Equations and big numbers in programming - cpu-speed

So if I have lets say 4 integers:
int a = 50000 , int b = 5000000 , int c = 100 , int d = 500
Now what I wanted to run is b - a And c - d.
my question is would b-a run slightly slower than c - d or they would be executed in the exact same speed by the processor?

First of all, in the case you presented operations will be exactly the same. You can read about how these circuits do the work here
Second of all, fixed point mathematics are very very very fast on all computers these days. If this is your bottleneck, I don't know what to tell you.


Constraint propagation with modulo

Say I have two variables a and b. I would like to define the following relation/constraint between them:
a = 1, b % 12 = 1 or b % 12 = 0
a = 2, b % 12 = 0
Some solutions are
a = 1, b = 1
a = 1, b = 12
a = 2, b = 12
I'm currently modelling this in a straightforward way (and adding an extra condition on top):
rhs = Or(
And(a == 1, Or(b % 12 == 1, b % 12 == 0)),
And(a == 2, Or(b % 12 == 0))
lhs = And(b > 10)
solver.add(Implies(lhs, rhs))
However, this becomes very slow as I increase the number of variables and constraints.
Is there a better way to model this? Maybe a function? But I would like to allow search to run "in both directions", i.e. given a value of b, we should be able to identify a value of a, and vice versa.
Based on your comment, it looks like the use of integers is unnecessarily complicating your constraints.
If you need to stick to "numbers" for some other reason, then I'd recommend asserting 0 <= b and b < 12 globally (to represent all 12 notes), which can help the solver reduce the search space. However, division/modulus are always hard for SMT solvers, but perhaps you do not need them at all: In fact, I'd recommend not using numbers to represent notes in the first place. Instead use an enumeration:
Note, (A, B, C) = EnumSort('Note', ('A', 'B', 'C'))
(I've only written the first three above; you can add the remaining 9.)
This very clearly communicates to the solver that you're dealing with a finite collection of distinct items. You should also consider representing octave as some enum-type, or at least restrict it to be in some small range that covers the first 6-7 octaves which I assume you're interested in.
You can read more about enums in z3 here: https://ericpony.github.io/z3py-tutorial/advanced-examples.htm (Scroll down to the part that talks about "enumerations.")
You haven't told us how octaves/notes constrain each other in your system; but it should be easy to capture them using regular functions that take octaves and return possible notes. You should post actual code that people can run so they can see what the bottle-necks can be.

How to solve this recurrence using masters method?

T(n)=4t(n/2) + n^2 and t(1)=1
I dont know guys, I can solve other ones but I seem to get stuck and cant start with this one
Let's work through this one and see what we find. In this case, we have a = 4, b = 2, and d = 2. Since logb a = 2 = d, we should get that t(n) = Θ(n2 log n).
Let's quickly check to see if that's the case by thinking about how much work is done per level in the tree. At the top level, we do n2 work and then make four calls on problems of size n/2. Each of those problems does (n/2)2 = n2 / 4 work, and since there's four copies of that problem the work done at the next level is n2. Each of those subproblems fires off four recursive calls on problems of size (n/4)2 = n2 / 16, and since there are sixteen of those subproblems the work done at that level is also n2. Overall, we see that each layer in the tree does n2 work and that there are Θ(log n) layers, so the total work done is Θ(n2 log n), matching our bound from the Master Theorem.

Can we bound the precision of the real terms in Z3?

In one of my SMT program, I use a real term. I need to bound the precision of the real number for increasing the efficiency, as there are almost infinite number of solutions are possible for this number, although only 5/6 digits after the decimal point is necessary. For example, the possible valuation of the real numbers can be the following, though all are the same if we take the first seven digits after the decimal point.
1197325/13631488 = 0.087835238530......
19157213/218103808 = 0.087835298134......
153257613/1744830464 = 0.087835245980......
1226060865/13958643712 = 0.087835243186......
I want that the SMT solver considers all these four number as a single number (so that the search space reduces). Is there any way to control the precision of the real number?
I tried programmatically (using Z3 Dot Net API) to solve this above problem, which is shown in the following. Here DelBP[j] is a real term.
BoolExpr[] _Exprs = new BoolExpr[nBuses];
for (j = 1; j <= nBuses; j++)
_Exprs[j - 1] = z3.MkEq(DelBP[j], z3.MkDiv(z3.MkInt2Real(DelBP_A[j]), z3.MkInt2Real(DelBP_B[j])));
BoolExpr Expr = z3.MkAnd(_Exprs);
tw.WriteLine("(assert {0})", Expr.ToString());
BoolExpr[] _Exprs = new BoolExpr[nBuses];
for (j = 1; j <= nBuses; j++)
_Exprs[j - 1] = z3.MkAnd(z3.MkGe(DelBP_A[j], z3.MkInt(1)),
z3.MkLe(DelBP_A[j], z3.MkInt(10000)));
BoolExpr Expr = z3.MkAnd(_Exprs);
tw.WriteLine("(assert {0})", Expr.ToString());
BoolExpr[] _Exprs = new BoolExpr[nBuses];
for (j = 1; j <= nBuses; j++)
_Exprs[j - 1] = z3.MkAnd(z3.MkGe(DelBP_B[j], z3.MkInt(1)),
z3.MkLe(DelBP_B[j], z3.MkInt(10000)));
BoolExpr Expr = z3.MkAnd(_Exprs);
tw.WriteLine("(assert {0})", Expr.ToString());
However, it did not work. Can anyone help me to solve this problem? Thank you in advance.
If you feel the need to control the "precision" of real-numbers, then that strongly suggests Real is not the correct domain for your problem. Some ideas, depending on what you're really trying to do:
If 6 digits past the decimal point is all you care, then you might get away with using plain Integers, multiplying everything by 1e6 and restricting all variables to be less than 1e6; or some other similar transformation.
Keep in mind that Z3 has support for IEEE-floating point numbers these days, which are by definition of limited precision. So you can use those if your domain is truly the floating-point numbers as prescribed by IEEE-754.
If you're trying to generate "successive" results, i.e., by solving the problem, then adding the constraint that the result should be different than the previous one, and calling Z3 again; then you can consider adding a constraint that says the new result should differ from the old by more than 1e6 in absolute value.
Whether any of this applies depends on the precise problem you're trying to solve. If you can share some more of your problem, people might be able to come up with other ideas. But the first choice should be figuring out if Real is really the domain you want to work with.

