I was trying to copy all the files within a directory from windows to unix within groovy method using following. But it does give an error saying No such file or directory
def antMove = new AntBuilder()
antMove.scp(trust: 'true',
file: "D:\\MyFolder\\input\\*",
todir: "username#[IP]:/tmp/rw_input/",
port: "22",
keyfile: Key,
passphrase: Passphrase,
verbose: "true")
I tried different option as well like *.* and * . But no luck
If I give just one file name here like test.txt its working fine
Fileset can be added in the following way:
def ant = new AntBuilder()
todir: "username#[IP]:/tmp/rw_input/",
verbose: true,
keyfile: "key",
trust: true
) {
fileset(dir: "D:\\MyFolder\\input\\") {
include(name: '*')
I'm working on implementing Checkmarx scans in our code repository. I'm using Jenkins and the CheckMarx plugin to accomplish this task. There are some folders I want to exclude from the scan; referencing the Jenkins plugin documentation it seems like all I have to do is add the folder names in the 'excludeFolders' field. However that doesn't appear to work, or maybe I don't have the value entered correctly.
I've tried '/test', 'test/', '!/test//*' but none work and the folder is still registered and zipped before it is uploaded to our CheckMarx server.
Below is what I have in my pipeline:
stage("Running CheckMarks for Layer"){
def layer_dir = readFile file: 'layer-list'
def layer_list = layer_dir.split('\\r?\\n')
println (layer_list)
layer_list.each { layer ->
print (layer)
$class: 'CxScanBuilder',
comment: 'Layer scanning',
credentialsId: 'XXXX',
excludeFolders: 'test',
exclusionsSetting: 'global',
failBuildOnNewResults: false,
failBuildOnNewSeverity: 'MEDIUM',
filterPattern: '''!**/_cvs/**/*, !Checkmarx/Reports/*.*''',
fullScanCycle: 10,
incremental: true,
fullScansScheduled: true,
generatePdfReport: true,
preset: '36',
teamPath: "\\path\\to\\codebase",
projectName: "$layer",
sastEnabled: true,
sourceEncoding: '1',
vulnerabilityThresholdResult: 'FAILURE',
waitForResultsEnabled: true
Any suggestions on how to exclude the 'test' folder?
You should change your exclusionsSetting to 'job' instead of 'global', we can't override the global configurations.
Then you can add more filters in the filterPattern.
the filtering is really flakey - did you have any luck????
try add it to the filterPattern as !Test/*.* as well and play around with that...
Modify like below to exclude both target and test folders.
excludeFolders: 'target, test'
Jenkins console log:
[Cx-Debug]: Excluded Dir: src/test
[Cx-Debug]: Excluded Dir: target
If you are running on Windows you need to use the following pattern: !**\\test\\**\\*
On Linux: !**/test/**/*
I wanted to tackle file cache updating in a Svelte app and wanted this part of the rollup build. I decide to add a querystring parameter to the file references (such as 'index.html?v=0.1') in the distributed build scripts. I created a constant '__cVersion__' in my rollup.config.js script and tried to use the 'rollup-plugin-modify', but that only updated my main.js and App.svelte code (the files being compiled). I also tried the '#rollup/plugin-replace' plugin with the same results. I needed the files I was also copying (not building) from src to public to also to have instances of '__cVersion__' replaced in the scripts.
The following was my initial rollup.config.js export function (the string replacement that did not work):
export default {
input: 'src/main.js',
output: {
sourcemap: true,
format: 'iife',
name: 'app',
file: 'public/build/bundle.js'
plugins: [
// this only seems to work on the main.js and .svelte files
'__cVersion__': 'c0.1.19'
dev: !production,
css: css => {
targets: [{
src: 'src/bs4.4.1.css',
dest: 'public/'
src: 'src/sw.js',
dest: 'public/'
src: 'src/index.html',
dest: 'public/'
src: 'src/manifest.json',
dest: 'public/'
src: 'src/images/*',
dest: 'public/images/'
browser: true,
dedupe: ['svelte']
// cache files
mode: 'injectManifest',
options: {
swSrc: 'src/sw.js',
swDest: 'public/sw.js',
globDirectory: 'public',
globPatterns: [
!production && serve(),
!production && livereload('public'),
production && terser()
watch: {
clearScreen: false
By default, the rollup-plugin-copy plugin will trigger on rollup's buildEnd hook.
Setting the hook to writeBundle fixed this issue for me, like so:
targets: [
src: ...,
dest: ...
hook: "writeBundle",
I decided to take a different approach since I realized the build process needed to complete before I tried to replace '__cVersion__' in the files. After some trial and error I settled on this code:
If you search the source code for '__cVersion__' you will see where I am adding the file revision string to try and force a file cache update...however, that didn't fully fix the issue.
