Facebook login in an iOS app - ios

I am wondering how things should work when using facebook login in an iOS app.
I have set up a trial app in order to understand the facebook login process within an iOS app.
I have a “Login with Facebook” button. When I tap it for the first time, it goes asking for permissions, then I tap YES and it comes back to my app.
At this point all is fine, I have a “Log out” button. I tap it, I get logged out as expected and can see the “Login with Facebook” button again.
Now here comes the question. When I tap the “Login with Facebook” button for the 2nd (or Nth) time, it shows me the facebook Confirm page displaying:
“You have already authorized THIS APP”
with a Cancel and an OK button.
Is this the way it should be?
It seems to me that the user knows he has already authorized THIS APP and does not need to be prompted each time.
In other words after tapping the “Login with Facebook” button it should not go through the facebook Confirm page.
Am I wrong?
If NO, why is this happening in my app?


TwitterKit doesn't have interface to control redirection to native twitter app

Currently I use TWTRTweetView from TwitterKit to display the tweets. When I tap on the tweet, the iOS system's popup shows up "MyAppName" wants to open "Twitter", and gives 2 buttons, Cancel and Open respectively.
Then the problem is no matter which button I press on, it will redirect to the twitter native app.
Ok, I have downloaded their source code and looking into it. And I drew a flow diagram to illustrate the issue.
As the diagram shows, the twitter SDK will try to call the deep link on tap first, if user taps "cancel" on the apple's default pop up, then the SDK will try the second attempt by calling universal link. This will cause the issue as I described in the question, which is even user taps on "cancel", my app still redirects to twitter app.

Swift 3 ,how reload a view if login fails

When I launch my app I have to use TouchID to login. It works correctly if I log, but If I click on "Cancel" button the app shows me a white view. I would like the app to totally close and go to the Home.
I tried it but when I click on the app logo again it appears as white page
UIControl().sendAction(#selector(URLSessionTask.suspend), to: UIApplication.shared, for: nil)
As alternative way I would like also that appear again the main page in which I have to use TouchId.
How can I do it?
You can as a user to login with TouchID in applicationWillEnterForeground (each time when an app opens). In case if you use TouchID for secure app entering. You can not close an app programmatically. It's prohibited.

Detect and block UIWebView redirection by iOS API

I am using an API in my iOS app that gives some info about user.
If user is not logged in, the API opens the login page otherwise returns the user info that I can display on UI.
In my app, I want to implement a text label and a button.
If user is logged-in, the app should display the button, asking to login.
Otherwise the button will be hidden and text label will show user info.
The issue is that, for both login and to get user info, the same API is provided.
For deciding to display the button, I need to prevent the API from opening the webview on it's own, and only do it when user presses the button in my app.
Is there a way to detect that the API is trying to open webview and then block it?

How can I remove the new back-to-previous-app iOS 9 button from my app?

For example, when a user logs in to my app with Facebook, I open the Facebook app for auth, and then the Facebook app switches back to my app. But from then on, "Back to Facebook" stays in the top-left.
At this time, I do it by hiding status bar. I am still looking for a better solution.

How to return to app if user cancel Facebook Login?

I m working on facebook login. Everything is fine, when I tap on the login button it will take me to safari (or FB app) and ask me for FB login.
my question is how to make safari return to my app if I decide not to login and hit cancel button? its currently taking me to my facebook main page after hitting cancel and is not useful
thanks in advance!
I don't know how to do it exactly as you suggest but what you could do is create another view controller with a web view inside of it, and a navigation bar at the top that has a cancel button on it. This way they could log on to facebook from within the app, so they don't have to switch between things which can be a little lengthy! It would also allow an easy cancel button with 'dismissModalViewController' or whatever it has changed to in iOS6. I believe this should work :)
