HTML5: iOS screen scrolls up when keyboard shows up - ios

Say you've got a Xcode app with embedded web view exposing a simple HTML5 page.
This page has a title and an input tag and a nav top bar (position: fixed; top:0;).
When the user tap in it the first time, the whole screen scrolls up to enable the keyboard appears while maintaining the input tag visible, when I tap the enter button.
The issue I face is that my HTML is not restored identically (I mean, it scrolls down back, but my top bar is shifted about 10 pixels below the top edge of the screen.
But when I tap the keyboard hide button, the scrolls restore my initial view, with no issue.
Anyone experienced the issue before? Any clue of what going on or a way to work around this?
Ps: issue is present on iOS 7 (7.1.2). I didn't tested on iOS 8 as my app must support iOS 7.

I finally ended up with adding an explicit keyboard withdrawing by applying blur() the the input as follows:
<input ng-change="$(this).blur()">
This immediately makes the keyboard disappearing, while the hw initial scrolling is reversed.


Keyboard and scroll problems on forms in iOS

I'm having a problem with on iOS quite unusual - on a form-style screen when I need to type information into a field, the keyboard pops up, but the screen doesn't go up nor allow scrolling, making it impossible to see what I'm typing.
In CSS, I'm using this within classes:
overflow-x: scroll -webkit-overflow-scrolling touch;
overflow: hidden -webkit-transform translate3d (0,0,0);
The curious thing is that on Android is normal...
Why is this happening? What should I do?
The keyboard on iOS behaves in a very special way, here's a quote from a great article on this topic The Eccentric Ways of iOS Safari with the Keyboard:
The fundamental problem is that when the soft keyboard appears due to a user tap on a text input box near the bottom of the screen, Safari doesn’t resize the browser window but instead moves it upward such that it is partially offscreen
You're likely preventing the body to move up, so make sure there's no code that would interfere with that.

IOS native keyboard pushing entire webview up - cordova app

I am developing an app (IOS platform) using HTML5, CSS3, angular and cordova(3.8) and stuck with an major issue.
I have a page with footer having three buttons. On click of each button a modal comes up from the bottom. Modal position is set to fixed and inside it as scroll-able container. scroll-able container contains a text area where user can input some text.
Whenever the modal comes up, text area is focused so that keyboard comes up by default. The issue is whenever native keyboard comes up webview is pushed up and entire modal gets scrolled.
I saw same issues been posted by others and I tried few solutions mentioned in reply for those questions like using ionic keyboard plugin, setting scrollTop to 0 on textarea focus. But nothing worked out.
In config.xml, I have set DisallowOverscroll to true.
It would be great helpful if someone help me with this issue ?

How to stop background scrolling when viewing modal form on ios 8+ and Safari

I have a form in a Bootstrap 3.3.2 modal.
I encounter an issue when viewing it on iOS 8 & Safari only.
This issue does not occur in Chrome or iOS 7 & Safari.
View my js bin here,
After clicking "List Me", then try selecting a drop down or enter text to bring up the keyboard. After it appears, the background will scroll and you cannot scroll down the modal.
It should be noted that if the length of the table has an impact if you can scroll the modal or not without the background scrolling. Essentially more than 10 rows and you cannot scroll the modal after interacting with the form.
I cannot figure out how to solve the problem, plus I thought this was fixed in current version of Bootstrap.
Appreciate the help!

How to prevent scrolling after hiding keyboard in ios7 html5 webapp

I have a problem with html5 app in ios7. It's easier to explain it at the screenshots:
At the start everything is fine -
When I touch text input it's still ok (page scrolls down to the input)
After blur (when keyboard is hiding) the screen is scrolling back, but over 20px too much and it looks like this -
I've tried everything (including all possibilities of apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta tag) and it's still not working. I wonder why ios7 scrolls my app under status bar, even if at the start of the app it's ok. Does anyone have any idea?

Flex 4.6 IOS screen doesn't unpan after softkeyboard is dismissed

I am writing an app for IOS and Android using Flex 4.6. Everything is working fine on Android, but on IOS after the softkeyboard appears and the screen pans, when the keyboard is dismissed the screen never pans back down. The bottom half of the screen stays white and the top half remains shifted out of view. I have been searching online and through my code trying to figure out what could be wrong and I've had no luck. I have been running the program in debug mode, but no AS3 error messages are shown. My trace()s are printed, and the app will continue to work but obviously you are unable to interact with the top half of the app. Everything works fine if I set the softkeyboardBehavior in the XML to none, but then the user can't see where they are typing.
I have only been able to test this on my IPod touch with IOS 5.0.1. When I try to run my project in Flash Builders simulator neither the Android nor the IOS version will get past the splash screen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
I have seen that the softKeyboardDeactivate event from TextInput is not fired, as other actions that the unpan should cause are neither fired.
It seems it's a Flex 4.6 version bug. (
I've found a workaround, it's a little tricky but it works.
Put a new TextInput hidden on top of the View, then on focusOut event on the original TextInput, force focus on the hidden TextInput. Softkeyboard event will be activated for that TextInput and the pan will return to the top of the View, then take off the focus from the new TextInput and the softkeyboard will disappear.
The user will not notice about this tricky solution.
<s:TextInput id="ghost" x="-100" y="0" width="0" height="0"/>
<!-- ... -->
<s:TextInput id="original" focusOut="textInputFocusOutHandler(event)"/>
public function textInputFocusOutHandler(event:FocusEvent):void
Try adding the "enter" attribute to your TextInput. It worked for me but now I have the issue where it jumps vs. pan when the soft keyboard deactivates.
It seems that my problem was that I was using the StageText skin for my text boxes, which adobe says in the documentation causes panning and any type of scrolling not to work. Switching to the old TextInput skin seems to fix the problem, but you loose all the native features for the soft keyboard, which pretty much ruins your user experience unfortunatly.
