Unable to see provisioning profile in Xcode - ios

I am trying to enable push for an existing app have in the App Store.
I have not used a wildcard app id, but a specific app id.
I followed this tutorial for creating certificates, https://parse.com/tutorials/ios-push-notifications
When i try to create new App ID in Apple Developer Member Center it is asking for Bundle ID, when i enter my app Bundle ID it shows Bundle ID already taken
so, i tried to enable to push notification in my exiting app id, and created new provisions profile.
I am able to do this, but it doesn't show my provisioning profile in Xcode Under Project, "Build Settings", and inside the "Code Signing Identity"
and also i am unable to delete my existing App ID so that i can create new App ID.
While deleting it shows,The App ID '49TBXXXX6U.com.MYAPP' exists in the App Store so it cannot be removed.
Where i am making mistake ? why it is doesn't shows my profile in Xcode
Please help and Thanks in advance.

It seems like you are trying to enable push for an existing app you have in the App Store.
The app seems not to have used a wildcard app id, but a specific app id. If that is so, you must select the app id and continue from your step 1.3.
If this is not the case, it just seems you need to let XCode sync up the provisioning profiles. You do that from the XCode menu / Preferences / Accounts / View Details / Refresh (icon)
If all else fails, check Apples App Distribution Guide / Configuring Push Notifications


Cannot generate app-group provisioning profile or get one that matches

I have an iOS app with an app group to receive inbound images from other apps. I simply cannot get it to sign. I have gone through signing a bunch so the process is very familiar but I can't even get the group identifier to show up under provisioning in the developer center. Can someone help? Here is the scenario ->
I cannot create a provisioning profile for my app group group.com.xxxxxx.bookapp.
I have made a new app group identifier group.com.xxxxxx.bookapp.
I have added it to my app identifier in com.xxxxxx.bookapp under capabilities in the dev center, and selected group.com.xxxxxx.bookapp and it looks correct.
I have regenerated all my provisioning profiles.
The app will build fine until it gets to the share extension target and it says Provisioning profile "Provisioning Profile Name" has app ID "com.xxxxxx.bookapp", which does not match the bundle ID "com.xxxxxx.bookapp.shareextension".
I cannot generate a provisioning profile for "com.xxxxxx.bookapp.shareextension" because it does not show up in the lists of available id's in the developer portal when I try to create a new profile.
I cannot use wildcard because I have push notifications and the share extension will not allow it anyways
Ok so, it turns out you have to create a whole new app id that goes with your app group, add the same app group to it as your main target, then create a provisioning profile for it like it is its own app. Now I am able to publish like its two completely different apps, which is kinda is, just a bit convoluted and the docs don't really mention this.

