How do "" and "" search other sites? - search-engine

I'm trying to build a vertical (meta) search engine for a particular industry. I'm trying to do somthing similar to "" (job search engine) and "" (hotel search engine). I would like to know how do these two search engines build up their search results?
1) Is it using APIs of the other websites they serve results from? (seems odd to me since some results come from small and primitive sites).
2) Do other website post updates to these search engines? (Also seems odd as above)
3) Do they internally understand and create a map for each website they serve results from? (if so, then maybe they need to constantly monitor the structure of these sites for any changes. Seems error prone to me).
4) Any other possibilities?
I don't know even where to start, so any pointers in the right direction is much appreciated. (books, tutorials, hints, ideas...)

It is mostly a mix of 1 and 3. Ideally, the site will have some sort of API they expose and document. If not, you have to do data scraping. Basically, you reverse-engineer their page. If they get results asynchronously via an undocumented API, you can use that API as well as (until they make a breaking change). Otherwise, it's simply a matter of pulling the text straight out of the HTML.
I don't know of any more advanced techniques since I don't do this myself, but several of my acquaintances have gone on to work on mobile apps that need to do this sort of thing with sports scores and such (not for searching, but same requirements - get someone else's data into our database). The low tech "pull it from the HTML until they change the HTML and break everything" is standard practice where they work.
2 is possible, but to do it you have to either make business arrangements with every source of data you want to use, or gain enough market presence for everyone to want to upload their data.
Also, you don't do this while actually searching (unless you have other constraints as Charles Duffy points out in his comment). You run a process that regularly goes out, gets all the data it can find, and inserts it into your own database, which you then search. This allows you to decouple data gathering from data searching - your search page won't have to know about and handle errors from the scraper, and the scraper has to only "get all the data" from each source instead of being able to transform queries from your site to search each source.


How to use neo4j effectively for serious, repeatable analysis over time

New to neo4J and love the browser for exploratory work. But, I'm unsure of how to best use it to achieve, for lack of a better term, real work. Consider a sample project involving:
Importing 4 different CSV files
Creating appropriate relationships between nodes
Doing a variety of complex queries to derive data that I'll export for statistical analysis using another program.
I need to be able to replicate the project in the future, as well as adding new data, calculating different derived data, etc. I also need to be able to share the code so others can extend/verify it.
For non-relational data, I'd use something like R, Stata or SAS. While each allow interactive exploration like the neo4J browser, I'd never use that for serious analysis. Instead, I'd save a file or files of commands that I could modify and rerun whenever I needed to.
Neo4j's browser doesn't seem to support any of this functionality. Unless I am missing something, it doesn't even allow one to save a "session" along the lines of a iPython/Jupyter notebook. I know that there is a neo4-shell, but especially since they have dropped it from the standard desktop installation (and gotten rid of the console), I feel like I must be doing something wrong--or at least contrary to the designers' intent--if I can't do serious work in the browser. Clearly, lots of people are.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? How does one best develop an extensive, replicable project over time with neo4j? Thank you.
You can take your pick of several officially-supported language drivers to integrate neo4j into basically any other project structure, including Jupyter notebooks. I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "serious work", or where you got the idea that people did lots of it in the browser, but you are definitely able to save the results of a query from the browser in a variety of formats (pictures of the bubbles, result rows in a CSV, JSON response) if your prefer to work that way, or you can pipe data very efficiently into another language and manage it there. I don't see why they would re-create presentation and/or project management tools when there are already so many good ones out there.

Geodata Querying Optimisations

I am planning to write a Node.js-powered RESTful web service that I will use for a mobile application which provides some sort of location based features. The most basic use case is going to look something like this:
the user can create a resource by sending a request to the web service containing the resource's name and the user's current location (latitude and longitude)
the web service will store the metadata about this resource internally in some sort of collection
the user can query the web service for a list of resources within 5km of his current location
One of the first problems that came up in my mind was scalability. Let's suppose that at some point in the future the server will hold metadata for 1 million resources. When a user will query for nearby results, looping through 1 million entries to compute the distance will take forever.
There are many services out there that have the same flow, so I thought implementing something like this is not going to take me a lot of time. I might have been wrong.
I am now two days into researching proven methods and algorithms. By now I have read everything I could put my hands on about QuadTrees, Geohases, databases with spatial indexing support, formulas and so on. However, I still can't get the whole picture of how everything is going to work.
I was hoping that maybe someone who has worked on something similar could share his insight on what approach might be the most suitable considering this use case and the technologies that I am planning to use. Also, a short description of how it can be implemented would help me a lot!
For those who are also looking for more information on this topic out of curiosity, my answer might not provide much clearance. However, some answers in here might help you understand how you could achieve proximity searches using Geohashes.
My approach, after doing a little research on Redis, will be not to overcomplicate things and just use the tools that are already out there. It has out of the box support for spatial indexing and will most probably meet all my persistance requirements for this project.
Apparently MongoDB also comes with built-in support for geodata. In fact, even RDBMS like MySQL or SQLite do come with such capabilities.

