Inset text in UILabel from left - ios

I have a UILabel which I am using to display multiple lines of text. At the moment when the text is displayed, it is right up against the left hand side of the label which doesn't look too great. I would like the text to be inset slightly from the left.
This is my code so far:
if notes.objectAtIndex(indexPath.row) as NSString == "" {
cell.notesLabel.text = "No notes to display."
cell.notesLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
} else {
cell.notesLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Left
I was looking at some Objective-C examples but I couldn't get them to work and I don't really think they were what I was looking for.
Also, I was trying to do the same thing with a different label and in that case I assumed I could have just added " " to the end of the string (as it is a single line label) to move it in from the right, but I was surprised to see that this doesn't work?

To inset the text from the left edge, you should create a UILabel subclass, and override drawTextInRect:,
class RDLabel: UILabel {
override func drawTextInRect(rect: CGRect) {
let newRect = CGRectOffset(rect, 10, 0) // move text 10 points to the right


Is it possible to set the alignment of segmented Control titles to the left?

I have been looking around for a way to set the alignment of the segmented control titles to the left but I don't seem to be able to achieve what I want.
I have created this little function to change the frame of the subviews of the segment control.
It works at first.
func modifyFrameOfSegment() {
for segment in segmentedControl.subviews {
guard segment.subviews.isNotEmpty else { return }
segment.contentMode = .left
for label in segment.subviews where label is UILabel {
label.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: label.frame.origin.y, width: label.frame.size.width, height: label.frame.size.height)
(label as! UILabel).textAlignment = .left
But everytime I select a new segment it resets the frames of all the subviews and center align all the titles again.
Is there a way to achieve a permanent left alignment for the segment titles in a segmented control?
Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Let's use this method
self.segmentedControl.setContentPositionAdjustment(UIOffset(horizontal: -20, vertical: 0), forSegmentType: .left, barMetrics: .default)
And you can do what you want (Of course, you can change the horizontal & vertical value by your needs). Here is the result:
There's apparently no way to set the alignment of the items, but you can fake it by adjusting the position of each individual item using setContentOffset(_ offset: CGSize, forSegmentAt segment: Int). Here's a kludgy example:
class LeftSegmentedControl: UISegmentedControl {
var margin : CGFloat = 10
override func layoutSubviews() {
func leftJustifyItems() {
let fontAttributes = titleTextAttributes(for: .normal)
let segments = numberOfSegments - 1
let controlWidth = frame.size.width
let segmentWidth = controlWidth / CGFloat(numberOfSegments)
for segment in 0...segments {
let title = titleForSegment(at: segment)
setWidth(segmentWidth, forSegmentAt: segment)
if let t = title {
let titleSize = t.size(withAttributes: fontAttributes)
let offset = (segmentWidth - titleSize.width) / 2 - margin
self.setContentOffset(CGSize(width: -offset, height: 0), forSegmentAt: segment)
Here's what it looks like:
There are a few caveats:
This version sets the segments to all have equal width, which might not be what you want.
I used a fixed left margin of 10px because it seems unlikely that you'd want to vary that, but you can obviously change it or make it a settable property.
Just because you can do this doesn't mean you should. Personally, I don't think it looks great, and it suffers in the usability department too. Users expect segmented control items to be centered, and left-justifying the items will make it harder for them to know where to tap to hit the segment. That seems particularly true for short items like the one labelled "3rd" in the example. It's not terrible, it just seems a little weird.
Original answer:
UIControl (of which UISegmentedControl is a subclass) has a contentHorizontalAlignment property that's supposed to tell the control to align its content a certain way, so the logical thing to do would be to set it like this:
let segmented = UISegmentedControl(items: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe"])
segmented.frame = CGRect(x:75, y:250, width:250, height:35)
segmented.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left
But that doesn't work — you still get the labels centered. If you've got a compelling use case for left-aligned segments, you should send the request to Apple.
One way you could work around this problem is to render your labels into images and then use the images as the segment labels instead of plain strings. Starting from the code in How to convert a UIView to an image, you could easily subclass UISegmentedControl to create images from the item strings.

