Recommended solution is to install and trust a self-signed certificate (root). Assuming you created your own CA and the hierarchy of the certificated is correct you don't need to change the server trust evaluation. This is recommended because it doesn't require any changes in the code.
Generate CA and the certificates (you can use openssl: Generating CA and self-signed certificates.
Install root certificate (*.cer file) on the device - you can open it by Safari and it should redirect you to Settings
When the certificated is installed, go to Certificate Trust Settings (Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings) as in MattP answer.
If it is not possible then you need to change server trust evaluation.
More info in this document: Technical Q&A QA1948 HTTPS and Test Servers
This has happened to me also, after undating to IOS11 on my iPhone. When I try to connect to the corporate network it bring up the corporate cert and says it isn't trusted. I press the 'trust' button and the connection fails and the cert does not appear in the trusted certs list.
Apple hand three categories of certificates: Trusted, Always Ask and Blocked. You'll encounter the issue if your certificate's type on the Blocked and Always Ask list. On Safari it show’s like:
And you can find the type of Always Ask certificates on Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Setting
There is the List of available trusted root certificates in iOS 11
Blocking Trust for WoSign CA Free SSL Certificate G2
If you are not seeing the certificate under General->About->Certificate Trust Settings, then you probably do not have the ROOT CA installed. Very important -- needs to be a ROOT CA, not an intermediary CA.
I just answered a question here explaining how to obtain the ROOT CA and get things to show up: How to install self-signed certificates in iOS 11
I follow all recommendations and all requirements. I install my self signed root CA on my iPhone. I make it trusted. I put certificate signed with this root CA on my local development server and I still get certificated error on safari iOS. Working on all other platforms.

sending .ipa file via url to install

I have gone through dozens of articles, stackoverflow questions and sites, my only requirement is to send .ipa file through url where client could check it in safari and install.
does not want third party installation, I've got my own server
my server is not having ssl that means it can be sent only http not https. please dont ask me to have ssl.
could able to install in any ios device, udid is not added to enterprise certificate.
My problem is when I am keeping these 3 file that are a) index.html. b)manifest.plist. and c).ipa file in server and trying to install in device, I am getting an pop up message saying that "certificate is not valid." Please help.
Hope the link below helps you out.
But i dont think Apple allows you to distribute using http. Https is a mandatory for the URL that the user uses to download. So until you get a https i dont see that issue being solved
Your own server should be fine. As long as your .plist and .ipa are both accessible on the network to which the iPhone is connected.
Unfortunately, starting with iOS 7.1, app installs must be accessible over SSL (https).
The only way to do this is with an enterprise distribution profile. You will need to have an enterprise account to do this, which will require a company's EIN. So you can't do this as an individual developer. (https://developer.apple.com/programs/enterprise/)
You are seeing the error because of the lack of a valid SSL certificate on your server. iOS is swapping your http:// link in your plist with https:// (see this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20276908/3708242), which as you said does not have ssl enabled.
Bottom line, you'll need to get a server with SSL to host the files. Also, if you don't want / can't manage the UDIDs for the devices, you will need to get yourself an enterprise account so you can create an enterprise distribution profile to use to build your app.
There are online tools that simplify this process of sharing, for example https://abbashare.com or https://diawi.com
Create an ipa file from xcode with adhoc or inhouse profile, and upload this file on these site.
I prefer abbashare because save file on your dropbox and you can delete it whenever you want

Certificate issue after migrate from HTTP to HTTPS

I am working on mobile HTML5 site using HTML5/JQueryMobile and server is in php. I changed sever settings from HTTP to HTTPS but now from my mobile it shows these type of error
[Error] Failed to load resource: The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “www.example.com” which could put your confidential information at risk.
when using in IPhone 5 with IOs 7.1.2.
How to handle that issue. What things i have to do?
For us this happened with the update to iOS 13. The requirements for trusted certificates changed, so we needed to adjust the certificate.
See the official page of Apple
You are using a self-signed certificate. Thus your iPhone doesn't trust your certificate.
Either add the certificate to your iPhone as a trusted certificate. (recommended)
Or create a official certificate from a trusted authority. (recommended for production usage)
Or make requests and allowing insecure (self-signed) certificates. (not really recommended, but might be the fastest solution)

OTA (Over the air) IOS 7.1 after change http-https still cannot connect server?

For iOS 7.1, when you try to do an OTA install which has an http link to the .plist file, you will get this error:
‘Cannot install applications because the certificate for com.test.com is not valid’ then
I have a found ios 7.1 cannot use http anymore.Need to change http to https
like example
After i change it still got error "unable to connect www.test.com".I have check all my plist details is correct link.Any Idea?Did i need to set https certificate also?How?
iOS requires a certificate it can verify. Maybe you are using a self-sign certificates, these don't work. You can, however, use wildcard certificates, if that helps you in any way.
We just had this same issue recently. You have to change the link as you did, but you must also resave the plist. When you archive and distribute for ad/hoc enterprise, you have to enter the app url. enter https://www.test.com/OTA_App_Name.ipa. That fixed it for us, no cert magic.

Configuration Profile with MDM Payload not getting installed to the device

Did anybody can tell me what's the reason for that Configuration Profile with MDM Payload not getting installed using IPCU.
How to deal with it?
perhaps a bit old but your MDM server url must be a valid HTTPS URL with a cert from a trusted source, self signed certs will not work.
View the console for the device in iPCU. This may help you to track down the cause of your issue.
Self-signed ssl will work and while generating self-signed ssl certificate in server side,generate identity.p12 certificate and this certificate you need to use in identity section of IPCU and see this and this also.
Please verify again.
