IQueryable to IEnumerable -

public IEnumerable<Temp_Order> Get_Temp(string id)
//List<Temp_Order> data = new List<Temp_Order>();
IEnumerable<Temp_Order> data = db.Temp_Order
t_id => t_id.ItemId,
I_id => I_id.ItemId,
(t_id, I_id) => new { t_id.Quantity, I_id.ItemName })
.Where(x => x.ItemName == id);
return data;
In this method I want IEnumerable<Temp_Order>. So I will use this in controller and return to the view.
I'm getting this error:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) E:\WORK\Projects\RMS_Live\RMS_Live\Models\Order.cs

The Join is converting your query to an IEnumerable of an anonymous type. Add a Select on the end to cast is back to Temp_Order:
public IEnumerable<Temp_Order> Get_Temp(string id)
//List<Temp_Order> data = new List<Temp_Order>();
IEnumerable<Temp_Order> data = db.Temp_Order
.Join(db.Items, t_id => t_id.ItemId, I_id => I_id.ItemId, (t_id, I_id) => new { t_id.Quantity, I_id.ItemName })
.Where(x => x.ItemName == id)
.Select(a => new Temp_Order
ItemName = a.ItemName,
Property2 = a.Property2,
return data;
You indicate in the comments that you want all properties from both Temp_Order and Item which means you need another class. You can get away without creating another class, but it's much simpler in the long run. So first make your class, 2 ways spring to mind, you either replicate all the properties you need or just return the 2 objects, I'll use the latter:
public class OrderItem
public Temp_Order Temp_Order { get; set; }
public Item Item { get; set; }
Now your function becomes this:
public IEnumerable<OrderItem> Get_Temp(string id)
IEnumerable<OrderItem> data = db.Temp_Order
t_id => t_id.ItemId,
I_id => I_id.ItemId,
(t_id, I_id) => new OrderItem
Temp_Order = t_id,
Item = I_id
.Where(x => x.ItemName == id);
return data;
And in your view, make sure you set the model type to IEnumerable<OrderItem> and you can access all the properties like this:


A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType does not declare a navigation property with the name

The code I have below works. It's pulls in a list of every item in my One Repository.
When I add my second table to pull all the items out of THAT table I get the following error, on my DataTwo I can't figure out why it's throwing this error as the first one is programmed the exact same way.
"A specified Include path is not valid. The EntityType does not declare a navigation property with the name"
View Model
public IList<OneVM> Ones { get; set; }
public IList<TwoVM> Twos { get; set; }
public ViewModelVM()
this.Ones = new List<OneVM>();
this.Twos = new List<TwoVM>();
Working Original Code Below (Controller)
public ActionResult Directory()
var vm = new ViewModelVM();
var datas = _OneRepository.GetData();
vm.Datas = _mapper.Map<IList<DataVM>>(datas.OrderBy(i => i.Name));
return View(vm);
Desired Broken Code Below (Controller)
public ActionResult Directory()
var vm = new FormDirectoryVM();
var datas = _OneRepository.GetData();
var datasTwo= _TwoRepository.GetMoreData();
vm.Datas = _mapper.Map<IList<DataVM>>(datas.OrderBy(i => i.Name));
return View(vm);
vm.DatasTwo= _mapper.Map<IList<DataTwoVM>>(datasTwo);
return View(vm);
The problem was my Repository. I was including something that didn't need to be.
public IEnumerable<Two> GetMoreData()
return _context.Twos
.Include(i => i.Title) // I don't need this line
.Include(i => i.Description) // I don't need this line either
.Include(i => i.Keywords)
.Include(j => j.Text) // Or this Line
.Where(i => !i.IsDeleted)

How do I take last n elements from nested collection

I am buinding a chat for an application, so when a user logs in I need to send them all 'unseen' messages, I am using entityframework, Id like to return only the last 20 unseen messages. but my query is not working, currently I get this exception
Count must be a DbConstantExpression or a DbParameterReferenceExpression
what am I doing wrong?
List<ChatVM> unSeenChats = db.Chats.Where(chat => !chat.Seen)
.Select(chat => new ChatVM
Id = chat.Id,
IsAnnonymous = chat.IsAnnonymous,
UserName = chat.UserName,
Messages = chat.Messages
.OrderBy(x => x.DateTime)
.Skip(chat.Messages.Count - 20 > 0
? chat.Messages.Count - 20
: 0)
.Select(message => new MessageVM
Id = message.Id,
DateTime = message.DateTime,
Text = message.Text
my models are as follows:
public class Chat
public virtual ICollection<Message> Messages { get; set; }
public class Message
public int ChatId { get; set; }
public virtual Chat Chat { get; set; }
public class Entities : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasRequired(p => p.Chat).WithMany(p => p.Messages).WillCascadeOnDelete(true);
I don't think you're allowed to use .Count from within the query (hence the error that you're seeing). In any case, I think you're looking at this from the wrong perspective. You should probably be using the OrderByDescending method, and then just grab the first 20 posts from there.
Something like this:
List<ChatVM> unSeenChats = db.Chats.Where(chat => !chat.Seen)
.Select(chat => new ChatVM
Id = chat.Id,
IsAnnonymous = chat.IsAnnonymous,
UserName = chat.UserName,
Messages = chat.Messages
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateTime)
.Select(message => new MessageVM
Id = message.Id,
DateTime = message.DateTime,
Text = message.Text

