I have a Rails app running on 4.1.6 and Ruby 2.1.3. Some times on some requests they take so long, but it doesn't happen all the times. When I check newrelic I still can't identify or trace the slowness lines.
check out perftools - you can use googles perftools, or the ruby specific implementation. There's a nice write-up about it here
It runs through your application and finds bottlenecks by determining time spent in individual method calls. You'll get output like this:
Total: 23 samples
18 78.3% 78.3% 18 78.3% BigDecimal#div
4 17.4% 95.7% 4 17.4% BigDecimal#*
1 4.3% 100.0% 23 100.0% BigMath#PI
0 0.0% 100.0% 23 100.0% BigMath.PI
In this case, you'd need to spend some time looking at the div method in BigDecimal
It may be a slow API call.
Here is the code for Doorkeeper::TokensController#create
module Doorkeeper
class TokensController < Doorkeeper::ApplicationMetalController
def create
response = strategy.authorize
self.headers.merge! response.headers
self.response_body = response.body.to_json
self.status = response.status
rescue Errors::DoorkeeperError => e
handle_token_exception e
# ...snip...
def strategy
#strategy ||= server.token_request params[:grant_type]
I don't see any heavy lifting done in here.
Read this New Relic blog post about adding custom metrics to your code. This will replace "Application code" entries in your trace with greater detail about what is going on inside your code.
I cannot copy the linked information here due to copyright.
I have a rails instance which on average uses about 250MB of memory. Lately I'm having issues with some really heavy spikes of memory usage which results in a response time of about ~25s. I have an endpoint which takes some relative simple params and base64 strings which are being send over to AWS.
See the image below for the correlation between memory/response time.
Now, when I look at some extra logs what's specifically happening during that time, I found something interesting.
First of all, I find the net_http memory allocations extremely high. Secondly, the update operation took about 25 sec in total. When I closely look at the timeline, I noticed some "blank gaps", between ~5 and ~15 seconds. The specific operations that are being done during those HTTP calls is from my perspective nothing special. But I'm a bit confused why those gaps occur, maybe someone could tell me a bit about that?
The code that's handling the requests:
def store_documents
identity_documents.each do |side, content|
is_file = content.is_a?(ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile)
file_extension = is_file ? content : content[:name]
file_name = "#{SecureRandom.uuid}_#{side}#{File.extname(file_extension)}"
if is_file
write_to_storage_service(file_name, content.tempfile.path)
write_file(file_name, content[:uri])
write_to_storage_service(file_name, file_name)
store_object_key_on_profile(side, file_name)
# rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength
def write_file(file_name, base_64_string)
File.open(file_name, 'wb') do |f|
def delete_file(file_name)
def write_to_storage_service(file_name, path)
rescue Aws::Xml::Parser::ParsingError => e
add_errors(base: e)
def get_content(base_64_string)
base_64_string.sub %r{data:((image|application)/.{3,}),}, ''
def store_object_key_on_profile(side, file_name)
profile.update("#{side}_identity_document_object_key": file_name)
def identity_documents
front: front_identity_document,
back: back_identity_document
def front_identity_document
#front_identity_document ||= identity_check_params[:front_identity_document]
def back_identity_document
#back_identity_document ||= identity_check_params[:back_identity_document]
I tend towards some issues with Ruby GC, or perhaps Ruby doesn't have enough pages available to directly store the base64 string in memory? I know that Ruby 2.6 and Ruby 2.7 had some large improvements regarding memory fragmentation, but that didn't change much either (currently running Ruby 2.7.1)
I have my Heroku resources configured to use Standard-2x dynos (1GB ram) x3. WEB_CONCURRENCY(workers) is set to 2, and amount of threads is set to 5.
I understand that my questions are rather broad, I'm more interested in some tooling, or ideas that could help to narrow my scope. Thanks!
I am using the Geocoder gem but lately it does not seem to work.
I get this error:
Geocoding API not responding fast enough (use Geocoder.configure(:timeout => ...) to set limit).
