What kind of web server app do I need? - ios

I would like to create a sort of tracking application.
A device with GPS will send it's location coordinates to a web server.
The client app on the iOS device will connect to the web server and will continuously the read the coordinates from the web server (that are being updated by the GPS device every 5 - or so - seconds)
Using GoogleMaps SDK I will put a marker on the map where the coordinates are, and refresh the location of the marker when the read value has changed.
My question is:
What kind of web technology would be suitable for receiving data (such as coordinates) and constantly updating this data as well as allowing the clients to continuously read this value?

I was part of a team that made nearly this exact application using a Node.js + Socket.io backend.
I won't speculate as to whether it is the best, but Node's evented system worked extremely well for this.

Upon further research I discovered that gearheadalex's answer on this page was correct. I successfully created a node.js server using socket.io and was able to connect the iOS clients to the server and read GPS coordinates sent to the server from another iPhone. I then simply updated the MKPointAnnotation with the coordinates received from the server. (Of course this was done with apple maps, but I assume it would work the same with Google Map's GMSMarker)
I also have an alternate server that functioned the same using Python and Twisted for the evented system.


Automatic export location tracks of walking\running activiies in garmin

I would like to do some automated export location history - map (or picture of the map) of my walking and running activities from my Garmin watch.
I am not an enterprise developer, so I am not able to use Garmin API.
I am using HealthSync app to sync activities Garmin->GoogleFit.
I am able to see location trak inthe google fit.
I was trying to retrieve it via GoogleFit API, but looks like google does not allow we to do it :-( DataSource for the location in google fit Rest API
I was trying to perform sync Garmin->Fitbit (Fitbit has wonderful API)
But looks like HealthSync is not transferring location tracks from Garmin to Fitbit.
And I am near to giving up :(.
What could be an option for me to automate exporting\saving location tracks of my runs and walking?
I do like my Garmin watch and don't see good alternatives for them. But also I would like to own my data :-)
Google made some policy revisions especially with GDPR regulations tightening their nooses.
As stated in officially published docs, https://developers.google.com/fit/datatypes/location#location_sample, location data is exclusive to the application that originally wrote it. Thus, it becomes obscured to any other 3P app that also is writing and reading location data of its own.
You can also reach out to their mailing list, fit-developer-support#google.com, should you need any clarifications with their APIs, especially now that they're introducing Health Connect to replace the Android APIs, https://developer.android.com/guide/health-and-fitness/health-connect

Uber Live Driver Route GPS Update

I am getting into ioS development. Does anyone know how apps like Uber achieve live gps updates of driver's en route? You can see exactly where the driver is on the map and it's a live feed.
Can this be achieved through use of Google Maps API?
Basically, all they need is that the Driver has a device which has GPS and internet connection. Then the device locates itself (periodically) and sends the location to the central server, in which the location along side information identifying the car is stored.
And then the map view simply fetches the data from the database and shows the cars in the Map. And again it simply refreshes the data with timer.
So the Google Maps API, alongside with any other Maps offering can indeed be used for showing the map and the cars in it. But for the positioning parts, as well as for the server side implementations you likely would need to search for other offerings as well.

Best practice for GPS-Tracking in iOS with Windows Azure?

I want to build an iOS application that GPS coordinates from the iPad to a Windows Azure Service.
An asp.net will read this GPS coordinates and show them on a map.
Is there a best practice to do this or should i just write the coordinates in a table and delete old coordinates as soon as newer coordinates will get uploaded?
You should use a persistent connection to make this faster instead of the Request-Response model of HTTP.
You can use SignalR, it's a library for ASP.NET that makes real-time apps really easy. You can use SignalR-ObjC as an iOS client.
Your iOS app sends consistent updates of GPS coordinates. The SignalR backend receives them, and updates the web app.

How to get the location coordinates at which we are present using program

I am working on a project which get the current location coordinates and sends them to a server where server gets the street address with the coordinates sent by Blackberry mobile. And this project is to be done on 8520 blackberry mobile without using GPS. Is it possible to get the location without using GPS and without depending on third party members? Please help me with a code if it is possible. Thank you
Please try the following links which gives very useful information about locations services in blackberry
Location-Based Services
Location APIs – Start to finish
Google provides location apis which you can use to find out the lat/longs. Its very easy. All you do is create a json request with your current cellid , and send the request to google. You get the lat/long from the google response.

Blackberry app that periodically sends GPS to webserver?

I want to create a background app on a Blackberry that starts when the phone boots and sends gps locations to a webserver periodically. Is this possible without the BES server? I am most likely targeting OS 4.5. Any gotchas I should know about?
if you want only background process.
How to - Set up a background application
if you want GUI part also in your application.
How to - Set up an alternate entry point
and for gps update
Get location information updates
You can skip the BES server if you use a PHP or ASP.NET WebService. You can consume that WebService on the Blackberry device using a JSON library found here:
PHP and ASP.NET can receive JSON objects and parse them into objects on that specific programming language.