How to categorize urls using machine learning?

I'm indexing websites' content and I want to implement some categorization based solely on the urls.
I would like to tell appart content view pages from navigation pages.
By 'content view pages' I mean webpages where one can typically see the details of a product or a written article.
By 'navigation pages' I mean pages that (typically) consist of lists of links to content pages or to other more specific list pages.
Although some sites use a site wide key system to map their content, most of the sites do it bit by bit and scope their key mapping, so this should be possible.
In practice, what I want to do is take the list of urls from a site and group them by similarity. I believe this can be done with machine learning, but I have no idea how.
Machine learning appear to be a broad topic, what should I start reading about in particular?
Which concepts, which algoritms, which tools?
If you want to discover these groups automatically, I suggest you find yourself an implementation of a clustering algorithm (K-Means is probably the most popular, you don't say what language you want to do this in). You know there are two categories, so something that allows you to specify the number of categories a priori will make the problem easier.
After that, define a bunch of features for your webpages, and run them through k-means to see what kind of groups are produced. Tweak the features you use til you get something that looks satisfactory. If you have access to the webpages themselves, I'd strongly recommend using features defined over the whole page, rather than just the URLs.
You firstly need to collect a dataset of navigation / content pages and label them. After that its quite straight forward.
What language will you be using? I'd suggest you try Weka which is a java based tool in which you can simply press a button and get back performance measures of 50 odd algorithms from. After that you will know which is the most accurate and can deploy that.
I feel like you are trying to classify the Authority and Hub in a HITS algorithm.
Hub is your navigation page;
Authority is your content view page.
By doing a link analysis of every web pages, you should be able to find out the type of page by performing HITS on all the webpages in a domain. As shown in below graphs, the left graph shows the link relation between webpages. The right graph shows the scoring with respective to hub/authority after running HITS. HITS does not need any label to start. The updating rule is simple: basically just one update for authority score and another update for hub score.
Here is a tutorial discussing pagerank/HITS where I borrowed the above two graphs.
Here is an extended version of HITS to combine HITS and information retrieval methods (TF-IDF, vector space model, etc). This looks much more promising but certainly it needs more work. I suggest you start with naive HITS and see how good it is. On top of that, try some techniques mentioned in BHITS to improve your performance.

