Get all transient objects - grails

We have a controller where we are trying to carry out search on a domain class. The actual search logic is handled in a service. This search involves use of SomeDomain.withCriteria, fetchMode set to SELECT and createAlias. The search comes back fine with the required results. Once we have the results we redirect to another action in the same controller which handles results. Returning from a controller flushes the session and this is where the controller throws the following exception:
object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient
instance before flushing
Well it appears as somehow and somewhere in our code a domain object is created and is never saved. The error message is kind enough to show the type of the transient object but it does not inform where and when was it created. This remains a mystery that where this object is created from and I am now looking for ways to get hold of a reference to this object. So my question here is that how can I find all objects which are in a transient state?
I want the reference of this mystery unsaved object just because I want to call discard on it and see how things go on from there. I know that I don't need this object so if it is hanging around somewhere I want to discard it so that it does not end up in throwing exceptions. If someone can also figure out why and where that object gets created then that would be great.

We've had this problem too, and it can be an obnoxious bug to find. Presumably it's possible to find all transients by walking through Hibernate's internal structures, but I've never gone very far into it. Instead, we typically debug via flush() and binary search: flush the session more and more aggressively until it's obvious which operation introduced a transient to your object graph.


NSManagedObjectContext refreshObject causes duplicates in NSFetchedResultsController

I have an issue where if I make changes to a core data object, save then refreshing the object, causes my NSFetchedResultsController to show a duplicate object. I think I understand what's going on, but I'm looking for someone to confirm, and also to hopefully give some more detail as to why.
To explain in more dtail I have two entities, Fixture and Position. A Fixture has many Positions, and a Position belongs to only one Fixture. To reproduce the issue I do the following:
Fetch all Positions.
Modify some value (any one) on that objects Fixture. I.E = "foobar"
Save the context
Refresh objects by calling context.refreshAllObjects, or context.refreshObject(foo, mergeChanges: false/true).
I have a tableview using a fetched results controller which displays Fixures. After doing the above the tableview will display duplicates for each item (it doesn't matter if I use the delegate methods of the FRC to do the update or I just reload the tableview).
It appears what's happening is that the refresh invalidates the objects that the FRC knows about, while at the same time gets knowledge of another set of objects. If, as step #5, I call frc.performFetch() then the problem goes away.
Other things to note:
No matter how many times I run the code I only get two of each object (I'm using a random button to trigger it for testing).
init(entityName, context) is called on my Fixture subclass as soon as I access the Fixture property of my object during the next code run (i.e after refresh was called).
In my sample everything is taking place on the same context (though it happens with child contexts as well)
To give some more context as to how I got myself in this situation in the first place users can click on a fixture in the list and then ultimately narrow down on a single position a few screens later where they can perform actions that modify the fixture. There are other active areas of the application at this point that are listening to the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification and I want them to update their objects so they can display the correct data, which is why I was calling refresh.
I've dug around in the docs and I can't see anything that specifically explains my theory that updating the context causes NSFetchedResultsController to have invalid objects. Can anyone shed some light on this behavior?
First, you really should not be overriding -init... on a NSManagedObject. That is one of the methods that you are strongly discouraged from overriding and can very easily be the source of your issues.
Second, your entire UI should be using a single instance of the NSManagedObjectContext that is associated to the main queue and therefore there should only be ONE instance of any particular entity in your UI. If you have multiple contexts you are just making things more complicated for yourself. If you are using a single context keep in mind that no matter how many times you fetch an object against that context you will get the exact same pointer back.
The NSFetchedResultsController will never create objects, it only fetches and provides them for display. Therefore the NSFetchedResultsController is only reporting the fact that you have created this duplication somewhere else in your code.
Now some questions, do these duplicates get pushed down to disk?
Can you see them in the store file on disk?
When you re-launch your application are the duplicates still there?
When you put a print in your custom -init methods on the NSManagedObject; do they fire more than once?