My application_controller.rb is:
before_filter :lookup_ip_location
def lookup_ip_location
if Rails.env.development?
prr = Geocoder.search(request.remote_ip).first
p "this is #{prr.inspect}"
This is development.rb:
# test geocoder gem locally
class ActionDispatch::Request
def remote_ip
"" # ipd home (Denver,CO or Renton,WA)
# "" # websiteuk.com -- Nassau, Bahamas
# "" # HOL Seattle, WA
I am loading an IP addresses from development.rb to check if geocoder works locally, but it does not. I am getting the above error.
Also, when printing prr I get nil.
I also added a geocoder.rb initializer to raise the timeout to 15 seconds but even after 15 seconds of the browser loading the page I'm still getting the same message.
Is it broken? Should I use another gem? If so, do you have any suggestions?
Interesting. I tried your exact methods, and was running into the same problems. I also tried bumping the timeout up to 60 seconds, and same error.
Then I noticed Geocoder uses freegeoip. So I went to see what that was all about. Lo and behold, freegeoip.net is down. Suspicious.
So I checked the Geocoder documentation for any different ip address lookup services they offer. Sure enough, under "Ip Address Services", there are multiple offers. I tried the first one that does not require an API key, which was :ipinfo_io.
[18] pry(main)> Geocoder.configure(ip_lookup: :ipinfo_io)
=> {:timeout=>30,
[19] pry(main)> Geocoder.search("")
=> [#<Geocoder::Result::IpinfoIo:0x007fce5da5fe28 #cache_hit=nil, #data={"ip"=>"", "city"=>"", "region"=>"", "country"=>"AU", "loc"=>"-27.0000,133.0000"}>]
And it works! But the response doesn't have much info. I would recommend looking at the other ip lookup services that Geocoder uses. Find one that is reliable and has enough response info for your needs. Seems that freegeoip is free, but can also be unreliable. Cheers.
EDIT: Found some related information about freegeoip.net here. If you really wish to use freegeoip, looks like you can run your own instance. Hope this helps!
Major edit: Since originally finding this issue I have whittled it down to the below. I think this is now a marginally more precise description of the problem. Comments on the OP may therefore not correlate entirely.
Edit lightly modified version posted in rails/puma projects: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/21209, https://github.com/puma/puma/issues/758
Edit Now reproduced with OS X and Rainbows
Summary: When using Puma and running long-running connections I am consistently receiving errors related to ActiveRecord connections crossing threads. This manifests itself in message like message type 0x## arrived from server while idle and a locked (crashed) server.
The set up:
Ubuntu 15 / OSX Yosemite
PostgreSQL (9.4) / MySQL (mysqld 5.6.25-0ubuntu0.15.04.1)
Ruby - MRI 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux] / Rubinius rbx-2.5.8
Rails (4.2.3, 4.2.1)
Puma (2.12.2, 2.11)
pg (pg-0.18.2) / mysql2
Note, not all combinations of the above versions have been tried. First listed version is what I'm currently testing against.
rails new issue-test
Add a route get 'events' => 'streaming#events'
Add a controller streaming_controller.rb
Set up database stuff (pool: 2, but seen with different pool sizes)
class StreamingController < ApplicationController
include ActionController::Live
def events
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/event-stream"
sse = SSE.new(response.stream)
sse.write( {:data => 'starting'} , {:event => :version_heartbeat})
while true do
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do |conn|
logger.info 'START'
conn.execute 'SELECT pg_sleep(3)'
logger.info 'FINISH'
sse.write( {:data => 'continuing'}, {:event => :version_heartbeat})
sleep 0.5
rescue IOError
rescue ClientDisconnected
logger.info 'Ensuring event stream is closed'
render nothing: true
Puma configuration:
workers 1
threads 2, 2
bind "tcp://"
on_worker_boot do
require "active_record"
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect! rescue ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished
Run the server puma -e production -C path/to/puma/config/production.rb
Test script:
timeout 30 curl -vS &
timeout 5 curl -vS &
timeout 30 curl -vS
This reasonably consistently results in a complete lock of the application server (in PostgreSQL, see notes). The scary message comes from libpq:
message type 0x44 arrived from server while idle
message type 0x43 arrived from server while idle
message type 0x5a arrived from server while idle
message type 0x54 arrived from server while idle
In the 'real-world' I have quite a few extra elements and the issue presents itself at random. My research indicates that this message comes from libpq and is subtext for 'communication problem, possibly using connection in different threads'. Finally, while writing this up, I had the server lock up without a single message in any log.
