jquerymobile - selectable list item - jquery-mobile

I want to be able to select a listview item. On select/click I can use onclick event and add class to that li. But, is there any default way in which I can select an item in the listview. I mean, when I select, it should be highlighted and I should be able to get the selected value.

The jQM listview widget does not include any default functionality for a highlighted/selected item. Your approach of
handling the click,
adding a class, and
storing the currently
selected item in a global or data-attribute
is a good way to go.


How to add some buttons to selected ListBox item via style?

Is there a way to add some buttons to the selected ListBoxItem by adding these buttons to a style which is being used for the selected item?
I didn't yet find a suitable style FMX uses to display the selected item.
My goal is to have some buttons on the selected item with context based functionality. While I can do this by reparenting a TButton created in code in the OnPaint event of the ListBox, this works for Android but not for Win32 as it is being overpainted by the selection.
Other solutions like doing this in OnItemClick or OnClick are sluggish or only work properly on Win32 but not on Android and would need to be put into a timer fired on click.

Select2 drop-down list is not repositioned to show added tags

I'm using Select2 (version 4.0.2) to allow users to select multiple values and make tags of them. The problem is that when the span holding the tags is expanded after new tags are selected, the drop-down values list area is not repositioned accordingly.
This figure shows the Select2 area containing several previously selected values, prior to selecting additional values:
This figure shows what happens after I select one or more choices, which are hidden because the tags area is taller than it was, but the drop-down options list is stuck in the same position:
If I take focus from (blur) the tag area, the drop-down is re-displayed in the proper position to show all of the currently selected values/tags:
How do I get the drop-down options area to dynamically reposition as new tag values are selected? Can I intercept a Select2 event and somehow force it to recalculate the vertical position? Or perhaps blur() then focus() the span each time a selection is chosen?
The solution I came up with was to force the drop-down element to be resized whenever a drop-down choice was selected or de-selected, which required catching the "change" event:
// Apply Select2 to the <select> element
var select2Elem = $("#" + controlID).select2(opts);
// Force drop-down list to resize upon select/unselect
function(evt) {

sortable list trigger is a specific object

So I have a normal jQueryUI Sortable List IE: http://jqueryui.com/sortable/#default
However I would like the drag(or sort) event only to be triggered when the user clicks on a specific object inside my list item. For the sake of the example lets say the arrows in the link I provide would trigger the drag event but clicking on the text wouldn't.
You can use the handle option

How to create Combobox with multiselect capability?

How to create a Combobox having Multiselect Capability using Jquery?
Does JQuery Combobox has this functionality or Property?
if it helps, take a look http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/ for multi select values
Edited : I found one more link it's really great http://tameraydin.github.io/jquery-easyselect/
Combobox displays the selected value when its list of options is collapsed. You may want to use multiple selection list.
to use multiple select in combobox you will have to create your own user control using checked listbox, textbox and a button.
and on click of button just make checked list box visible and let the user select items from that checkedListBox and as user select items on it you take those values and concatenate it in textbox with comma seperated. and then again on click on button hide that list box.
as it is on : http://9perhour.co.uk/
which is asking for select technology
some good samples
for jquery:
for asp.net:

jquery sortable - how to prevent item from dragging from one list to another

There are two sortable UL elements which are linked to each other via 'connectWith' options so that items from one list can be moved to another list and vice versa. I'm in need to prohibit from moving/dragging some items to another list while still letting them to be draggable within their own list. Is there any way to implement such behavior?
For now I can only restrict items from dragging using 'items' option of those sortable lists but while this prevents the desired items from dragging to another list this also prevents those items from dragging within their own lists (which is bad).
The way I was able to get around this is by using the li elements onMouseDown and onMouseUp events. When the mouse is clicked, I changed my CSS class (or whatever else) so that it falls out of the items list.