UILabel can not be wrapped and aligned at the same time

I cannot wrap and align at the same time an UILabel displayed in a UITableViewCell.
I want some UILabels (displayed below with a white background) to be right aligned
and word wrapped if the text is too long. To clarify the sreenshots below:
UILabel with a white background are the labels I am talking about
I am using two different types of cell (respectively with blue and orange background)
The UITableView has a something-like-pink background
The ViewController in which the UITableView is displayed has a light gray background
Either is the alignment correct but the text is not wrapped (Actually the text "Long.. " is long, please see the second screenshot)
Or the text is correctly wrapped but it is not right aligned:
My code is based on this tutorial: How to build a Table View with multiple cell types
Inside the code for the cell displayed with an orange background:
class AttributeCell: UITableViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel?
#IBOutlet weak var valueLabel: UILabel?
let orange = UIColor(red: 1, green: 165/255, blue: 0, alpha: 1)
var item: AttributeLabelLabel? {
didSet {
titleLabel?.backgroundColor = .white
titleLabel?.setLabel(contentText: (item?.attributeNameFromLocalizable)!, alignmentText: .right)
valueLabel?.backgroundColor = .green
valueLabel?.setLabel(contentText: (item?.attributeValue)!, alignmentText: .left)
self.backgroundColor = orange
static var nib:UINib {
return UINib(nibName: identifier, bundle: nil)
static var identifier: String {
return String(describing: self)
I added an extension to UILabel to set the alignment and text of the two labels displayed on cell, the way how the text should be wrapped is the same for all labels.
With the extension below the label is aligned but not wrapped (see first screenshot above).
extension UILabel{
func setLabel(contentText: String, alignmentText: NSTextAlignment){
self.text = contentText
self.textAlignment = alignmentText
self.numberOfLines = 0
self.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping // inefficient alone
If I want to have the text to be wrapped then I have to add a call to sizeToFit() but then short label (see label with the text "Short") is not right aligned (see second screenshot above).
extension UILabel{
func setLabel(contentText: String, alignmentText: NSTextAlignment){
self.text = contentText
self.textAlignment = alignmentText
self.numberOfLines = 0
self.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
self.sizeToFit() // allow text to be effectivly wrapped
Why do I need to specify self.sizeToFit() on the documentation I have found only the use of lineBreakMode is mentionned to wrap a text ?
As I can not handle word wrapping and text alignement, I had the idea to compare the width of the UILabel with its text, and depending on the comparaison handling the alignment (for a text short enough) or the wrapping (if the text is too long). But I did not find how to get the UILabel´s width.
Another idea would be to create a custom UILabel and set all constraint, compression and resistance in code. For now there are no constraints:
Has someone already dealt with such problems?
Is it possible to handle text wrapping and text alignement at the same time ?
On the second screenshot the UILabel with a wrapped text overlapped the cell boundaries. It is not the first problem and I can live with that for now but if someone has an hint about that...
I actually use the following code to deal with cell with different heights:
cell?.estimatedRowHeight = 200
cell?.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension
You are missing a few constraints.
To get a multiline label to wrap, it must have its width limited (how else would it know the text is too long?).
To get auto layout to adjust the cell's height, you need constraints on the content of the cell to "push down" the bottom of the cell.
Constrain your top-left label to Leading: 0, Top: 0, Width: 77 (I'm using 77 as the width, based on your images).
Constrain your top-right label to Leading: 8 (to top-left label's trailing), Top: 0, Trailing: 0
Constrain your bottom-left label to Leading: 0, Top: 8 (to top-left label's bottom), Width: 77 (or, width equal to top-left label)
Constrain your bottom-right label to Leading: 8 (to bottom-left label's trailing), Top: 8 (to top-right label's bottom, or Top: 0 to top of bottom-left label), Trailing: 0
then, add Bottom constraints of >= 0 to each of the bottom labels.
I'm guessing either bottom label may wrap to multiple lines, so set each one to Number of Lines: 0
The layout:
the result:
A UILabel can definitely be right-aligned and wrap on multiple lines. Here is an example:
Actually, the label content is misleading as it wraps on four lines! ;-)
This can be achieved through AutoLayout constraints and the right settings on the UILabel. This particular UILabel is constrained as follows:
Vertically centred
Leading edge to super view
Here are the constraints, as shown in Interface Builder:
Finally, to have a UILabel line-wrap to multiple lines, its numberOfLines property needs to be set to 0, either through Interface Builder or code.
You can also right-align the text using the textAlignment property, setting it to .right, again through Interface Builder or code.