So, the question(s):
Is the pattern I'm following not legal in some way? What have I mis[sed|understood]?
What is the 'standard' for working with database connections here that should avoid these problems?
Can you see a way to reliably reproduce this?
What is the underlying issue here and how can I solve it?
If running MySQL, the message is a bit different, and the application recovers (though I'm not sure if it is then in some undefined state):
F, [2015-07-30T14:12:07.078215 #15606] FATAL -- :
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql2::Error: This connection is in use by: #<Thread:0x007f563b2faa88#/home/dev/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/actionpack-4.2.3/lib/action_controller/metal/live.rb:269 sleep>: SELECT `tasks`.* FROM `tasks` ORDER BY `tasks`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1):
Warning: read 'answer' as 'seems to make a difference'
I don't see the issue happen if I change the controller block to look like:
while true do
t = Thread.new do #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do |conn|
t.join #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
rescue IOError
But I don't know whether this has actually solved the problem or just made it extremely unlikely. Nor can I really fathom why this would make a difference.
Posting this as a solution in case it helps, but still digging on the issue.
I have a fairly simple Rails app. It listens for requests in the form
My application controller looks at the secret key to determine which user is making the call, looks up their database credentials, and connects to the appropriate database to get that person's items.
However we need to have this support multiple requests at a time, and Puma seems like everyone's favorite / the fastest server for us to use. We started running into problems when benchmarking it with ApacheBench. FYI, puma is configured to have 3 workers and min=1, max=16 threads.
If I were to run
ab -n 100 -c 10
then this error is thrown with a whole lot of stack trace after it:
/home/user/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/mysql2-0.3.16/lib/mysql2/client.rb:70: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 2.0.0p353 (2013-11-22 revision 43784) [x86_64-linux]
Edit: This line also appears in the enormous amount of info that the error contains:
*** glibc detected *** puma: cluster worker 1: 17088: corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007fb671ddbd60
And it looks to me like that's tripping multiple times. I have been unable to determine exactly when (on which requests) it trips.
The benchmarking seems to still finish, but it seems quite slow (from ab):
Concurrency Level: 10
Time taken for tests: 21.085 seconds
Complete requests: 100
Total transferred: 3620724 bytes
21 seconds for 3 megabytes? Even if mysql was being slow, that's... bad. But I think it's worse than that - the amount of data isn't high enough. There are no segfaults when I run concurrency 1, and the amount of data for -n 10 -c 1 is 17 megabytes. So puma is responding with some error page that I can't see - running 'curl address' gives me the expected data, and I can't manually do concurrency.
It gets worse when I run more requests or higher concurrency.
ab -n 1000 -c 10
apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)
Total of 199 requests completed
ab -n 100 -c 50
apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)
Total of 6 requests completed
Running top in another putty window shows me that very often (most times I try to benchmark) only one of the three workers puma created is performing any work. Rarely, all three do.
Because it seems like the error might be somewhere in here, I'll show you my application_controller. It's short, but the bulk of the application (which, like I said, is fairly simple).