Signing iOS App: App ID Cannot be Registered to Your Development Team

I need to replace a deployed iOS native app with a new Ionic3 / Cordova hybrid app. The new hybrid app builds successfully (on macOS Sierra 10.12.6) but I can't sign the app (so that it can be uploaded to the app store).
As a first step, I'm focused on getting the new app on the app store (as alpha to test with TestFlight). I've removed all "development" certificates/profiles from developer.apple.com.
There's a lot of information/questions/answers on the web about signing apps. I've spent a couple of days on this issue and cannot get it to work no matter what I read or what I try.
The current iOS app code (deployed)
In /bbh.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "NSP.BBH-Mobile";
Re-create development provision
Open Keychain. Delete all developer/iPhone certificates. Delete all keys.
On developer.apple.com, delete development certificate and development provisioning profiles.
Confirm my iPhone device is registered with the correct UDID.
In Keychain, generate a certificate signing request file.
In developer.apple.com, create a development certificate, upload the certificate signing request generated in the previous step, download the certificate .cer file.
Double click on the .cer file. Keychain opens. Choose to add to "log in".
In Keychain > certificates, choose export, specify the strong password. Certificates.p12 file will be generated.
In developer.apple.com, create a development provisioning profile. Choose "iOS App Development". Choose an App ID ... but which one?
App IDs in developer.apple.com
BBH Mobile = com.bbh.*
BBH Mobile = NSP.BBH-Mobile
Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID = *
Notice on-screen reads:
"If you plan to use services such as Game Center, In-App Purchase, and Push Notifications, or want a Bundle ID unique to a single app, use an explicit App ID.
If you want to create one provisioning profile for multiple apps or don't need a specific Bundle ID, select a wildcard App ID. Wildcard App IDs use an asterisk (*) as the last digit in the Bundle ID field.
Please note that iOS App IDs and Mac App IDs cannot be used interchangeably."
We need push notifications so choose an explicit App ID = AYW4J8P7X3.NSP.BBH-Mobile
app id = team id (generated by apple) + bundle id (supplied by the user)
It makes sense to choose this App ID which includes the bundle id of the iOS currently deployed.
Choose a development certificate (just created), choose all devices.
Download the development profile and double click to install (in Xcode).
Double-clicking doesn't seem to do anything? How do I know it's installed in Xcode correctly?
Do I need the .mobileprovision file on my iPhone? The mac server is in the cloud so I don't have my iPhone connected via USB to the mac.
Open Xcode. Confirm my apple account added in Xcode > Preferences > Accounts. In the project, targets, signing, click "Automatically manage to sign".
Choose my personal team. The following errors are displayed:
Error 1: The app ID "NSP.BBH-Mobile" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.
Why does it prompt to change bundle id? Isn't it standard to have one app id and to generate both a debug/development and release?
Error 2: No profiles for 'NSP.BBH-Mobile' were found Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'NSP.BBH-Mobile'.
But we just created a new development provision and selected App ID = NSP.BBH-Mobile. Why doesn't Xcode recognize this?
you may try unselect Automatically manage signing and import provisioning profile manually.
These are the steps I took to finally resolve this issue. It may not be optimal but it at least worked.
1. In Xcode, turn off automatically manage signing.
2. For signing (debug), select my development provision profile.
3. For signing (release), create a production provision profile, then select the new production profile.
Even though I only wanted to create a signed debug for testing it seems I still had to provide valid signed release provision too.
Even after deleting all keys/certificates etc. and starting from scratch it seems Xcode has created a certificate too. Annoying - it's difficult to tell who created what now.
There was no need to change the bundle ID from the original iOS native app being replaced.
Creating a new production provision did not affect the existing production provision (which I could not use because I don't have the key).

Xcode does not automatically create app id on developer portal

As indicated in the title, Xcode is not being able to automatically create app Id and provisioning profile for an app i’m developing. I have checked the “Automatically manage signing” option but on the developer portal i can’t see any app id or provisioning profile matching the provided bundle identifier.
The problem arises only if I select, in the “team” selection, my developer account . For example, by using my enterprise account, the “waiting to repair” message is shown in Xcode and i can see the new app id created in the enterprise account portal.
If I change the bundle identifier and I select again my developer account, nothing happens, no errors and no warnings. I’m able to install the application on a device and all seems to be good. However, in my developer portal I still do not see the app id and provisioning profile so i can’t send the application to iTunes connect in order to submit to the Apple store.
Moreover, trying with other apps, all is ok even using my developer account.
I searched on line but i can’t be able to find a similar problem, are there any particular settings that are preventing the automatic Xcode app id creation to work for my app?
it seems it’s not a problem related to the particular app. In fact I tried to create a new application fromo scratch and i have the same problem. I still do not have the problem on old apps (already uploaded on itunes connect) but i have the problem on all the newly created apps. Is that a problem with my developer certificate?
I noticed that for all the newly created applications the App ID is set to: " * " (see image below). In my old apps the App ID and iOS Team Provisioning Profile are not equals to " * ". I have also deleted the wildcard id from my developer portal but the problem still remain.
I had a similar problem and i solved with a workaround. I have enabled push notifications in the "capabilities" tab (i.e, adding them to the entitlements), in this way the app id and provisioning profile have been correctly generated on the developer portal. Later, I have disabled push notifications (not needed in my project).
It's only a workaround, hope it helps
Somewhat related: I played around with Apples provisioning profiles in a desperate attempt of trying to wrap my head around their signing nightmare. In the process I deleted all the app ids from apple.developer that Xcode had automatically generated.
Afterwards I couldn't get Xcode to regenerate the app ids and I didn't wanted to manually create them, so what I had to do was to delete the automatically generated provisioning profiles from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/.

