SKShapeNode position line up with ground - ios

I am simply trying to draw a rectangle and placing it in the bottom left hand side of the screen
var rectW:CGFloat = CGFloat(200.0)
var rectH:CGFloat = ceil(self.frame.height * 0.15)
var rect = SKShapeNode(rectOfSize: CGSize(width: rectW, height: rectH));
let posX:CGFloat = 0.0 + (rect.frame.width / 2)
let posY:CGFloat = self.frame.height - (self.frame.height - rect.frame.height)
rect.position = CGPointMake(posX,posY)
rect.fillColor = SKColor(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 1.0)
rect.lineWidth = 1
The issue is that even though i believe all the maths is correct the rectangle is about 38 points/pixels that are under the screen, as you can see from the image below (the white border shows the limit).
For your information here is an output of the positions, heights and widths.
PosX: 100.5
PosY: 117.0
Rect Width: 201.0
Rect Height: 117.0
Frame Height: 768.0
Frame Weight: 1024.0
If i simple take this line but add 38 points/pixels it works, but why? Is there something I am missing?
let posY:CGFloat = self.frame.height - (self.frame.height - rect.frame.height) + 38

I found the answer via the following two answers:
SpriteKit coordinate system messed up
Problems understanding coordinate system SpriteKit using Swift
The problem turns out to be with GameScene.sks having it's size set differently.
Open up GameScene.sks and go to 'Show SKNodeInspector' should be the third box in the top right hand side of the screen.
Then set the dimensions to 320 x 568
Save then run. Should be working.


iOS Core Graphic, how to calculate CGAffineTransform(scaleX offset?

While I am learning Core Graphic by ray wenderlich,
one step is to transform UIBezierPath, var transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 0.8, y: 0.8),
I do not know why the step after is right,which is transform = transform.translatedBy(x: 15, y: 30)?
I don't know how the x and y position is calculated out.
By printing the UIBezierPath currentPoint print(medallionPath.currentPoint), I thought the width should be (x1 - x2) * 0.5, the height should be y1 - y2, I really don't know why it is
(x: 15, y: 30)
The whole code is following , tested in Playground
let size = CGSize(width: 120, height: 200)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, 0.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
//Gold colors
let darkGoldColor = UIColor(red: 0.6, green: 0.5, blue: 0.15, alpha: 1.0)
let midGoldColor = UIColor(red: 0.86, green: 0.73, blue: 0.3, alpha: 1.0)
let medallionPath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(x: 8, y: 72, width: 100, height: 100))
// (108.0, 122.0)
// (8.0, 72.0, 100.0, 100.0)
// question
var transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 0.8, y: 0.8)
// transform = transform.translatedBy(x: 15, y: 30)
medallionPath.lineWidth = 2.0
//apply the transform to the path
// (86.4, 97.6)
// (6.4, 57.6, 80.0, 80.0)
//This code must always be at the end of the playground
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
transform = transform.translatedBy(x: 15, y: 30)
is a translation. It shifts the entire path to the right by 15 and down by 30. Your question is where did the magic numbers 15 and 30 come from.
The medallion drawing has a circle with dimensions 100 x 100 starting at position (8, 72) as established by this line of code:
let medallionPath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(x: 8, y: 72, width: 100, height: 100))
The code then adds an inner ring by scaling the original path by 0.8, so it will be an 80 x 80 circle. So that the center of this smaller ring lines up with the center of the bigger circle, it will need to be offset an additional 10 in both the horizontal and vertical directions. (The smaller circle is 20 smaller horizontally and vertically, so shifting it by 1/2 of 20 gets it to align properly). The goal then is to have it positioned at (18, 82) with width: 80, height: 80.
So, we need to apply a translation (a shift) in the X and Y directions, such that when the path is scaled we end up with a path anchored at (18, 82). The tricky bit is that the scaling gets applied to the shift values, so that has to be accounted for as well.
So, we are starting with an X position of 8, and we want to apply some translation value dx so that when the result is scaled by 0.8 we end up with the value 18:
(8 + dx) * 0.8 = 18
solving for dx:
dx = (18 / 0.8) - 8
dx = 14.5
Similarly for Y, we are starting with a Y position of 72 and want to apply a translation dy such that when it is scaled by 0.8 we end up with 82:
(72 + dy) * 0.8 = 82
solving for dy:
dy = (82 / 0.8) - 72
dy = 30.5
So, the mathematically correct translation is (14.5, 30.5):
transform = transform.translatedBy(x: 14.5, y: 30.5)
Ray Wenderlich rounded those to (15, 30) for some reason known only to them (because the round numbers look better in the code perhaps?). It's possible that they didn't bother to do the math and just tried values until it looked right.
here scale is 0.8 means 80% of the current so its x, y, width and height all reduce to 80%
so new scale difference is
scaleDifference = ((1/ 0.8) - 1.0) * 100 = 25%
now total size difference is 0.25, here inner circle is in centre so centre point does not change so its x and y position change to calculate x and y
here path rect is (8, 72, 100, 100)
so formula to calculate
circle reduce 10% from both side, to keep it in centre needs to increase 10% x and y and reduce 10% in width and height so circle will be in centre
here scale is set to 80% so what ever x and y translation we are giving all will be calculated to 80%, for example if we give translate x = 10 and y = 10 system converts to its 80% so x = 8 and y = 8.
we have to add width difference to the x and y to keep it in centre
width and height is 100 so
100 * (scaleDifference / 2.0)
100 * (0.25 / 2.0) = 12.5
and due to scaling x and y also reduce to 0.8% so to make it 100% is
xDifference = 8 * scaleDifference = 2.0
yDifference = 72 * scaleDifference = 18.0
to keep circle in centre we have to add width difference with dx and height difference with dy to get final x and y translation value
dx = xDifference + widthDifference = 2.0 + 12.5 = 14.5
dy = yDifference + heightDifference = 18.0 + 12.5 = 30.5