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
# For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
protect_from_forgery with: :exception
def get_yaml_params
def access_key_login
access_key = params[:access_key]
unless access_key
show_error("missing access_key parameter")
return false
access_info = get_yaml_params
unless client_login = access_info[access_key]
show_error("invalid access_key")
return false
status = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(
:adapter => "mysql2",
:host => client_login["host"],
:username => client_login["username"],
:password => client_login["password"],
:database => client_login["database"]
def generate_json (columns, footer)
// config/application.rb includes the line
// require 'json'
query = "select"
columns.each do |column, name|
query += " #{column}"
query += " AS #{name}" unless column == name
query += ","
query = query[0..-2] # trim ','
query += " #{footer}"
dbh = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
results = dbh.select_all(query).to_hash
data = results.map do |result|
columns.map {|column, name| result[name]}
({"fields" => columns.values, "values" => data}).to_json
def show_error(msg)
render(:text => "Error: #{msg}\n")
And an example of a controller that uses it
class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
def index
access_key_login or return
columns = {
"prd_type" => "prd_type",
"prd_type_description" => "description"
footer = "from cin_desc;"
json = generate_json(columns, footer)
render(:json => json)
That's pretty much it as far as custom code goes. I can't find anything making this not threadsafe, so I don't know what the cause of the segfaults is. I don't know why not all of the workers spin up when requests are made. I don't know what error is getting returned to ApacheBench. Thanks for helping, I can post more information as you need it.
It appears that the stable version of mysql2 library, 0.3.17, is NOT threadsafe. Until it is updated to be threadsafe, using it with multithreaded puma will be impossible. An alternative would be to use Unicorn.
When I run
rails server
rake -T
or some other rails script, it takes a lot of time, approx 1 minute.
What is the best way to determine what exactly is so slow ?
How can the speed be improved ?
Rails v is 3.0.3 run trough ruby 1.9.2 (RVM) - Linux
That is bothering me also, since I have switched to Rails 3.
To your second question: I found by digging through the framework that the initializers take about half the time of a simple rake or rails call before it actually starts doing its task.
If you put these simple timing lines into the loop of initializer calls in $GEM_PATH/gems/railties-3.0.3/lib/rails/initializable.rb (or piggy-back it if you like):
def run_initializers(*args)
return if instance_variable_defined?(:#ran)
t0 = Time.now
initializers.tsort.each do |initializer|
t = Time.now
puts("%60s: %.3f sec" % [initializer.name, Time.now - t])
puts "%60s: %.3f sec" % ["for all", Time.now - t0]
#ran = true
EDIT: Or, for railties 4.2.1:
def run_initializers(group=:default, *args)
return if instance_variable_defined?(:#ran)
t0 = Time.now
initializers.tsort.each do |initializer|
t = Time.now
initializer.run(*args) if initializer.belongs_to?(group)
puts("%60s: %.3f sec" % [initializer.name, Time.now - t])
puts "%60s: %.3f sec" % ["for all", Time.now - t0]
#ran = true
... you can follow up what happens. On my system, which is a 2.4 Core 2 Duo MacBook the initializers take about 7 seconds.
There are a few that are especially slow on my system. When I filter all out below a second, I get this result on my system:
load_active_support: 1.123 sec
active_support.initialize_time_zone: 1.579 sec
load_init_rb: 1.118 sec
set_routes_reloader: 1.291 sec
I am sure somebody (is it me?) will take some time to start there and optimize.
Our Rails 3.1 startup time was almost 1 minute (having a lot of gems)
Then we found out about some Ruby 1.9.3 tuning options on reddit:
export RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS=800000
export RUBY_HEAP_FREE_MIN=100000
export RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=79000000
put this in your shell environment/profile/bashrc, and you are done.
We boosted our startup from 1 minute to 9 seconds
One workaround I use for this is to preload the rails environment with rails-sh. That way only the first rails/rake command is slow and the rest are pretty fast. Wrote a fuller answer to it in this question.
Another way I tried more recently and is compatible with the first is installing a patched ruby (with rvm or rubyenv or from source) and adjusting environment variables (see #stwienert's answer). The falcon patch and railsexpress patches both seem to pick up significant performance in ruby 1.9. Check out rvm/rubyenv on how to install patched rubies with them.
I used robokopp's tip here to discover that most of the time was being used in the build_middleware_stack and load_config_initializers steps for me. This is because I am using the omniauth gem that adds middlewares and perhaps has heavy initialization steps. I am on Rails 3.1.rc1, and my initialization takes almost 13 seconds (I am on ruby 1.9.2p180).
Even for brand new rails 3.1.rc1 app, the initialization takes ~3.6 seconds, with max time taken by load_config_initializers.
So I suggest you look for gems/your own code that have heavy initializers or add too many middlewares.