Size of the array that Fortran can handle

I have 30000 files to process each file has 80000 x 5 lines. I need to read all files and process them finding the average of each line. I have written the code to read and extract all data from the file. My code is in Fortran. There is an array of (30000 X 800000) My program could not go over (3300 X 80000). I need to add the 4th column of each file in 300 file steps, I mean 4th column of 1st file with 4th column of 301st file, 4th col of 2nd file with 4th col of 302nd file and so on .Do you think this is because of the limitation of the size of array that Fortran can handle? If so, is there any way to increase the size of the array that Fortran can handle? What about the no of files? My code looks like this:
This program runs well.
implicit double precision (a-h,o-z),integer(i-n)
dimension x(78805,5),y(78805,5),den(78805,5)
dimension b(3300,78805),bb(78805)
nf = 3300 ! NUMBER OF FILES
nj = 78804 ! Number of rows in file.
ns = 300 ! No. of steps for files.
ncores = 11 ! No of Cores
do i = 0,nf
do j = 1, nj
x(j,1) = 0.0
y(j,2) = 0.0
den(j,4) = 0.0
c a(i,j) = 0.0
b(i,j) = 0.0
c aa(j) = 0.0
bb(j) = 0.0
end do
end do
c-------!Body program-----------------------------------------------
iout = 6 ! Output Files upto "ns" no.
do j=1,nj ! Loop for the no of rows in the domain
if(i.le.ns) then
c a(i,j) = prob(j,3)
b(i,j) = den(j,4)
c a(i,j) = prob(j,3) + a(i-ns,j)
b(i,j) = den(j,4) + b(i-ns,j)
end if
end do
c ----------------------------------------------------------
c -----Write Out put [Probability and density matrix]-------
c ----------------------------------------------------------
if(i.ge.(nf-ns)) then
do j = 1, nj
c aa(j) = a(i,j)/(ncores*1.0)
bb(j) = b(i,j)/(ncores*1.0)
write(iout,*) int(x(j,1)),int(y(j,2)),bb(j)
end do
iout = iout + 1
end if
10 format(i0,'.txt')
It's hard to say for sure because you haven't given all the details yet, but your problem is quite possibly that you are using a 32 bit compiler producing 32 bit executables and you are simply running out of address space.
Although your operating system supports 64 bit address space, your 32 bit process is still limited to 32 bit addresses.
You have found a limit at 3300*78805*8 which is just under 2GB and this supports my theory.
No matter what is the cause of your immediate problem, your fundamental problem is that you appear to be loading everything into memory at once. I've not closely studied your algorithm but on first inspection it seems likely that you could re-arrange it to avoid having everything in memory at once.

Lua base converter

I need a base converter function for Lua. I need to convert from base 10 to base 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11...36 how can i to this?
In the string to number direction, the function tonumber() takes an optional second argument that specifies the base to use, which may range from 2 to 36 with the obvious meaning for digits in bases greater than 10.
In the number to string direction, this can be done slightly more efficiently than Nikolaus's answer by something like this:
local floor,insert = math.floor, table.insert
function basen(n,b)
n = floor(n)
if not b or b == 10 then return tostring(n) end
local digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
local t = {}
local sign = ""
if n < 0 then
sign = "-"
n = -n
local d = (n % b) + 1
n = floor(n / b)
insert(t, 1, digits:sub(d,d))
until n == 0
return sign .. table.concat(t,"")
This creates fewer garbage strings to collect by using table.concat() instead of repeated calls to the string concatenation operator ... Although it makes little practical difference for strings this small, this idiom should be learned because otherwise building a buffer in a loop with the concatenation operator will actually tend to O(n2) performance while table.concat() has been designed to do substantially better.
There is an unanswered question as to whether it is more efficient to push the digits on a stack in the table t with calls to table.insert(t,1,digit), or to append them to the end with t[#t+1]=digit, followed by a call to string.reverse() to put the digits in the right order. I'll leave the benchmarking to the student. Note that although the code I pasted here does run and appears to get correct answers, there may other opportunities to tune it further.
For example, the common case of base 10 is culled off and handled with the built in tostring() function. But similar culls can be done for bases 8 and 16 which have conversion specifiers for string.format() ("%o" and "%x", respectively).
Also, neither Nikolaus's solution nor mine handle non-integers particularly well. I emphasize that here by forcing the value n to an integer with math.floor() at the beginning.
Correctly converting a general floating point value to any base (even base 10) is fraught with subtleties, which I leave as an exercise to the reader.
you can use a loop to convert an integer into a string containting the required base. for bases below 10 use the following code, if you need a base larger than that you need to add a line that mapps the result of x % base to a character (usign an array for example)
x = 1234
r = ""
base = 8
while x > 0 do
r = "" .. (x % base ) .. r
x = math.floor(x / base)
print( r );