Intelligently extracting tags from blogs and other web pages

I'm not talking about HTML tags, but tags used to describe blog posts, or youtube videos or questions on this site.
If I was crawling just a single website, I'd just use an xpath to extract the tag out, or even a regex if it's simple. But I'd like to be able to throw any web page at my extract_tags() function and get the tags listed.
I can imagine using some simple heuristics, like finding all HTML elements with id or class of 'tag', etc. However, this is pretty brittle and will probably fail for a huge number of web pages. What approach do you guys recommend for this problem?
Also, I'm aware of Zemanta and Open Calais, which both have ways to guess the tags for a piece of text, but that's not really the same as extracting tags real humans have already chosen. But I would still love to hear about any other services/APIs to guess the tags in a document.
EDIT: Just to be clear, a solution that already works for this would be great. But I'm guessing there's no open-source software that already does this, so I really just want to hear from people about possible approaches that could work for most cases. It need not be perfect.
EDIT2: For people suggesting a general solution that usually works is impossible, and that I must write custom scrapers for each website/engine, consider the arc90 readability tool. This tool is able to extract the article text for any given article on the web with surprising accuracy, using some sort of heuristic algorithm I believe. I have yet to dig into their approach, but it fits into a bookmarklet and does not seem too involved. I understand that extracting an article is probably simpler than extracting tags, but it should serve as an example of what's possible.
Systems like the arc90 example you give work by looking at things like the tag/text ratios and other heuristics. There is sufficent difference between the text content of the pages and the surrounding ads/menus etc. Other examples include tools that scrape emails or addresses. Here there are patterns that can be detected, locations that can be recognized. In the case of tags though you don't have much to help you uniqely distinguish a tag from normal text, its just a word or phrase like any other piece of text. A list of tags in a sidebar is very hard to distinguish from a navigation menu.
Some blogs like tumblr do have tags whose urls have the word "tagged" in them that you could use. Wordpress similarly has ".../tag/..." type urls for tags. Solutions like this would work for a large number of blogs independent of their individual page layout but they won't work everywhere.
If the sources expose their data as a feed (RSS/Atom) then you may be able to get the tags (or labels/categories/topics etc.) from this structured data.
Another option is to parse each web page and look for for tags formatted according to the rel=tag microformat.
Damn, was just going to suggest Open Calais. There's going to be no "great" way to do this. If you have some target platforms in mind, you could sniff for Wordpress, then see their link structure, and again for Flickr...
I think your only option is to write custom scripts for each site. To make things easier though you could look at AlchemyApi. They have simlar entity extraction capabilities as OpenCalais but they also have a "Structured Content Scraping" product which makes it a lot easier than writing xpaths by using simple visual constraints to identify pieces of a web page.
This is impossible because there isn't a well know, followed specification. Even different versions of the same engine could create different outputs - hey, using Wordpress a user can create his own markup.
If you're really interested in doing something like this, you should know it's going to be a real time consuming and ongoing project: you're going to create a lib that detects which "engine" is being used in a page, and parse it. If you can't detect a page for some reason, you create new rules to parse and move on.
I know this isn't the answer you're looking for, but I really can't see another option. I'm into Python, so I would use Scrapy for this since it's a complete framework for scraping: it's complete, well documented and really extensible.
Try making a Yahoo Pipe and running the source pages through the Term Extractor module. It may or may not give great results, but it's worth a try. Note - enable the V2 engine.
Looking at arc90 it seems they are also asking publishers to use semantically meaningful mark-up [see] so they can parse it rather easily, but presumably they must either have developed a generic rules such as #dunelmtech suggested tag/text ratios, which can work with article detection, or they might be using with a combination of some text-segmentation algorithms (from Natural Language Processing field) such as TextTiler and C99 which could be quite usefull for article detection - see and google for more info on both [published in academic literature - google scholar].
It seems that, however, to detect "tags" as you required is a difficult problem (for already mentioned reasons in comments above). One approach I would try out would be to use one of the text-segmentation (C99 or TextTiler) algorithms to detect article start/end and then look for DIV's / SPAN's / ULs with CLASS & ID attributes containing ..tag.. in them, since in terms of page-layout's tags tend to be generally underneath the article and just above the comment feed this might work surprisingly well.
Anyway, would be interesting to see whether you got somewhere with the tag detection.
EDIT: I just found something that might really be helpfull. The algorithm is called VIPS [see:] and stands for Vision Based Page Segmentation. It is based on the idea that page content can be visually split into sections. Compared with DOM based methods, the segments obtained by VIPS are much more semantically aggregated. Noisy information, such as navigation, advertisement, and decoration can be easily removed because they are often placed in certain positions of a page. This could help you detect the tag block quite accurately!
there is a term extractor module in Drupal. ( but it's only for Drupal 6.

MVC Implementation where a Search Engine is the Model

Maybe I am mistating the problems and conflating the answer with the questions, but please here me out. I would like to think (communally, with you) about a site that is based on any any of the MVC frameworks(something PHP or ASP.NET MVC, whtever) that would use a search engine (lucene/solr, FAST ESP, whatever) as the back end of the Model. That is to say, there is no database per se in the project. Just a giant index of docuements that are semistructured content.
I am looking to understand - and keep in mind the site is primarily read-only - where I am likely to run into trouble. What are the things that make you think this is a bad idea from the get go. Also, please assume that there will be a robust infrastructure with caching surrounding the search engine - so while perf comments are welcomed, we feel they are not the major problem.
In general, I'd use a tool like Lucene for searching content, and a database for retrieving it. That doesn't mean that it won't work. It's more a question of why you don't want to use a database. Yes, it can work, and it probably will work (depending on the functional requirements of the site, read on), but that still doesn't make a tool like Lucene the right tool for the job per se.
That being said, it also it does depend on the kind of site however. Is it really a site with just a whole bunch of searchable data and nothing else, or is it something much more than that? If the answer is the first, then good! If it is the latter, there are some issues I can think of:
Updates to the data can be troublesome. "Instant updates" are usually a no-go, as Lucene would have to rebuild its index, which is time-consuming. If there aren't many updates to the data that's fine. You can just recreate the index a couple of times per day, or nightly, if that works.
Trying to stuff any data in an index which is not really suited to be indexed is usually not a good idea. If the site lets users register on your site, then that user data should really go in a database. It's not impossible to store it in a lucene index, it's just not the right tool for the job. Use the index as a bunch of indexed documents, but don't use it as a database as well.
