Unable to reset the can error using CAN bus error recovery sequence. As when the can bus is not connected to other node - can-bus

Subject: Unable to reset the can error using CAN bus error recovery sequence. As when the can bus is not connected to other node .
We are using infineon XE164 micro-controller and keil uvsion4 for compile the code.
Our product setup is as below:
We are using XE164 micro-controller to control peripherals . In peripherals it basically control the servo motor , stepper motor , lcd and keypad.
We want to transmit data from infenion XE164 node to PIC18f2480 node.
There is no issue to transmit and receive data from both node on can bus.
When bus is not connected and data is transmitted by XE164 board our can bus goes in error state.what is recovery sequence to change the can bus mode in error state to idle state.
How to avoid this without hardware reset of micro controller.

In CAN protocol, ACK is a must!
If there is no other node on the bus, CAN Transmission will not work and it's a correct behaviour that it goes in error state.
Only way to get rid of that error state is re-initializing your CAN module (like calling CANInit() again), because even after error recovery sequence, CAN controller retries to transmit the data and again gets stuck into Error state and this will go on... Re-initialization will stop its attempts and CAN module will be in normal state.
EDIT after comment from OP:
If you want to poll whether there is a device on bus or not, you can set a Timer interrupt of say X msec and in Timer ISR:
1. Initialize CAN
2. Send a CAN Message
3. If no error interrupt is generated and message is successfully transmitted, stop timer otherwise keep it going.
You can also try different baud rates too.


How to calculate progress rate of DRBD?

WinDRBD's progress is only visible when syncing. But I'd like to know how far has gone if the out-of-sync remains.
drbdsetup status foo --v --s
Through the detail view command, the following contents were obtained.
foo node-id:2 role:Primary suspended:no
volume:1 minor:1 disk:UpToDate backing_dev:\DosDevices\G: quorum:yes
size:524253532 read:7238338 written:5209825 al-writes:589 bm-writes:198 upper-pending:0 lower-pending:10
al-suspended:no blocked:no
Node1 node-id:1 connection:Connected role:Secondary congested:no ap-in-flight:0 rs-in-flight:7168
volume:1 replication:SyncSource peer-disk:Inconsistent done:85.32 resync-suspended:no
received:0 sent:1226764 out-of-sync:210484 pending:6 unacked:10 dbdt1:14.99 eta:14
This part is known as the progress rate.
How was this calculated?
When a resource becomes disconnected, the out-of-sync counter will begin to increment on the peer that is currently Primary. When the resource reconnects, the bitmaps (stored in DRBD's metadata) are compared to determine which blocks became out-of-sync while disconnected, and proceeds to resync those blocks in the background. Any writes that occur during a background resync are immediately replicated, and if that write happens to touch a block that's a part of the background resync, it's removed from the resync queue (since it was updated by the foreground replication).

ESP8266 5v Relay USB Disconnection issue

-When using the ESP8266 wired up in this way it will randomly disconnect the USB interface when it powers the relay. It may then re-connect but is sporadic.
-The code can be viewed below, but essentially the relay is powered for 300ms then waits 10 seconds to loop.
Wiring Diagram https://i.stack.imgur.com/4mycx.png
I have swapped out the relay, pump, ESP8266, aswell as re-wiring the circuit multiple times to check for a short. I also have a integer incrementing every loop cycle, when the ESP8266 is able to re-connect it will print this variable, which shows the board is not crashing:
Serial output
I then modified the diagram so the 5v power was not in parallel, but where two different power sources, one for the ESP8266 and one for the pump circuit, however the same issue was observed:
Test Wiring Diagram https://i.stack.imgur.com/7S0aP.png
Why does the USB disconnect when sending the control signal to the relay?
Is there a way to mitigate this?
int relayInput = 5; // the input to the relay pin
int debug_test = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(relayInput, OUTPUT); // initialize pin as OUTPUT
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
debug_test ++ ;
digitalWrite(relayInput, HIGH); // turn relay on
Serial.println("Water on!");
digitalWrite(relayInput, LOW); // turn relay off
Serial.println("Water off!");
Serial.println("Waiting 10 seconds");
Pump - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mini-Water-Pump-DC-3V-4-5V-Fish-Tank-Fountain-Aquarium-Submersible-White-Parts/174211676084?hash=item288fd337b4:g:128AAOSwfQteYWF3
ESP8255 - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07F5FJSYZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Relay - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07BVXT1ZK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Ok, so researching in to this, it seems when the pump is on it pulls more current (amps) than the PC can provide.
This will be used connected to a external power source which should supply enough current to it, however I also wanted the flexibility to connect it to a PC with a serial connection to troubleshoot.
So in the end something like this:
You are driving a 5v relay module with 3.3v output, which works perfectly for some people but it depends on the relay module and the board, this might be the problem. or the relay draws more than 12mA which is the maximum current can the ESP8266's GPIO deliver.
so I suggest you use an external power source for the relay and control it through the pin (D1 in your case).
Or just use a generic 5v relay with an external 5v power source and control it using a transistor, here is a circuit.
Additional information: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/213051/how-do-i-use-a-5v-relay-with-a-3-3v-arduino-pro-mini?

