I already know and have used these methods to create a form without boders that can be moved.
Move form without border style
I'm using the WMNCHitTest override.
The MouseDown event don't work at all.
This form is very simple it is displaying a countdown, a number that changes very second and that's all. The number being painted using a big TLabel with big fonts.
But I also made this form transparent by using Delphi's standard form properties.
Now, if I try to click on the form to move it, the only area I can use is the lines drawing the changing numbers, even if they are not so thin, this is not practical.
I'd like the user to be able to move the numbers to any position of the screen by clicking anywhere near the numbers, let's say inside a "0" or an "8".
I'd think about drawing a transparent rectangle over the numbers and be that the clickable area, but the effect would be the same, the click would go throu.
I know an application that does this, so it is possible, but how?
procedure TfrmCountDown.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
iCount := iCount - 1;
lblTime.Caption := FormatFloat('00', iCount);
procedure TfrmCountDown.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
iCount := 60;
Self.Color := clGray;
Self.TransparentColor := true;
Self.TransparentColorValue := clGray;
procedure TfrmCountDown.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
Pt: TPoint;
Pt := ScreenToClient(SmallPointToPoint(Message.Pos));
if Pt.Y < 160 then
Message.Result := HTCAPTION
VCL Form Transparency (by which presume you to mean the TransparentColor property, as opposed to the Alpha properties) uses Layered Windows to achieve the transparent drawing. Using this technique any transparent area of the window is not only transparent visually but also with respect to hit testing.
i.e. Using VCL form transparency, the transparent areas in your form may as well not exist at all.
What could work is to turn off the VCL form transparency and instead implement your form using the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT window style. This enables visual transparency but allows you to handle hit testing to make different areas of your form transparent, or not, with respect to clicks.
Unfortunately WS_EX_TRANSPARENT is not a complete "transparency" solution - it only tells Windows that your form is transparent, but you also then have to take additional steps to actually be properly transparent, or to interpret what "transparent" means for your specific form.
This means it complicates the visual rendering of your form and you will also have to override the paint mechanism to properly draw your form. From how you describe the content on your form this does not sound like it will be too arduous however, though it is far some straightforward (I do not have a working example unfortunately).
At the very least you will probably be best to replace your TLabel with calls to select an appropriate font and render text into the window client area with a transparent background. But there will be additional house keeping required.
In your WM_NCHITTEST handler, respond with HTNOWHERE for those areas of your form which you wish to be interpreted as "click through" areas, and HTCAPTION for the areas that you wish to support dragging (i.e. from what you describe, within a region defined by the bounds of your text).
Unfortunately I think you will find that there are lots of fiddly aspects to the implementation of painting a transparent window.
In a Delphi 10.4.2 Win32 VCL application running on Windows 10, in a dual-monitor setup, when I set my MainForm (or any other secondary form) to start maximized by setting WindowState := wsMaximized, then the form is maximized only on the Primary Monitor.
How can I maximize the Form to the whole Desktop instead, to set the Form size to include BOTH MONITORS? Is there a built-in method of the TForm class to achieve this?
In general, this problem isn't as simple as you may think. I suppose you are imagining a desktop like this:
In this case, I assume you want the window to be placed like this:
However, what if the user has this layout:
Do you want
(entire window visible, but some screen space unused) or
(no unused space, but some parts of the window not visible)?
If you want to use the full virtual desktop space -- the last case -- it is easy though:
BoundsRect := Screen.DesktopRect;
This will do the expected thing in a simple setup, and the "no unused space, but some parts of the window might not be visible" thing in general.
Also be aware that Windows doesn't like that windows behave like this, so the user might not get a nice experience using the app.
In general, don't do this.
Please note that even a two-monitor setup, in which both monitors are landscape, can be non-trivial:
The geometry may be non-trivial even if both monitors are the same size:
Positioning Objects on Multiple Display Monitors
A window or menu that is on more than one monitor causes visual disruption for a viewer. To minimize this problem, the system displays menus and new and maximized windows on one monitor.
So, if you want the TForm window to stretch across the whole desktop, using WindowState=wsMaximize is not the way to go, as it will only work on the single monitor that the Form is being mostly displayed in.
To do what you ask, you will have to get the rectangle of the Virtual Screen from GetSystemMetrics() (or Vcl.Forms.TScreen), and then set the Form's Left/Top/Width/Height accordingly, eg:
if Screen.MonitorCount > 1 then
Form.WindowState := wsNormal;
Form.Left := Screen.DesktopLeft;
Form.Top := Screen.DesktopTop;
Form.Width := Screen.DesktopWidth;
Form.Height := Screen.DesktopHeight;
// or:
Form.SetBounds(Screen.DesktopLeft, Screen.DesktopTop, Screen.DesktopWidth, Screen.DesktopHeight);
// or:
Form.BoundsRect := Screen.DesktopRect;
end else
Form.WindowState := wsMaximized;
This is not standard behaviour for a Windows application. Also note that as the desktop can have multiple monitors which do not need to be aligned so the desktop may not be a rectangle - which means that the bounding rectangle for the desktop may contain parts which are not visible.