Why is CAShapeLayer not centering to my UIView when I scale it?

let centerPointX = colorSizeGuide.bounds.midX / 2
let centerPointY = colorSizeGuide.bounds.midY / 2
let circleWidth: CGFloat = 10
let circleHeight: CGFloat = 10
shape.path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(x: centerPointX + circleWidth / 4, y: centerPointY + circleHeight / 4, width: circleWidth, height: circleHeight)).cgPath
shape.strokeColor = UIColor(r: 160, g: 150, b: 180).cgColor
shape.fillColor = UIColor(r: 160, g: 150, b: 180).cgColor
shape.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
shape.lineWidth = 0.1
shape.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(4.0, 4.0, 1.0)
Here's what's happening. I need the CAShapeLayer to stay in the middle of the small gray area:
I struggle with affine transforms a little myself, but here's what I think is going on:
The scale takes place centered around 0,0, so it will grow out from that point. That means it will "push away" from the origin.
In order to grow from the center, you should shift the origin to the center point of your shape, scale, and then shift the origin back, by the now-scaled amount:
var transform = CATransform3DMakeTranslation(centerPointX, centerPointY, 0)
transform = CATransformScale(transform, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0)
var transform = CATransform3DTranslate(
-4.0 * centerPointX,
-4.0 * centerPointY,
shape.transform = transform
BTW, I can't make any sense of the image you posted with your question. You say "I need the CAShapeLayer to stay in the middle of the small gray area" I gather your shape layer is one of the circles, but it isn't clear what you mean by "the small gray area." It looks like there might be an outline that got cropped somehow.

How to make text the same size on all devices in SpriteKit?

In SpriteKit, is there a way to make an SKLabelNode look the same size, regardless of the device, eg: Looks the same size on a iPhone 5 as a 6Plus?
I've tried using this method someone else recommended:
let textRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: frame.width * 0.4, height: frame.height * 0.045)
let scalingFactor = min(textRect.width / text.frame.width, textRect.height / text.frame.height)
text.fontSize *= scalingFactor
But it doesn't make all text the same size, as words like "man" aren't as physically tall as words like "High" (due to it's "y" and "h" sticking out).
So is there a method to make text look the same size on all devices? At the moment I create the SKLabelNode like so:
let text = SKLabelNode(text: "Start")
text.fontSize = 30
text.position = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
The issue here is that you are trying to scale the fontSize, and this does not really play well with complex decimal numbers. Instead, after you create your label, just scale that to the scale factor that you are using to scale everything else
let text = SKLabelNode(text: "Start")
text.fontSize = 30
text.position = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
text.xScale = xScaleFactor
text.yScale = yScaleFactor
where xScaleFactor and yScaleFactor are the factors you are using to determine your scale. (This number should only have to be calculated once, and then stored, if you are not doing that, I would recommend making that change)
Basically in the code you provided it is done like this:
let textRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: frame.width * 0.4, height: frame.height * 0.045)
let scaleFactorX = textRect.width / text.frame.width
let scaleFactorY = textRect.height / text.frame.height
I think it's more like an algorithm question. Think about you need to implement the same thing in TV, iPad or in the iPhone device. You should think about storing its absolute value rather than its actual value.
The formula should be width for store value = actual width for this device / device width. The same with the height. Then, if you use the same image data in other devices. You will just need to multiply the new device width/height.

