Movement of Box2d Body in cocos2d-x - ios

I need to move the box2d body according to position received form game center server.
After receiving position I just update the body position using: -
But its moving the body inapprotiate manner (for example. Body is showing somewere lese in the screen). At same time my sprite image not moving (attached with body).

What i did to solve the positioning problem is i taken a normal sprite image and just change position in update with that box2d body position.
your carbody movement based on server position. it will move invisibly.
your b2body without userdata(image)
carMainBody->SetTransform(b2Vec2(serverposition,carMainBody->GetPosition().y), 0.0f);
here your normal sprite image. just attch your sprite image like this
This method worked fine for me.


Spritekit Editor Resize Action doesn't resize Body

I'm new using the SpriteKit Editor within XCode. I applied a resizeToWidth action to a simple Color Sprite Node. The Node has a physics body of the type bounding rectangle. The problem is the graphical representation is resizing but not it's body. The body just stays the same. See the result after applying the action, red is the sprite and the blue line it's bounding box.
How can I make sure that the physics body is resizing like the sprite?

Can I move a node across the screen without SKAction?

I am developing the iPhone version of an Android game using SpriteKit and objective-c. The Android version was developed using libGDX. There the movement across the screen was done by updating the coordinate values whenever the predefined render method is called. While reading the docs in SpriteKit, I found that here the nodes are moved across the screen by using SKAction where the end coordinates and the duration is given and the action is applied to the node. Is this the only way the node can be moved? Or can I update the coordinates(in the update method according to the time interval) even after the adding the node to the parent node(without calling the SKAction anywhere)?
There are a couple of ways to make a node move.
Changing the node's coordinates myNode.position = CGPointMake(myNode.position.x+1, myNode.position.y); will move the node to the right. This method works with regardless on whether they have a physics body or not.
Apply velocity to the node's physics body myNode.physicsBody.velocity = CGVectorMake(100, myNode.physicsBody.velocity.dy); moves the node to the right. Your node requires a physics body for this to work.
Apply an impulse [myNode.physicsBody applyImpulse:CGVectorMake(100, myNode.physicsBody.velocity.dy)]; moves the node to the right. Your node requires a physics body for this to work.
Apply a force [myNode.physicsBody applyForce:CGVectorMake(100, myNode.physicsBody.velocity.dy)]; moves the node to the right. Your node requires a physics body for this to work.
When you apply force is like a motor pushing all the time. If you apply impulse it's like kicking a ball once.
Read up on each method in more detail in the SKPhysicsBody reference.
You can move a node by specifying the position property (see the SKNode
node.position = CGPointMake(x, y);

Scrolling combined with physics moves my sprite out of the screen

I'm implementing a side scrolling game with SpriteKit:
As long as my sprite stays in the middle of the screen, I'm moving the sprite
When the sprite reaches the left or the right part of the screen, I'm moving the level instead of my sprite:
This works quite well, unless my sprite collides with another object. In that case the level (triggered by my code) and the sprite (triggered by the physics engine) are moved and the sprite moves outside the screen:
I tried to stop the impulse which is applied from the physics engine. This hasn't worked.
Any idea how to handle this?
I suppose by "moving the level" you mean moving the background view.
Why don't you just have an area in which your sprite moves that is the same size as your background? You can scroll to keep the sprite visible without disturbing the logic of physics and other manipulation of the movement.

Sprite kit skview.showPhysics bug?

Here is the code for setting the characters physics body.
character.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:character.size];
It works fine, I mean it stays where I want it to but as you can see it displays the character's physics body in the bottom left of the screenshot (which is the grey box).
Is this a bug or can this be fixed?
I had a similar problem which may or may not solve yours.
It looks like you are using some sort of viewport system. Perhaps with a node called world and one called camera? If this is the case then you must be moving your world node every frame in order to center the content correctly? When drawing physics, you need to move the world node at -didEvaluateActions instead of -didSimulatePhysics

What does body.GetPosition,body.GetWorldCenter stand for in Box2D?

Recently I have a new project that uses Box2D as physics engine. And I am having some trouble with the body's position.
I want to draw images on the sprite, so I just use body.GetPosition as image's position. But I found that body.GetPosition returns the same value as body.GetWorldCenter, and I just wondering that I did something wrong.
I use box2d flash 2.1a in my project. And I currently subtract this position with half-width and half-height to walk around. Also, can you tell me if there is some way to solve my problem or draw the image in the correct positon in Box2D.
Thank you.
so sorry to post before read manual.
after RTM I got that body has two points,first is origin point and the second is center of mass ,so a regular shape's world center is always the same as it's origin point. sorry to post is.
Have you set the image in the userdata for the body? Your getting the body's position but you need to have a function that runs each world tick that can set the images position to the new location. Box2d is just numbers defining a simulation. Those numbers are constantly updating so the image needs to have position set each time there is a game tick. Hope this helps
