Difference between Spring rest and Spring Data - neo4j

I am using Neo4j SDN for grails , What is the difference between SDN rest and ('org.springframework.data:spring-data-neo4j-rest:3.2.0.RELEASE')
Simple SDN 'org.springframework.data:spring-data-neo4j:3.2.0.RELEASE'

Spring Data Neo4j - REST is a wrapper around the Neo4j REST APIs to have SDN talk to a Neo4j Server.
The currentl implementation is not really good, the next Milestone 3.3.0.M1 will address a lot of that.


Spring data Neo4j with JSF Java application

I would like to use Spring Data Neo4j but I want use only this part of Spring. All my web application I want to build with JSF framework. I have problems to mix Spring Data Neo4j and JSF. Is it possible or is is worth to use spring data Neo4j instead of OGM Neo4j? Maybe is better to stay with simple OGM driver in my case?

Spring Data Neo4J - Create new nodes via REST endpoint

Does Spring Data provide a way to create new nodes via a REST endpoint? I don't think so but would like to make sure.
Which version are you referring to?
SDN works in both versions also with Neo4j server but using the Cypher Endpoint under the hood.

Neo4j OGM library with embedded server

Is it possible to use the OGM library with one embedded server ?
The examples I have seen so for the session is always obtain via remote http connection to the neo4j server.
I would like to have the elegant programming model of the OGM library without the having the make network IO to the database.
Thank you, kindly
The current release of the OGM (1.1.4) supports only the Neo4j remote server.
OGM 2.0 will provide support for Neo4j remote server (http) and embedded Neo4j. Once Neo4j 3.0 is released, OGM 2.x will support the new binary (Bolt) protocol as well.
The first milestone of OGM 2.0 is expected within the next two weeks.

Difference between Spring Data Neo4j 3.4.0.RELEASE and 4.0.0.RELEASE

Currently, there are two SDN releases:
Spring Data Neo4j 3.4.0.RELEASE
Spring Data Neo4j 4.0.0.RELEASE
Spring Data Neo4J
What is the point to have them both?
Which one should I use in my application ?
Spring Data Neo4j 4 is the newest version, a complete rewrite from scratch focussing on Neo4j server, see also:
It builds on top of a pure Java OGM which uses the server transport and will use the binary protocol in the future.
There are migration notes for people coming from SDN 3
If you are starting a new project go with SDN4

How to use the Spring Security Core Plugin with the Neo4j GORM plugin

I am trying to use the Spring Security Core plugin in a Grails project using the Neo4j GORM plugin.
As far as I can see I have two options:
Use the Spring Security Core plugin as is and persist it's data to say MySQL while using Neo4j for the rest of the application data.
Use a custom UserDetailsService.
Does anyone have an example of the latter?
You mean like the one in the documentation? http://grails-plugins.github.com/grails-spring-security-core/docs/manual/guide/11%20Custom%20UserDetailsService.html
Since the Neo4j plugin is GORM compliant, spring-security-core's GormUserDetailsService should work out of the box.
