How to fetch Facebook user's full friend list in Facebook iOS SDK - ios

I had a question concerning the Facebook iOS SDK that has been troubling me ever since i started my iOS project so I thought I could post it here to see if any of you had wisdom to share on this matter.
For my Facebook connected app to function properly I need to have access to the Facebook user's complete friend list along with their names, ids and profile pictures. After some intensive research I was surprised to learn that in version 2.0 of the Graph API Facebook has made it so that you can only retrieve a friend list of your friends who are currently using the app and have approved the app. This kind of data doesn't really work for my app as the main point is that you are met by your friend list as opposed to an empty list with only a few people who have approved the app.
My question is if there is any possible way for me to have access to the user's full friend list and display it in a table view with their profile picture without every single one of them having to approve the app. I don't mind if it is a complicated solution. The reason I ask this is because i have seen several apps that can fetch full friends lists such as:
and they must have found a way to do it as the way Connect displays the user's friend list is exactly the way I would like to do it i.e. in an iOS contacts app style way.
I would be grateful for any guidance or solutions,
Thanks Again!
P.S. Here are some questions I have previously looked at but do not suggest possible workarounds
Facebook Graph Api v2.0+ - /me/friends returns empty, or only friends who also use my app
Get ALL User Friends Using Facebook Graph API - Android

There are no workarounds, if it works in some other App then it just means that they are still using a Facebook App created before end of April 2014. They will stop getting the full friendlist after April 2015, when v1.0 Apps will get upgraded.
There are ways to get the whole friendlist like invitable_friends and taggable_friends, but those endpoints are supposed to get used for very specific tasks (for inviting in games and for tagging).


Initiate Facebook Group Chat from iOS App

I want my app to create a new Facebook group chat with certain people that opens either on Facebook's site in Safari or in the native Facebook app when the user presses a button. I want Facebook to handle the whole chat and my app only to initiate it somehow in the cleanest and least involved way possible. My app already uses the Facebook SDK to open an active FBSession, so I've already got login credentials.
Looking around online and in Facebook's docs, I can't find anything that suits my needs. The closest thing I found was in this answer containing a list of Facebook app URLs you can connect to that open the Facebook app to certain pages. There's "fb://chat/(initWithUID:)" and "fb://messaging/compose/(initWithUID:)". However, not only is there no explanation on how to use these, but people say that Facebook has changed these URLs (and does not have any documentation on them), so they don't work anymore unless I reverse-engineer new URLs (which could change again). Ugh, so close!
I also found examples on starting chats with the Facebook Chat API, but that involves logging into Facebook using some networking framework then writing my own GUI and model for sending messages, which I am only prepared to do as a last resort. There should be some way to let the Facebook app or website do all that. Does anyone know how I can do this?
I've found something very close, but I still don't see a way to make my app initialize it with the desired group of friends:
The Facebook SDK has a message dialog that can appear for sending messages to friends. This isn't exactly what I wanted but is good enough because it means that all the programming is already done for me by Facebook, and users should be able to see these messages on and the Facebook apps.

Fetch Google plus news feed in native ios

i am working on ios app, and i want to fetch Google Plus news feed like friend list, user detail, in my ios app.
in facebook its possible to fetch the active user's profile feed, but for google pluse i didnot found any thing to show user feed.
if any one know how to do this for iphone application then please help me.
thanks in advance.
After you have signed in a user with Google, you can access the user's age range, language, public profile information, and people that they have circled.
If you request the scope, you can also get their email address. With this rich social data, you can build engaging experiences and an instant community in your app.
For example, you might connect your user with their friends that also use your app or you might make suggestions based on their friends' activities within your app.
Please look at Getting people and profile information

Why does iOS Twitter app search engine work offline?

I'm building an iOS app related to Twitter and I need to know how do user search engine works. More specifically, I want to make my app show the usernames starting with a certain string. Just as when you're tweeting something and you start typing #Jo and below it appears #JohnSmith, #JoshBennett, etc. ordered by relevance.
In order to figure out how does this feature work, I thought that Twitter may have downloaded all my followers and following list, so that they can access it locally. But I found out that in my search results there appeared people that I don't actually follow but some of my followers follow them. So, does Twitter have downloaded all my followers and all my followers' followers?
In any case, what I want for my app is to only look for the users I follow but it's important to know how I am supposed to download these users information. Taking into account that these requests have a daily limit, what would the app do with a user with millions of followers?
I hope that some of you have faced this issue and can give me some advice. Thanks!

Is there an iOS API that can identify which of your contacts are likely other iOS users?

... for example, by finding your contacts that have iTunes logins.
Why? We're launching an app on iOS. We'd like a feature to allow users to connect with their friends who can download and install the app.
No. The closest you might get (from the top of my head) is Game Center. All your friends on there are guaranteed to have an iOS device. Of course, not all iPhone owners use Game Center.
It is possible because Apple uses it in their own apps:
Messages - when typing in an email. The text will appear red if the email you want to iMessage is not setup with iMessage
Find My Friends - same kind of thing
However it's probably a closed API that they're using. It's possible that they use the now deprecated udid retrieval method.
You could try to query an Apple Server for the Apple ID and see what kind of response you get (just a shot in the dark there). Or you could search through GameCenter for a list of friends. Facebook might have some information on which users are iOS users too, take a look at their API and some Facebook profiles to see if theres anything you could check there.

How to know if my facebook friends have my app?

i have a huge problem that i think you might solve in a second. I've tried thousands of different codes, but i haven't succeeded in none of them, some were using an old Facebook SDK for instance. My issue is simple, i want the user to know how many of his Facebook friends got the application, like that i could sent them a notification through my iPhone app. I found a field called fields=installed in the Graph API, but how can i code a method to know who are those friends, and how many they are.
You query the friends field /me/friends?fields=installed,name
Which will give a list of friends with either installed field set or not.
This SO answer could answer you question. Though we have to search through result for installed tag
It uses the new FB SDK
