Highcharts displaying decimals on yearly xAxis - highcharts

My xAxis is displaying the years with decimals depending on the width of the screen, so if its small it will display(2012,2013,2014...) but when I increase the width of the screen it will display (2012, 2012.1, 2012.2, 2012.3 ...) and the decimal places change depending of the width(2012, 2012.5, 2013 ...)
I know that tickPixelInterval has some effect on that but I don't know what value to use, I`ve tried:
xAxis: {
tickPixelInterval: 100, //also tried 10 and 1 and 1000 even null
crosshair: true
What can I do so the chart only displays the whole number of the years (2012, 2013, 2014) not depending on the screen size and NOT giving an specific width to the div that renders the chart?

tickPixelInterval will give a setting of how far apart ticks should be - that won't help in your situation, and will in fact make sure the problem persists.
What you want is just tickInterval, and set it to 1, since your year numbers are in increments of 1:
if you won't always have increments of 1, another option is the allowDecimals property:
A 3rd option is using a datetime x axis type, and setting the dates as your x axis values, and setting your tickInterval to one year.


highcharts 7 issue with negative ticks

Highcharts upgrade from version 5 to version 7 is causing negative ticks on x and y axes even when no negative data exists. Various chart plots are wrongly displaying negative axes. Instead the expectation is that the axes must start at 0 (min: 0 is given) and must plot only the positive ticks (tickAmount: 5 is given).
This worked perfectly with version 5 but is behaving weird with version 7.
The left picture is version 7 chart. Look at the starting tick, -2.5, whereas there are no negative values, so it must start at 0. Also observe the last tick is not appropriate width as the other tick intervals and ends abruptly in between.
Here is the link for demonstration of the issue: https://jsfiddle.net/3awvyn0b/3/, see config for x-axis which is not being reflected in the plot:
xAxis: {
tickAmount: 5,
min: 0
If I remove tickAmount for the x-axis, the negative ticks are resolved but then the ticks are not correctly marked.
What has changed in version 7 that I need to handle?
Since this is a regression issue (bug report here: github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/13749#issue-641882231), the suggested workaround for now is to either
use even number of ticks on the chart. So instead of using tickAmount: 5 I'm now using tickAmount: 6 and that has resolved the negative ticks issue.
or along with the tickAmount (either odd or even tick number, as the need maybe) set endOnTick: true for the xAxis

Highstock set XAxis extreme without data

I have Highstock with default data for each year from 2001 to 2009 as shown in below JSFiddle:
Now on button click event I want to increase the xAxis extreme to year 2020 even though there is no data available.
I am trying to set extreme by following code:
var newDate = new Date(2019, 03, 23).getTime();
chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes(new Date(2000, 1, 1).getTime(), newDate, true);
But its not working.
In the Highcharts API we can read:
ordinal: boolean
In an ordinal axis, the points are equally spaced in the chart regardless of the actual time or x distance between them. This means that missing data periods (e.g. nights or weekends for a stock chart) will not take up space in the chart. Having ordinal: false will show any gaps created by the gapSize setting proportionate to their duration.
In stock charts the X axis is ordinal by default, unless the boost module is used and at least one of the series' data length exceeds the boostThreshold.
Defaults to true.
So, you need to disable the ordinal option:
xAxis: {
ordinal: false
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/fzo7ahg0/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highstock/xAxis.ordinal

highcharts x-axis for 1 year displays tick/label of year +1

I have a highcharts column chart with an x-axis for an entire year. Its type is datetime and its min/max is from 2014-01-01 to 2014-12-31.
Why is the tick/label for Jan 2015 displayed?
Full source at http://jsfiddle.net/nkjm2691/1/
I tried a number of things like setting the end date to Date.UTC(2014, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59) and experimenting with tickInterval. What I need eventually is a monthly tick (i.e. irregular interval) and the labels centered between the ticks. Using some voodoo logic to calculate the offset only ever works if the chart has a fixed width.
Quite surprisingly doing more or less the same with a chart of type areaspline works fine: http://jsfiddle.net/fm86v8fe/
I also checked a number of related SO questions like Is there a reliable way to have a 1 month auto generated tick interval with high charts? and HighCharts xAxis - tickInterval for month but they don't solve my problem.
You posted this JSFiddle. Just changing from type: 'column' to type: 'line' removes he label. Why?
That is because any chart type that is "column like" has a pointRange. This is defined differently depending on context, but for your datetime x-axis it is (API):
On linear and datetime axes, the range will be computed as the distance between the two closest data points.
It is this pointRange that causes your column to have their specific width. They have a span across the x-axis. As you can see on your chart each column has a range of a week, not just a single millisecond (which is the case for line-charts, and similar).
From my understanding this causes Highcharts to take some extra space to somehow better suit the point range of the chart points.
There are several things you can do. You can manually override the pointRange like this:
series: { pointRange: 1, data: ... }
This will make each column only 1 millisecond thick, and removes the label. You can fix the width with pointWidth:
series: { pointRange: 1, pointWidth: 10, data: ... }
Note however that this is static, so if columns suddenly get too close they'll start overlapping. Here's a JSFiddle demonstration.
Also you could do nothing and just set the max to be far enough back in time for pointRange not to include too much extra space, like this:
xAxis: { min : Date.UTC(2014, 0, 1), max : Date.UTC(2014, 11, 28) }
Note here that Highcharts seems to add more space once you go over to the 29th of December. Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure how this spacing is chosen (the 29th is a Monday..?).
Sebastian suggested some solutions that don't involve this type of manipulation at all. The chosen "solution" depends on the other requirements and desired behavior of the chart.
Set a max date as 1.12, remove time and set maxPadding as 0 value. In case when you use a tiem (23:59:59) tick Interval cannot be calculated properly. Second solution is using tickPositioner

position ticks in par with data - highcharts

I have a 'datetime' chart which has one point per day. So my requirement is to have each date displayed on x-axis and value plotted for each date. So I have set the tickinterval as 1 day (24*3600*1000) as follows:
However, the x-axis seems to show only Aug28th and chart has two points on either side of it instead of showing one point for Aug27th and another one for Aug28th.
I tried using tickPositions and the chart appears as follows:
What is wrong here?
One of the numbers is wrong.
the second position in the tick is 137766608975 but then in the data is 1377666808975 which has a full digit more than the other.
You are in fact missing an 8 somewhere in the middle.
so basically the number on the second tick become smaller than the first one.
xAxis: {
type:'datetime' , tickPositions:[1377601929269, **137766608975**]

Highcharts y axis and x axis display

I'm stuck with highcharts. I have 2 problems
For design purpose I need to display the y axis on the left also.
The x axis, is set on datetime. and I need to display the last value. Also display a grid line above this last value. The problem is that it goes 5 by 5 years and the last grid needs to be only 3 years wide.
If anyone has some ideas on how to do that. I'm lost between showlabels and tickintervals, and donot seem to find the solution.
There is an xAxis property tickPositions you can use, to specify them explicitly.
xAxis : {
tickPositions: [