UILabel on second line if the content doesn't fit in the view's first line

The best way to describe my situations is with images. What I have is a view which contains several UILabels and UIImage. The red box is a UILabel and if the content is too big it should go to the second line.
From the storyboard I have a working case when the content fits but the problem is that I am not sure how to handle the case when the last (red box) should go to the second line. I am using autolayout and cartography.
If someone can point me to the right direction I will be very grateful.
First calcululate width of text as per your current label's position.
If text width is more than current label's width then see my answer from below link:
Auto Layout how to move the view2 from right to the bottom?
Calculate width:
func widthForView1(_ text:String, font:UIFont, height:CGFloat) -> CGFloat
let label:UILabel = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: your_label_width, height: your_lable_height))
label.numberOfLines = 0
label.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.byWordWrapping
label.text = text
label.font = font
return label.frame.width
You cannot do that with constraints only. To change the entire position of the element on the screen, you need to do it programmatically.
Use of tag View can solve this issue. TagListView is an external library.
When u add a view as subclass of taglistView, its height automatically increases accordingly.
ADD this to pod file : pod 'TagListView'
func addTags() {
let str1 = "Hi"
let str2 = "Helloo"
let str3 = "How Are u ? "
tagListView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false

UILabel text property when set to nil or "" makes UILabel disappear from view (Swift / Autolayout/ iOS9.1)

I am going through the Stanford Winter 2015 Swift/iOS course and while doing the assignments I run into a behavior I'd like to change.
I use Autolayout as described in the videos (making the display pin to leading and trailing view edges) and the Calculator app "Display" UILabel is fine with an initial value of 0 and whenever the value used to set it (a String) is non-nil and non "".
If it is either nil or "", the entire UILabel disappears. What I am trying to do is to "clear" the display whenever there is no value to display or an incorrect calculation resulted in nil.
Any tips on who to deal with this in general? "Clearing" a UILabel without changing it's on-screen dimensions?
Edit (thanks Rob)
The UILabel has the following constraints
1. Option-click drag-left to containing UIView, selected "leading" something (on commute to work can't check yet for exact wording.
2. Same method as (1) except that the drag is to the right edge and selecting "trailing"
3. Option click-drag up to top of view, select "vertical" menu option.
4. Same as (3) except that drag is to a UIButton underneath the UILabel on the GUI.
With those settings, the label when it contains a number is always visible and (if understand, will color it to verify) stretches across the screen even if the text doesn't.
The layout looks correct in profile and landscape as long as content of UILabel is not empty. If empty, it seems to "shrink to fit" so much that the buttons below get moved up towards the top.
I'm a C++ dev since mid 90s but I have little UI experience and no more than a couple weeks experience in iOS/Swift development.
You can always give the UILabel a min width and min height or constraints that holds the left and right side of the label. That should keep the label from changing it's dimensions to zero.
Use a custom UILabel class assigned in Interface Builder >> Identity inspector >> Custom Class >> Class to override UILabel intrinsic content size.
No need to create any superfluous auto-layout constraints.
class UILabelNonCompressible: UILabel
private static let NonCompressibleInvisibleContent = " "
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize
if /* zero-width */ text == nil ? true : text!.isEmpty
// prefer mirror-and-calculate over modify-calculate-restore due to KVO
let doppelganger = createCopy()
// calculate for any non-zero -height content
doppelganger.text = UILabelNonCompressible.NonCompressibleInvisibleContent
// override
return doppelganger.intrinsicContentSize
return super.intrinsicContentSize
You will also need "How do copy for UILabel?":
extension UILabel
func createCopy() -> UILabel
let archivedData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: self)
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: archivedData) as! UILabel

