Youtube thumbnail 404ing - youtube

I recently uploaded the following video to youtube.
I was initially able to choose a thumbnail from the dashboard. However, now when i go back to the dashboard none of the images are showing up, and i can see the following 404's in the developer console, see image link below.
This is affecting the share image when i post on facebook. See the developer debugger link here:
Why is this happening, and how can i now replace the thumbnail without having to reupload the whole video again? Will this resolve itself?


Youtube API 3 get latest videos - but I want the URL to just open and PLAY that video

So, I have read numerous sites and a bunch of code that can find "the newest video" uploaded or Published, but NONE of them show how to format a URL LINK to just open THAT most recent video in a new tab/window and PLAY it.
I am missing something, obviously, and would love direction and help.
Here is the code that locates the correct video listing...
And it literally shows up in a new tab, but just white code on a black background - NO VIDEO.
I would love this URL to just open and play that Newest uploaded/streamed video.
I have tried appending "watch?v=" with such items as "playnext=1&index=1", "videos.xml?channel_id=Myin&orderedby=published&playnext=1&index=1" and many other variations of these and other switches/directories/commands - all as links only.
By channel, playlist {when correct one is chosen} works using some variation - but - the newest Live uploaded video only exists in a non-existent list under "/streams", named or "filtered" as "Recently Uploaded" on the "LIVE" tab, or also in another non-existent List/category on the "Home" tab, named "Past Live Streams".
I just want a link that I never have to change, to play the Most Recently Uploaded Live video. This should NOT be this hard and frustrating.

How are urls like this created? (,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,mime,lm​t&signature=6BC2EA4F643071A5FACCFD9413B48FC1DCB53710.387DCD60FD8900AE04010A993​EDFF340D2A67406&key=ck2
This URL is a "direct" link to a video. I'm unsure how these URLs are handled and how they came to be. I assumed it was from Google Drive or Google Photos, but I can't seem to get the same URL format from a quick video I uploaded onto Google Drive/Photo.
Does anyone know how this URL is generated and maintained?
If you go to your normal video link–URL with the format, you can right click twice in a row and click "Copy Video Address", and it will get you the link in that format.
Note that these links are temporary and IP-locked, so it won't work forever or on another device.

Embed Instagram photo using Pusher

In my application I use Pusher in order to publish content in realtime.
Recently I added Instagram content, which is published also via Pusher. It means that without reloading the page, an Instagram entry might appear.
I use the embed code Instagram supplies:
<blockquote class="instagram-media" .....
Usually there is no problem. But from time to time I get the content without the image, and instead a gray camera icon:
When I refresh page, usually I can see the photo.
Looking for some hint in console, this is what I got under Network tab:
Any idea?

UIActivityViewControlloer don't show thumbnail for links

I am developing an iOS app that uses the UIActivityViewController to share some text and a Url. In the Facebook and Twitter services it shows a thumbnail of the site located at the URL.
Unfortunately, the site in question does not look very good at all in the thumbnail. So currently the thumbnail has a negative value in the share dialog. I would either like to prevent the thumbnail from displaying, or supply my own image for the thumbnail. What is the best method to do this?
I would like to avoid having to create my own service and/or dialog.
I have tried adding an image to the item list, however that adds a bunch of services I don't want and adds the Image to the email action and adds the image to a photo album on facebook. The first problem I can get around by blacklisting actions I don't want. And I can make my own UIActivityItemProvider to stop the email problem. However, I have no idea how to prevent the facebook problem. (See How do I customize a UIActivityViewController to show a URL link when posting to facebook and twitter?).
Here is a screenshot of the facebook sharing dialog:

YouTube API, Can I add a developer tag to an uploaded video?

My youtube videos have no developer tag and now I want to add one for them
I can get the videoEntry for those videos
I can add new developer tag as new MediaCategory
I can add MediaCategory as new Category to my video entry (displayed fine)
After I called VideoEntry.update() and use my own function to display the developer tag, it shows me the video has no dev tag. The function is working since I tested with my newly uploaded video(with dev tag during uploaing process)
My question is, Is it possible to add a developer tag after a video had been uploaded.
If possible, What's the essential steps? Do I use VideoEntry.update() ?
I currently have the same problem. According to this, you cannot add developer tags after the video has been uploaded. I do not know why Youtube has this restriction.