If you want to do this you can use the Windows function GetDesktopWindow to get the desktop window, then get its size, and then set the size of the form to that.
procedure TMyForm.GoLarge();
rctDesktop: TRect;
if(hDT<>0) then
GetWindowRect(hDT, rctDesktop);
Self.SetBounds(rctDesktop.Left, rctDesktop.Top, rctDesktop.Width, rctDesktop.Height);
This makes no allowance for the task bar or anything else which is using some of the desktop space.
Using Delphi Tokyo 10.2, with Stylized Themes. I am trying to highlight components on the form, e.g., ComboBoxes, EditTexts, etc. For example, if a user entered invalid data, I would like to highlight the component.
In the past, we just colored components Red, and the color persisted through resizes/movement/repaints in general. Now with theming, we need to do a bit more to get the color to show and persist.
I have tried disabling each component's StyleElements [seFont, seClient, seBorder] properties to force show the color. This works but seems kludgy, particularly when there are many components being validated. Also, simply coloring a component red might not look right with some of the themes.
I have also tried simply drawing a red rectangle around the components using WinAPI SetRop2(..). E.g., here is some clever code, I tweaked to take a TWinControl and Draw a redbox around it; I can also remove the redbox using a similar call. This works:
…but doesn't persist through repaints, obviously. It seems like adding custom paint methods might be an overkill here. Unless, there is some better way?
Other things I have considered:
All of the components sit on panels, and I have considered using a protected hack to draw red rects on the panel's canvas around the components, but again, more custom paint routines…
I am also considering drawing TShapes dynamically as needed, but this strikes me as silly.
There must be others in the same situation, e.g., data entry validation that worked neatly in older versions of Delphi, but doesn't look so good when themed. What is the best approach when using themes? The SetRop2(..) approach seems to be the cleanest, but can someone suggest a simple way to make the color persist? I would welcome other ideas, too. Thank you.
So maybe, just dynamically drawing TShapes around the invalid responses isn't so bad. They persist through repaints and don't descend from TWinControl, meaning they automatically show up behind the control they are highlighting.
This works quite well for me and I hope it's helpful to others.
// assuming owning control will be free'd properly and
// will in turn free HI_LITE Box.
// tantamount to adding an instance variable, TShape, to existing Control,
// since class helpers don't allow. And I don't want to descend
// new controls just to have a hiLiteBox Instance Variable.
procedure HiLiteMe(aControl : TWinControl; HILITE_FLAG : Boolean = TRUE; aColor : TColor = clRed);
const OFFSET = 4; // specify the offset of the border size of the box.
hiLiteBox : TShape; // reference created on stack, but object created on the heap,
uniqueBoxName : String; // so use the persistent aControl's owned component list to maintain the reference.
uniqueBoxName := BOX_NAME_PREFIX + aControl.Name; // uniquename for each associated HiLiteBox.
HiLiteBox := aControl.FindComponent(uniqueBoxName) as TShape; // phishing for the HiLiteBox if it was previously created.
if NOT Assigned(hiLiteBox) then // create HiLiteBox and make persist outside this proc.
if NOT HILITE_FLAG then exit; // don't create a box if we're just going to hide it anyway.
hiLiteBox := TShape.Create(aControl); // Create HiLiteBox, setting aControl as owner, quicker retrieval using aControl.findComponent
hiLiteBox.Parent := aControl.Parent; // Render the box on the control's parent, e.g., panel, form, etc.
hiLiteBox.Name := uniqueBoxName;
hiLiteBox.Pen.Color := aColor; // Color the Pen
hiLiteBox.Pen.Width := offset-1; // Make the Pen just slightly smaller than the offset.
hiLiteBox.Brush.Color := clWindow; // Choose a brush color, to fill the space between the pen and the Control
hiLiteBox.Left := aControl.Left - offset;
hiLiteBox.Width := aControl.Width + offset*2;
hiLiteBox.Top := aControl.Top - offset;
hiLiteBox.Height := aControl.Height + offset*2;
hiLiteBox.Visible := HILITE_FLAG; // Show/Hide HiLite as appropriate.
Called like this to HiLite with a red and blue box...
HiLiteMe(checkListBox1, TRUE, clRed); // Draw a RedBox around the CheckListBox, e.g., Invalid.
HiLiteMe(bitBtn3, TRUE, clBlue); // Draw a Blue Box around the Button, e.g., Required.
Called like this to remove HiLites…
HiLiteMe(checkListBox1, FALSE); // Draw a RedBox around the CheckListBox, e.g., Invalid.
HiLiteMe(bitBtn3, FALSE); // Draw a Blue Box around the Button, e.g., Required.
I suggest having a red TShape on only one side of the control (e.g. just the left or bottom) that you show or hide.