Driver error 11 in TransmitCANFrame XL_ERR_QUEUE_IS_FULL

I am using a CANCase VN1640A between 2 ECUs in order to falsify a CAN message. Below the bridge simulation setup:
In my CAPL Code, the received messages from channel 1 will be redirected to channel 3 and vice-versa. (So far I am not falsifying any message)
message can1. msgCAN1;
message can3. msgCAN3;
on message can1.{
if(this.dir == rx)
on message can3.{
msgCAN1 = this;
if(this.dir == rx)
But when I start CANoe I get this Error message:
This error means that CANoe tries to send more as it could. The transmit buffer is overflowed. I have changed the hardware configuration of Transmit Queue size to the max 32768 messages, also the Receive Latency to very fast but unfortunately the error occur again.
Does anyone have any hints that could help to solve this problem and thanks in advance.
The error message can mean, that CANoe tries to send more as it could. The transmit buffer is overflowed. This can have several causes:
the bus is full of high prior messages and therefore CAN hardware cannot send
You have a program which writes messages very quick to the buffer, so that the card can´t send (while loops for).
Error frames occur when sending and thus the card cannot send.
Vector tool provides a loop test:
Send messages from CH1 to CH3. If this is working fine, it looks like the problem is caused by your CANoe configuration.
The necessary test programs are part of the Vector Driver Setup Files and located in the folder Common. You can download the Driver Setup File from www.vector.com/driver-setup.
CAN Highspeed Looptest: http://kb.vector.com/entry/589/
CAN Low-speed Looptest: http://kb.vector.com/entry/590/
If the loop test works fine, you can see the time, the busload etc. If not, you will get a failed message.
Reduce the number of channels used in CANoe/CANalyzer under:
Configuration | Options | Measurement | General | Channel usage.
Are there more selected channels in the CANoe configuration than assigned CANcabs in the Vector Hardware Config?
(Start | Control Panel | Hardware and Sound | Vector Hardware)
Please check the channel and application assignment in the Vector Hardware Config.
Kindly check the hardware mapping in CANoe. This error mostly arises when the mapping is not correct or disturbed.
Go to Hardware-> Network Hardware configuration -> Driver -> Select proper channel for the vector hardware
I hope this helps !
So this error does NOT mean that CANoe tries to send more as it could.
It means instead:
We have (many) error frames on the CAN bus. CANoe tries to send messages which does not work (for whatever reason) -> error frames are the result. The CAN controller will retry to send the frame which might again lead to an error frame. Now over time the Send Requests accumulate and lead to further error frames. At some point the buffer for the error frames does overflow which leads to the message you see in the write window.
We have to check the Trace Window and check what kind of error frames we get there (and then take suitable measures to prevent them).

ReactiveCocoa 4: How to send error to an observer without interrupting the signal

let (signal, sink) = Signal<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>.pipe()
When I call this because the user disabled the Bluetooth:
sendError(self.sink, error)
the Signal is interrupted and I don't receive more next nor interrupted events after enabling the Bluetooth back again. The Signal is broken.
How can I send error types to the observer without interrupting / breaking the Signal? I can't find in the RAC 4 documentation. Thanks!
By design, an error causes the signal to finish. The documentation says:
failures should only be used to represent “abnormal” termination. If
it is important to let operators (or consumers) finish their work, a
Next event describing the result might be more appropriate.
If you want to turn errors into Next events, you can use flatMapError operator as described here or use retry if you want to allow only several occurances of the error.
If you want different semantics than Next* (Error|Completed) I recommend encoding that in the type. You can use a Signal that can't fail, but which values can be either success or failure, by using Result:
Signal<Result<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>, NoError>
That signal will emit no errors, but its Next events will be Result.Success<[CLBeacon]> or Result.Failure<BeaconManagerError>, **and the signal won't terminate when receiving a Result.Failure.

Does erlang:disconnect_node/2 immediately stop queued messages?

If I sent a lot of messages to a remote node and immediately call erlang:disconnect_node/2 to drop the connection, is there a chance some messages don't get through the wire? In other words, does that method perform a brutal disconnection, regardless of waiting messages?
No, even with two local nodes!
Setup: I got a node a#super, on witch a dummy receive-print loop runs, registered with a. On another node, I run
(b#super)1> [{a, a#super} ! X || X <- lists:seq(0,10000)], erlang:disconnect_node(a#super).
That is, many messages, and then a brutal disconnection.
Result: the receiver printed the full 10001 messages only once over 10 runs.
So, you definitely do not have any guarantee the receiver got all the messages. You should use another technique (novice at erlang, sorry), or use an ack message before the disconnect.