Error returning IEnumerable<SelectListItem> to MVC controller

Hi I have a business logic layer that returns selectlistitems to a controller, so that will then pass to the view to populate select lists.
I have this method that works:
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetDevices
using (IDeviceData repository = _dataFactory.Create())
return repository.DeviceTypes.ToList()
.Where(dt => dt.ParentId == 10 )
.Select(dt =>
new SelectListItem
Text = (dt.Name).Trim(),
Value = dt.Id.ToString()
And this that doesn't:
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetGroups(int deviceTypeId)
using (IDeviceData repository = _dataFactory.Create())
return repository.DeviceTypeConfigurationParameterGroupMaps.ToList()
.Where(cm => cm.DeviceTypeId == deviceTypeId)
.Join(repository.ConfigurationParameterGroups, cm => cm.ConfigurationParameterGroupId, cg => cg.Id, (cm, cg) => new { cm, cg })
.Select(cg =>
new SelectListItem
Text = (,
Value =
The obvious difference is the join between two tables, the error I receieve is:
Results View = The type '<>f__AnonymousType0<p,d>' exists in both 'System.Web.dll' and 'EntityFramework.dll'
This is receieved when trying to expand the results whiel debugging. Any advice would eb welcome as I'm not overly familiar with LINQ
Figured it out:
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetGroupsForDevice(int deviceTypeId)
using (IDeviceData repository = _dataFactory.Create())
return repository.DeviceTypeConfigurationParameterGroupMaps
.Where(cm => cm.DeviceTypeId == deviceTypeId)
.Join(repository.ConfigurationParameterGroups, cm => cm.ConfigurationParameterGroupId, cg => cg.Id, (cm, cg) => cg )
.Select(cg =>
new SelectListItem
Text = (cg.Name).Trim(),
Value = cg.Id.ToString()
}).ToList() ;
I needed to add ToList() after the join, and then again after converting to SelectlistItem. I also didnt need th create the new anonymous type - Thanks to joanna above for that.
This is the answer but not a good explanation, if anyone wants to pad it out a little please feel free!

NHibernate and HasMany mapping

i have trivial mapping for two entities: poll and polloption
public class PollMap : ClassMap<Poll>
public PollMap() {
Id(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.Content);
HasMany(x => x.PollOptions).Cascade.All();
public class PollOptionMap : ClassMap<PollOption>
public PollOptionMap() {
Id(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.Content);
References(x => x.Poll);
in test code im trying to remove the first polloption of poll entity
Test code:
public ActionResult Add() {
var poll = new Poll() {
Content = "poll",
PollOptions = new List<PollOption>() {
new PollOption(){
new PollOption(){
return Content("Added");
public ActionResult Removed() {
var poll = GetSession.Query<Poll>().FirstOrDefault();
return Content("Updated");
when the remove action fired it not deleting polloption from db instead it set null in my foreign key :(
ps. google not helped
Cascade.All() only deletes the child object if the parent is deleted. If you want the childs to get deleted when they are removed from the collection, you need Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan().
Additional note: You also have to mark one side of your bidirectional association as Inverse(). More info about that here:

Architecture abstraction problem in Repository ASP.NET MVC

I'm working with MVC ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 on VS2008.
I'm looking for a way to abstract this three methods I have in my Users repository.
public User GetUser(Log log)
return db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Logs.Any(l =>;
public User GetUser(Product product)
return db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Products.Any(pr =>;
public User GetUser(Photo photo)
return db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Photos.Any(ph =>;
My DB.edmx contains the models
User [id, username, ...]
Product [id, name, ...]
Photo [id, name, ...]
Log [id, data, ...]
Is it possible to have only ONE method for all of these (and future) methods based upon search?
public User GetUser(Expression<Func<User, bool>> restriction)
return db.Users.Where(restriction).FirstOrDefault();
Now use it:
var u = Repository.GetUser(u => u.Logs.Any(l =>;
You can also use MS DynamicQuery:
using System.Linq.Dynamic;
public User GetUser(string propertyName, int id)
var restriction = propertyName + ".Any(id = #0)";
return db.Users.Where(restriction, id).FirstOrDefault();
var u = Repository.GetUser("Logs",;
I may not have the syntax quite correct, but you get the idea.
If all the associated entities (Log, Product and Photo) will be searched by a common property (id INT) then maybe you could try something like this...
First, create an interface:
public interface IUserAssociation
int id { get; }
Then each of the three classes would implement this interface like so:
public partial class Product : IUserAssociation
The the GetUser method would look like so:
public User GetUser<T>(T entity) where T : IUserAssociation
var type = typeof(T);
if (type == typeof(Log))
return db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Logs.Any(l =>;
else if (type == typeof(Product))
return db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Products.Any(pr =>;
else if (type == typeof(Photo))
return db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Photos.Any(ph =>;
throw new ArgumentException();
Then you should be able to call GetUser and pass it a Log, Photo or Product entity from one method. It is not very elegant but would work for this specific situation.
I like Craig's solution better but I'd suggest this:
Repository.GetUser(u => u.Logs, log);
Which will be possible if all your entities derive from
public interface IEntity { public int Id { get; } }
Then method will be like
public User GetUser<T, Y>(Func<T, IList<Y>> getlist, Y sample)
where T: IEntity
where Y: IEntity
return db.Users.Select(x => getlist(x).Any(y => y.Id == sample.Id)).FirstOrDefault();
Also if we take idea of S#arp Architecture that if entity1.Id == entity2.Id (for persistent entities) then Equals(entity1, entity2) - we can use getlist(x).Contains(sample).