Failed to set the ‘_$visited’ property on ‘DOMStringMap’: ‘data-_$visited’ is not a valid attribute name

We are using breeze.js with entity framework to initiate client side entity management.
We randomly get "Failed to set the ‘$visited’ property on ‘DOMStringMap’: ‘data-$visited’ is not a valid attribute name" error the the breeze.js from __toJSONSafe method of it.
does anybody have any idea what could make "obj._$visited" property undefined? It is coming up as undefined and that is causing the issue during call to the saveChanges()
I'm guessing ... it seems like you've added some kind of DOM object to the entity before saving it. I can't imagine how else you could be subjecting the DOMStringMap to __toJSONSafe.
Would need to know more precisely what object (and entity) is involved when you get this exception.
You say it happens randomly. That doesn't make it easy on any of us. If you can make it happen often enough to detect, you could patch the __toJSONSafe method in your local copy of breeze.debug.js so that you can better trap the error and the information about what makes it happen.
Come back and share that information with us.

Benefits of object.get() vs in Grails

I was skimming some of the Grails documentation and found this bit about the read() method in Grails. If I'm understanding this correctly, you can pull a "read-only" version of an object from the database that will only be saved on an explicit save() call. It seems to me then, that you should use a read() call whenever you have an object that you don't expect to be changed.
But why wouldn't you just always use a read() call? Since the object will be changed to read/write permissions if you save() it anyway, wouldn't it be safer to just read in the object instead of getting it?
You're probably correct - it'd be equivalent in most cases. But Hibernate doesn't require that you call save() since it does dirty checking during a flush and since Grails uses an "Open Session in View" interceptor there will always be a flush at the end of each request. This surprises people who make changes in an instance retrieved by get() that were meant to only be temporary while rendering the view but then the changes get persisted anyway without a save() call. read() would make more sense in that scenario.
One performance optimization is to use to only push changed fields to the database. The default is to push all fields whether they're changed or not since then there's no need to generate new SQL for each update. If you read() an instance Hibernate doesn't keep the original data so dynamic update wouldn't be possible since there would be no way to know which fields are dirty.

Attaching object to EF 4 context from MVC view?

I am not sure if that makes any sense, but here is an example.
I have a Category object, that my Service hands to the Controller, which uses AutoMapper to create a CategoryViewModel. Hand that off to the view, serve it to the client.
Now when that gets posted back, AutoMapper creates a Category from the Model sent back, and I hand it to the Service that gives it to the Repository to persist to the database.
My question is, what is the correct way of doing this? I assume the object is a detached object when posted back and I need to attach it to the context, mark it dirty and save changes?
Basically two ways of doing the update of the entity:
Attach the entity to the context, mark it as modified using ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState Method, call ObjectContext.SaveChanges Method
Load the original entity from DB, apply changes to the original using ObjectContext.ApplyCurrentValues<TEntity> Method, call ObjectContext.SaveChanges Method
Each of those have their own pros and cons. For example the 1st one does not make round trip to get the original entity but fails to address concurrency as well as tries to update every property of the entity, while the 2nd one works best when employing optimistic concurrency, updates only changed properties, but it does make extra trip to Db to get the original entity.
"I assume the object is a detached object when posted back and I need to attach it to the context, mark it dirty and save changes?"
Any one of the links on this page should help:

Modifying object in AfterInsert / AfterUpdate

I have a domain object that holds results of a calculation based on parameters that are properties of the same domain object. I'd like to make sure that any time parameters get changed by the user, it recalculates and gets saved properly into the database.
I am trying to do that with afterInsert (to make sure calculation is correct in the first place), and afterUpdate.
However, since my calculation is trying to modify the object itself, it's not working - throwing various hibernate exceptions.
I tried to put the afterUpdate code into a transaction, but that didn't help. I am afraid I am getting into a circular dependency issues here.
The exception I am getting right now is:
org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect): [esc.scorecard.PropertyScorecard#27]
Are the GORM events designed for simpler use cases? I am tempted to conclude that modifying the object you are in the middle of saving is not the way to go.
Are you using 1.2.0+?
If you are, you can use .withNewSession in the events closures which is supposed to avoid hibernate chaos.
Is there any reason against using beforeInsert and beforeUpdate instead of afterInsert and afterUpdate?
If not, switching to the before* event handlers should fix your issue