Space characters being removed from end of String - UILabel Swift

I have the following code for a Table View Cell in Swift
let rcap = cell.viewWithTag(613) as! UILabel
rcap.text = "Capacity: \(room.capacity) " // I added space at the end
The space characters at the end of the string, are removed when shown on screen.
If I add space characters at the beginning of the string there is no issue.
At the moment I am using this 'full stop' hack, but it is not good enough:
rcap.text = "Capacity: \(room.capacity) ."
Any ideas?
I also tried:
rcap.text = "Capacity: \(room.capacity) " + " "
Adding a constraint to the label seems like the better solution to me.
It allows you to define a well-defined distance between the label and
the margin of the table view cell.
The width of a space is dependent on the font and might even change if the text in the label is shrunk, causing non-aligned texts in the
table view.
Having said that, you can prevent the trailing space from being
removed by appending a "ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER" character (U+200C):
rcap.text = "Capacity: \(room.capacity) \u{200c}"
But I consider that more as a "trick" than the proper solution to the
Update: It seems that this "trick" does not work any more in iOS 10,
so a layout constraint should be used instead, as initially suggested.
For 2020
This issue is critical when working with monospaced fonts and doing layout, such as, say, user codes which may have alignment spaces at the end in monospace.
\u{200c} does seem to work perfectly:
Please note that the solution of #MartinR does in fact work perfectly, today, 2020 A.D., iOS 13, Xcode 11.
.text = "FATTIE KODE " + reservation + reservation.neededTrailingSpaces + \u{200c}"
.text = "FATTIE KODE " + reservation + reservation.neededTrailingSpaces + \u{200c}"
.text = "FATTIE KODE " + reservation + reservation.neededTrailingSpaces + \u{200c}"
You can now absolutely normally set font sizes, etc etc. and it all works properly.
Bonus code sample!
Here's a simple UILabel that pads it out, so you need do nothing else:
class PaddyLabel: UILabel {
// pad always to 20 characters...
override var text: String? {
get {
return super.text
set {
if newValue == nil {
super.text = nil
var t = newValue!
while t.count < 20 { t += " " }
t += "\u{200c}"
super.text = t
So in the above three yellow examples, you would just do this
.text = "FATTIE KODE " + reservation
and not have to bother adding the needed spaces manually.
Note that even if you are not using monospace fonts, a typical real-world use case is when you want to "pile together" UILabels - imagine them being, say, one word each - and have the absolutely correct space between them regardless of font size etc, that is to say as if it's just the one sentence in the one UILabel.
The only way to actually do that is to have UILabel "actually include the space".
If it does not work in a future iOS...
Perhaps this will (again?) break in a future iOS.
The only other solution I know is this. To begin with, it's ridiculously hard to just add padding to a UILabel. It is explained here:
Adding padding manually to a UILabel?
How to actually reliably add damned padding to a UILabel
In fact, using a similar technique, it would be possible to force the extra width on one end using intrinsicContentSize , drawText and textRect. To know how much width to add, you would have to calculate that using a phantom example text, with the number of characters in question. Doing that calculation would call for the usual annoying techniques for calculating likely text rendering size. But because that sucks, fortunately we can use the amazing tip of #MartinR (as usual!)
I have created custom class for UILabel, take a look:
import UIKit
#IBDesignable class CustomLable: UILabel {
#IBInspectable var topInset: CGFloat = 5.0
#IBInspectable var bottomInset: CGFloat = 5.0
#IBInspectable var leftInset: CGFloat = 7.0
#IBInspectable var rightInset: CGFloat = 7.0
override func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {
let insets = UIEdgeInsets.init(top: topInset, left: leftInset, bottom: bottomInset, right: rightInset)
super.drawText(in: rect.inset(by: insets))
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
let size = super.intrinsicContentSize
return CGSize(width: size.width + leftInset + rightInset,
height: size.height + topInset + bottomInset)
You can than assign a class to UILabel from Storyboard and provide space you need.
Try putting zero-width space instead of the period. It can be written using left Alt and 0173 on numeric keyboard. Or you can copy it here and delete the quotes: "­"
So your code for setting the text will look like this (with the zero-width space at the end):
rcap.text = "Capacity: \(room.capacity) ­"
Non-breaking space (\u{00a0}) should work too and its usage is as \u{200c}'s in Martin's and Fattie's answer
rcap.text = String.localizedStringWithFormat("Capacity: %# ", rrom.capacity)
try above code it may works