Pixel Gap Between CGRect

I'm drawing bar graphs, and I have several stacked CGRects that are directly on top of each other (i.e. one rect's minY is the previous rect's maxY). However, there are still semi-transparent gaps between the rects. Is there any way to fix this? I've found that this also happens when drawing touching adjacent arcs.
Here's a screenshot of what I mean:
By zooming in, I've confirmed that this isn't just an optical illusion like one would find between adjacent red and blue rects. I would appreciate any input.
var upToNowSegmentTotal: CGFloat = 0
for k in 0..<data[i].bars[j].segments.count {
var segmentRect: CGRect = CGRect()
if barDirection == "vertical" {
let a: CGFloat = translateY(upToNowSegmentTotal)
let b: CGFloat = translateY(upToNowSegmentTotal + data[i].bars[j].segments[k].length)
upToNowSegmentTotal += data[i].bars[j].segments[k].length
var rectY: CGFloat
if a > b {
rectY = b
} else {
rectY = a
segmentRect = CGRect(
x: barWidthPosition,
y: rectY,
width: barWidthAbsolute,
height: abs(a - b)
Ignore the stuff about the width of the bars. Here's the translateY function. Basically, it translates coordinates from the graphing window into x/y stuff that's drawn. Remember that because the window/ graphing area does not change between drawn rects, the same y input will always produce the same result.
private func translateY(y: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
if barsAreReversed {
return graphingArea.minY + graphingArea.height * (y - graphingWindow.startValue) / (graphingWindow.length)
} else {
return graphingArea.maxY - graphingArea.height * (y - graphingWindow.startValue) / (graphingWindow.length)
Here's a simplified version of my code that shows the problem:
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
let rect1: CGRect = CGRect(
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 40,
height: 33.7
let rect2: CGRect = CGRect(
x: 0,
y: rect1.height,
width: 40,
height: 33.5
let context: CGContextRef = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(red: 1 / 255, green: 29 / 255, blue: 29 / 255, alpha: 1).CGColor)
CGContextAddRect(context, rect1)
CGContextFillRect(context, rect1)
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(red: 9 / 255, green: 47 / 255, blue: 46 / 255, alpha: 1).CGColor)
CGContextAddRect(context, rect2)
CGContextFillRect(context, rect2)
It produces this:
I suspect that in this particular case, the rects you are filling are not integral, i.e they might have origins/heights that are by default rendered with slightly transparent pixels (anti-aliasing). You could avoid this by properly rounding your Y-axis translation
private func translateY(y: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
if barsAreReversed {
return round(graphingArea.minY + graphingArea.height * (y - graphingWindow.startValue) / (graphingWindow.length))
} else {
return round(graphingArea.maxY - graphingArea.height * (y - graphingWindow.startValue) / (graphingWindow.length))
With arcs and other shapes it is not as easy, however, you could try and get rid of it, by leaving a bit of overlap between shapes. Of course, as pointed out by matt, you could simply turn anti-aliasing off, in which case these transparent "half-pixels" will all be rendered as if they are actually fully-within the rect.
This is likely happening because the rectangle coordinates you are using to draw shapes are fractional values. As a result Core Graphics performs antialiasing at the edges of those rectangles when your coordinates land between pixel boundaries.
You could solve this by simply rounding the coordinates of the rectangles before drawing. You can use the CGRectIntegral function which performs this kind of rounding, for example:
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectIntegral(rect1))
It's antialiasing. I can prevent this phenomenon by using your exact same code but drawing in a CGContext in which we have first called CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(context, false). Here it is without that call:
And here it is with that call:
But, as others have said, we can get the same result by changing your 33.7 and 33.5 to 40, so that we come down on pixel boundaries.

Procedurally generated CGContext image uses a lot of memory

I am creating a space exploration game using SpriteKit and Swift. I am generating a space environment using Core Graphics. Since the player can control a spaceship which can move in every direction, I am creating 9 different backgrounds and positioning them around the users ship like this.
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
Player start in layer 5. My game uses 2048x1536 screen with aspectFill so I can support all resolutions.
I generate background with this code.
UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSizeMake(width, height))
let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
let max = width * height / CGFloat(starCountModifier)
for i in 0...Int(max)
let x = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(width))
let y = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(height))
let alpha = CGFloat(Float(arc4random()) / Float(UINT32_MAX))
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, SKColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: alpha * alpha * alpha).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(ctx, CGRect(x: CGFloat(x), y: CGFloat(y), width: 2, height: 2))
let textureImage: UIImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
let texture = SKTexture(CGImage: textureImage.CGImage)
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(texture: texture)
It works fine with one problem. Every background I create costs about 20-25mb of memory!
Even if I dont draw stars, it alone allocates this much memory by just creating SKSpriteNode out of that context.
Is there any way to optimize this texture data?