I then looked at the service worker (sw.js) and realized the Workbox 'injectManifest' was actually handling the file revisions. The only problem with my current setup was that I had added '__cVersion__' constants to my scripts, but Workbox never saw the replacements since Workbox processed the service worker before I replaced the constants.
What I probably need to do is copy the src files to a 'staging directory' where I can replace the 'cache' constants in the scripts and then run the build rollup off of the staging files. This 'should' cause Workbox to treat the files as updated and thus assign them different revision numbers in the service worker file. I will try and update this thread when I have that issue worked out.
I have just started looking into a shared libarary with jenkins in order to combine a load of scripts and pipelines across multiple repos that are pretty much identical.
I have the shared lib loaded and working but when tryign to execute the scripts i the resources folder i keep geting not found errors:
../releaseTagging-EO2DMYOPJ6JGB6JT5Q2RSFJWJWWPALA7F25H7CQNYBEV4ITTEB6Q#tmp/build.sh: not found
I am creating a copy of the file using the following:
createTempLocation(String path) {
String tmpDir = pwd tmp: true
return tmpDir + File.separator + new File(path).getName()
copyGlobalLibraryScriptcall(String srcPath, String destPath = null) {
destPath = destPath ?: createTempLocation(srcPath)
writeFile file: destPath, text: libraryResource(srcPath)
echo "copyGlobalLibraryScript: copied ${srcPath} to ${destPath}"
sh "chmod +x ${destPath}"
echo "added executable permissions to ${destPath}"
return destPath
I am then calling the last function thusly:
runBuild(Map config) {
def script = copyGlobalLibraryScript('build.sh')
sh script
(i realise i can collapse the above function in to one line)
This in turn then gets called via (trimed the whole file to relevent part):
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
timestamps {
checkout scm
bbNotify( key: buildKey, name: BuildName) {
stash includes: '**', name: 'RelToSTAN'
This all fails with the error at the top of the question, however when sshing on to the build server i can find that file int he location specified.
I dont understand why Jenkins cannot find it and execute it.
The issue will be the following:
When using a java File object it‘ll always refer to some location on the Jenkins master. And of course it usually cannot run inside the sandbox.
On the other hand the readFile and writeFile methods always refer to some path on the build agent reserved by the node block where the call is encapsulated.
Long story short: Do not use the File class. Unfortunately you’ll need to create the temp path manually. But that shouldn’t be too hard.
I have already added 2 secret files to Jenkins credentials with names PRIVATE-KEY and PUBLIC-KEY.
How can I copy those 2 files to /src/resources directory inside a job?
I have the following snippet
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'PRIVATE_KEY', variable: 'my-private-key'),
file(credentialsId: 'PUBLIC_KEY', variable: 'my-public-key')]) {
//how to copy, where are those files to copy from?
Ok, I think I managed to do it. my-private-key variable is a path to the secret, so I had to copy that secret to the destination I needed.
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'PRIVATE_KEY', variable: 'my-private-key'),
file(credentialsId: 'PUBLIC_KEY', variable: 'my-public-key')]) {
sh "cp \$my-public-key /src/main/resources/my-public-key.der"
sh "cp \$my-private-key /src/main/resources/my-private-key.der"
Both solution is good for specific OS(win, unix). There are some basic function to check is system unix isUnix(). Instead of this you can use the read/write basic methods for any machine.
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: PRIVATE_KEY, variable: 'my_private_key'),
file(credentialsId: PUBLIC_KEY, variable: 'my_public_key')]) {
writeFile file: 'key/private.pem', text: readFile(my_private_key)
writeFile file: 'key/public.pem', text: readFile(my_public_key)
Following on from #Humberds answer, the equivalent for powershell is:
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'PRIVATE_KEY', variable: 'my-private-key')]) {
bat "powershell Copy-Item $appSettings -Destination src\\main\\resources "
i'v try to deploy the grunt output folder ( dist ) to server space using grunt-deploy in Jenkins. it return success message after grunt deploy.but it actually not deploy to given target.and there is option for username and password of server.so i think its not secure method .if yes give me a correct method for that.also there is no option for source path . this is my deploy code.
deploy: {
liveservers: {
servers: [{
host: 'host',
port: 'port',
username: 'user',
password: 'pass'
cmds_before_deploy: [],
cmds_after_deploy: [],
deploy_path: '/home/testdeploy'
} }
please help me :(
Use the mkdir command to create a releases subfolder:
cd /home/testdeploy
mkdir releases
then retry. The existence of releases is a hardcoded assumption in the source
grunt-deploy: deploy.js source