I'm building a "dashboard" application which is always visible along any edge of any given monitor, even when other applications are maximized. I don't necessarily need it "always on top" (although I will) but I need to make it a part of the screen as my own desktop toolbar, like the Windows Taskbar is. Even when applications are maximized, the windows are inside of this area, making this window always visible (and the desktop area smaller).
How can I make my application's main form align to the edge of a screen like this?
PS - I don't need an answer to all the extra gritty handling, such as screen resolution changes... I just need to know how to make it aligned as "part of the screen" in the first place.
You're looking for Application Desktop Toolbars, which is what the Windows task bar uses internally. It involves creating a window with specific styles, setting it up correctly, and then communicating with it using SHAppBarMessage.
It can get pretty complex, but there are some free components available with source (one at Torry, or another at DelphiPages) that have the basic shell to get you started.
An example from the AppBar.pas unit of the second link (which, according to the link's text, is freeware with source - I've used it to create an app launcher task bar, complete with buttons with application icons and descriptions read from .lnk files):
TAppBarMessage = (abmNew, abmRemove, abmQueryPos, abmSetPos, abmGetState,
abmGetTaskBarPos, abmActivate, abmGetAutoHideBar,
abmSetAutoHideBar, abmWindowPosChanged);
TAppBarEdge = (abeLeft, abeTop, abeRight, abeBottom, abeUnknown, abeFloat);
function TAppBar.AppBarMessage(abMessage: TAppBarMessage;
abEdge: TAppBarEdge; lParam: LPARAM; bRect: Boolean; var rc: TRect): UINT;
abd: TAppBarData;
// Initialize an APPBARDATA structure
abd.cbSize := sizeof(abd);
abd.hWnd := Handle;
abd.uCallbackMessage := WM_APPBARNOTIFY;
abd.uEdge := Ord(abEdge);
if bRect then
abd.rc := rc
abd.rc := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
abd.lParam := lParam;
Result := SHAppBarMessage(Ord(abMessage), abd);
// If the caller passed a rectangle, return the updated rectangle
if bRect then
rc := abd.rc;
If nothing else, you can determine this information manually. Have a look at the global Screen object in the Forms unit for information on the current resolution. (Make sure to check the MonitorCount and Monitors properties.)
Between that and a bit of basic arithmetic, it shouldn't be too hard to set up the form to align to the edge of a monitor.
Please refer to another question here: Resizing borderless form from different constraints than far edges?
This previous question has been resolved, but I have another similar question. Since I am building a custom shaped form with a different client area, I need to change the ClientRect area of this form. The form has some special drawing of some curved edges and such, but that part's irrelevant. I need to change the ClientRect of the form to represent a new client area where components are allowed to be dropped, and ignore anything put outside of those bounds.
(I have a borderless form, I'm drawing my own border which is a much different size than the standard windows border.)
This solution will kind-of change the way that my previous question works, but that'll be another topic which I'm sure I'll figure out on my own, should be very simple. I just need to be able to properly set this in the first place.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure WmNCCalcSize(var Msg: TWMNCCalcSize); message WM_NCCALCSIZE;
procedure TForm1.WmNCCalcSize(var Msg: TWMNCCalcSize);
if Msg.CalcValidRects then begin
InflateRect(Msg.CalcSize_Params.rgrc[0], -10, -6);
Msg.Result := 0;
Please, carefully read WM_NCCALCSIZE's documentation though, including the remarks section and also NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS, as I'm not sure this is what you want. But this is your message..
I've narrowed a problem I have drawing on TImage.Canvas in Delphi 2009 down to the following reproducible case:
Given: a form, a TImage, TLabel and TButton on it. The TImage is anchored to all four edges so that resizing the form will resize the TImage. What I want to be able to do is draw on the maximal area of Image1 available to me after resizing. So in my test case I have the following code in my the Button's OnClick handler:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Label1.Caption:= IntToStr (Image1.Width)+' x '+IntToStr(Image1.Height);
Image1.Canvas.Pen.Color:= 0;
Image1.Canvas.Rectangle(0,0,Image1.Width, Image1.Height);
You'll see that if the form is resized, Image1.Width and .Height change as expected, however the rectangle that is drawn if the resized form is larger than the original one, will be incomplete, only drawing on the same area that was there previously.
How do I get it do use the entire resized area?
For what it's worth, in my original problem I had played with Image1.Stretch, which allows me to use more of the area upon resizing but will result in my drawings being distorted (not desired). If I also use Image1.Proportional, then it's better but I still can't use the full area available. Image1.AutoSize doesn't seem to be doing anything useful to me either.
Any help appreciated.
Add an OnResize-event to your form:
procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Width := Image1.Width;
Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Height := Image1.Height;
Also, if you are using the component to draw on, rather than displaying images from file etc, consider using the TPaintBox rather than TImage.
Maybe you have to also adjust Image1.Picture.Width/Height or Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Width/Height.