Linking web page domains - url

So I have brought 2 domain names for my new business one is .org through Google and the other is .co from Pop! is there any way that I can link the two so if someone was to go to the .org page they would be automatically directed to the .co url? Thanks :)

yes, there are a couple ways, but easiest would be to configure your domain forwarding. I assume you're using google domains? I wish I could help more, but I don't have an invite to google domains, so I can't provide links to their docs...there seems to be a link right off their splash page, though.

You could add meta tags to your page for redirection (example: meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=") , but since you mentioned using Google domains, try this out


Get rid of old links to a retired website in Google search

I have a website that has been replaced by another website with a different domain name.
In Google search, I am able to find links to the pages on the old site, and I hope they will not show up in future Google search.
Here is what I did, but I am not sure whether it is correct or enough.
Access to any page on the old website will be immediately redirected to the homepage of the new website. There is no one-to-one page mapping between the two sites. Here is the code for the redirect on the old website:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=" >
I went to Google Webmasters site. For the old website, I went to Fetch as Google, clicked "Fetch and Render" and "Reindex".
Really appreciate any input.
A few things you'll want to do here:
You need to use permanent server redirects, not meta refresh. Also I suggest you do provide one-to-one page mapping. It's a better user experience, and large numbers of redirects to root are often interpreted as soft 404s. Consult Google's guide to site migrations for more details.
Rather than Fetch & Render, use Google Search Console's (Webmaster Tools) Change of Address tool. Bing have a similar tool.
A common mistake is blocking crawler access to an retired site. That has the opposite of the intended effect: old URLs need to be accessible to search engines for the redirects to be "seen".

Opencart track external links

I am trying to find a way or a module for Opencart (1.5.6 xx) so I can track external links.
On a page link name is: and the URL something like
Any help or directions would be fantabulous.
why not use google analytic's or google tag manager. I know they are the best and are really accurate to track tags. Easy to use and it's google.

Strange google result listing, invalid URL created

Would be great if you guys could shed some light on this, has baffled me:
I was asked by a client if I could try and make the search term for his comedy night "sketchercise" put his website top of the Google ranking. I simply changed the title tag of the header for the whole site from "Allnutt and Simpson" to "Allnutt and Simpson - Sketchercise # Ginglik - Sketch Duo". It did the trick and now the site comes up top of the Google listing when typing in "sketchercise". However, it gives off this very strange link:
This is the link to the google search result too:
This link is invalid, it doesn't make any sense. I guess it has something to do with the use of hash tags and the AJAX driven site, but before I changed the title tag, it linked to the site fine using the # tags. What is the deal with this slash?
The strangest part is that the valid URL for the videos page on that site is /index.php#vidspics, I have never used the word "videos" in a url!
If anyone can explain the cause of this or just help me stop it from happening, I'd be very grateful. I realise that this is an SEO question and I hate that stuff generally, but I hope you can see this is a bit of a strange case!
Just to compare, if you google "allnutt and simpson" it works just fine links to the site and all of it's pages absolutely fine as .php pages (and then my JS converts them to hash tags to keep things clean)
It's because there must be a folder called 'videos' under your hosted files, use an FTP client and check this.
Google crawls every folder and file unless you tell him not to do this, look for robot.txt files to learn how to avoid indexation.
Also ask google to remove that result when you solve this.
Finally that behaviour is not related with hash tags, these are just references to javascript in order to display the appropiate content in you webpage.
Not sure why its posted like this but the only way to stop that page from appearing is using a google webmaster account for this website and make sure the crawlers can't find this link anymore. The alternative is have the site admin put this tag, <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"> , in the header when isset($_REQUEST(videos)) is true.
The slash in the address is the parsed form of You can have the web server change all the php parameters into slashes to make the links look pretty.
Best option for correct results is to create a sitemap and submit it to for that site. You will need access.
Oh forgot, the sitemap will make google see all the pages you want it to post, use this for the major pages like those in the main menu. To remove links you don't want requires a robots.txt in the main directory of the site.

Add identifier to browser bookmarks

Is there a way to automatically append an identifier to a page URL when it is bookmarked in the browser, perhaps something in the document head that gives the browser a directive or an onBookmark JavaScript type of event? I'm looking for ways to further segment my direct traffic in Google Analytics (if you have other ideas for doing that not related to bookmarks, please share them as well).
When bookmarked becomes:
I don't think you can reliably do what you're describing. The best you could do is have a button on your pages that uses window.external.AddFavorite, and then specify your hashed address. It will work for the people who use the button, which may be better than nothing.
Keep in mind that bookmark traffic is not simply part of your direct traffic.
There is a nice demonstration in Justin Cutroni's blog how Google Analytics tracks bookmark visits and it turned out, that most of the time, bookmark visits are shown as organic (if you suppose, that people first do a Google search and then bookmark your site).

Google sees something that it shouldn't see. Why?

For some mysterious reason, Google has indexed both these adresses, that lead to the same page:
(short notice - the site has had friendly urls since its launch, I have no idea how google found the "index.php?" url - there are "unfriendly" urls only in the content management system, which is password-restricted)
What can I do to solve the situation? (I have around 1000 pages that are double-indexed.) Somebody told me to use "disallow: index.php?" in the robots.txt file.
Right or wrong? Any other suggestions?
You'd be surprised as how pervasive and quick the google bots are at indexing site content. That, combined with lots of CMS systems creating unintended pages/links making it likely that at some point those links were exposed is the most likely culprit. It's also possible your administration area isn't as secure as you think, the google bot got through that way.
The well-behaved, and google recommended, things to do here are
If possible, create 301 redirects from you query string style URLs to your canonical style URLs. That's you saying "hey there, web bot/browser, the content that used to be at this URL is now at this other URL"
Block the query string content in your robots.txt. That's like asking the spiders or other automated programs "Hey, please don't look at this stuff. These aren't the URLs you're looking for"
Google apparently allows you to specify a canonical URL now via a <link /> tag in the top of your page. Consider adding these in.
As to whether doing the well behaved things is the the "right" thing to do re: Google rankings ... who knows. Only "Google" knows how their algorithms work now, and will work in the future, and by Google, I mean a bunch of engineers and executives with conflicting goals on how search should work.
Google now offers a way to specify a page's canonical URL. You can use the following code in your HTML to tell Google your canonical URL:
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
You can read more about canonical URLs on Google on their blog post on the subject, here:
According to the blog post,, Microsoft Live Search and Yahoo! all support the canonical tag.
If you use sitemap generators to submit to search engines, you'll want to disallow in them as well. They are likely where Google got your links, from crawling your folder and from checking your logs.
Better check what URI has been requested ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) and redirect if it was /index.php.
Changing robots.txt will not help, since the page is already indexed.
The best is to use a permanent redirect (301).
If you want to remove a page once indexed by Google the only way, more or less, is to make it return a 404 not found message.
Is it possible you're posting a form to a similar url and google is simply picking it up from the source?