Why I cannot push iOS app to App Store after being added to a team?

I have been added to the company account as an App Manager user.
After that I created a new bundle ID and enabled Push Notifications. Push Notifications are not in the code now, but we may use them later.
The next step was creating an app on iTunes and using this bundle ID.
After that I chose my name as the provisioning profile in XCode, crated archive and started uploading process. I was offered to choose a profile and I picked profile with my name.
Should I be seeing my name here (like Jim Doe) or I should see and pick a profile looking like My Client Company Team?
The upload breaks with error
ERROR ITMS-90159: "Invalid provisioning profile. This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with Team ID XXX."
There is a change that I wrongly navigated my client to add me to his profile. If I skipped some step please let me know.
I am posting an answer for all those that have the same issue.
Apple completely separates Apple Developer portal from iTunesConnect. A client must invite you to both Apple Developer and iTunesConnect!
iTunesConnect will allow you to create apps and sort all details that will appear on the App Store. While Apple Developer is bound to development and XCode looks at its permissions when you try to pull team provisioning profiles.
In my case, once I have been added to client's Apple Developer, I was able to see his team and push build to iTunesConnect.

How to remove iOS Team Provisioning Profile / AppID on Xcode?

I am new to Mac and I have to use it for developing Ionic hybrid app for iOS. I am using Mac 10.11 with Xcode 7.
Now, I have get my app ready and want to deploy it to app store. But I am having trouble with the App ID. In my Xcode, when I go to account, I can see Team Name list with 2 items. One is my name with Agent for iOS and Mac. The other one is my name (Personal Team) with Free for iOS and Mac.
The problem is in the Personal Team item, I have the provisioning profiles with the app ID I want to use for deploy into app store. Since it is already in here, I can’t create that app ID again in my developer account. I tried but I can’t find a way to remove it.
So, how can I remove that app ID / Provisioning Profile so that I can use it in my developer account?
Thank you.
The only way I manage to do that is to contact the customer support (Apple Developer Program Support), after few days and few back and forth they finally deleted the bundle id from my Personal Team and I was able to add it to my Developer Program (Agent) profile. I know this is not ideal but at least if you really want to use the same Bundle ID it worked for me.
The issue is not with App ID but Bundle ID that is unique in the AppStore.
Currently, you can't 'restore' Bundle ID in any way.
You can create another App ID with the same Name but different Bundle ID.
Solution: go to your other Developer Program, create new App, choose slight different Bundle ID and you are good to go.
Apple Documentation
You can select your App ID in the Developer portal under iOS App IDs to edit and delete.
If you're referring to your iTunes Connect listing, you cannot remove your application listing. You can however use a different Bundle ID with the same App ID. Which, in turn, would solve your problem.
As for Provisioning profiles, you can edit and remove them in the Provisioning Portal.
#Alexandros Trepeklis suggested contacting Apple Developer Program Support; they may be able to help you remove the original app listing.
And as #Krodak mentioned, you should read 's documentation on the subject.
You can delete an App ID and Bundle ID on your own through the developer portal if you have not yet posted the app to iTunes Connect. The TL;DR is that you need to add a capability to your app to force Xcode to generate an explicit listing for your app on the portal. Once the listing is there, you can remove it (and all associated provisioning profiles and whatnots).
Step by step:
Add a capability, say push notifications, to your app.
Now log in to the developer portal. Go to Account > Certificates, IDs, & Profiles > App IDs. You should see the App ID prefixed with "XC"
Click on the App ID you want to delete and then click the Edit button.
Click Delete towards the bottom of the listing.
Confirm the delete. This should free up the App ID and Bundle ID for use with another team.
