How to resize iAd in app? - ios

I don't want a banner and want to create my own size for iAd. Preferably, a square. Is there any possible way to shape iAd into a square and still put it in my app?

No, sorry. All the ads iAd serves are created for specific dimensions and would look pretty bad if you made them square. I would also guess that Apple would reject your app for using iAd incorrectly.
You may be able to find a different mobile ad company that does allow square ads. There are plenty of other companies to choose from.
If you don't want to do a banner, you should look into interstitials or check out Kiip and their ad format. You'll generally find much higher ecpms with interstitials and kiip anyway.


How to stop showing AdMob banner ad correctly?

I am building an app which will display AdMob banner ad, and when user successfully purchased an IAP item, the banner ad will never show up again, and the screen area originally occupied by the banner ad will be used by the app real functions.
The question is how to dismiss the bannerView or does not init it on the next launch up? And how to insure AdMob Sdk will never refresh the ad content in the background?
I think we cannot just hide the bannerView with just a statement:
bannerView.isHidden = true
And, as we know, AdMob SDK use IDFA. But Apple will deny an app which use IDFA but not showing Ads.
Google has guides on how to show up ads, but I cannot find information about how to stop showing ads from Google.
How to get this problem out?
The question is how to dismiss the bannerView or does not init it on
the next launch up? And how to insure AdMob Sdk will never refresh the
ad content in the background?
There are multiple ways to do this. One way I can think of is to add multiple targets in your Xcode project.
And the easier way, the more practical way - at least for me, is to prevent the requests for ads through GADRequest().
You can even do this even in AppDelegate, when setting Ids to your SDK.
That's it. You may also set nil to the delegate property of your bannerView.
And like what you've mentioned, just hide the bannerView's container, and everything should be perfect. I've worked on lots of applications with Admob, and I believe there should be no problem doing this approach.

Choosing the iAd banner

I am new to iAd. I used iAd for the first time in one of my apps .. and I didn't like the type of ads that was shown in my app. Is there anyway to choose which ads or banners can appear in my app?
or at least which category of ads?
If you're referring to add content (e.g. kid apps or car ads), you don't have a choice in which type of ads are displayed to the user. There does seem to be some tailoring of ads from Apple based on user data from app download analytics but that's entirely opaque to developers adopting iAd.
The APIs which are provided with iAd lets you show either banners either interstitial ads (which is an ad displayed on all the screen).

How long does an iAd banner have to be on the screen to successfully make an impression

I'm going to be using iAds in my app and I hoped to put it inside a scroll view so the user sees one only occasionally without having a clunky banner. However, I recently read that an ad has to be on the screen for a certain amount of time to make an impression. Does anyone know how long it has to be on the screen?
If it a small banner like 320x50 you can show it somewhere all the times (usually bottom or top).
If it is a full-screen banner, I recommend showing it not more often than 30 seconds.
Also, if it is a game, maker sure you only display it in specific states, otherwise the users will get annoyed and write bad reviews.

Setting up full page ads

I am using Admob Mediation service with an Interstitial ad type for a full page ad.
Documentation here:
I am trying to replicate the full page ad setup in Words with Friends and other game apps. Where the full screen ad is shown then a delayed close button is shown. Can this be completed with the above setup?
In an ideal world I would like to delay the close button being shown and also randomly place the close button in one of the four corners.
Yes, the setup displayed in the GADInterstitial documentation should create and display an interstitial ad such as you describe. You shouldn't have to do anything special to make the close box show up after a delay -- that's something that the ad will implement if it's what the advertiser wants. Just follow the directions in the docs -- wait for the ad to finish loading, and then call:
[interstitial_ presentFromRootViewController:self];
(Substitute your own variable name if you use something other than interstitial_, of course).
In an ideal world I would like to delay the close button being shown and also randomly place the close button in one of the four corners.
You shouldn't try to control the placement or display of ad controls like the close button. Again, the ad itself will manage that. I'm sure your goal is to increase your app's click-through rate, or more generally to maximize your advertising income. But there's a reason beyond ease of use that ad networks make their SDK's very simple to integrate: they don't want you to mess with the way ads are displayed. At all. Not even a little bit.
You can add a timer that creates and adds a button to your view after x-time

Advertisements in blackberry app

In my blackberry application,i am displaying advertisements in screen.But only 2 ads were displaying in a screen at a time.Is there any other option to display more ads?
Please help.
I am working on both OS6 and OS7.
Thanks in advance.
Yes there is, create a seperate Object for your Banners.
The Advertising Service API can support up to two active Banner
objects on a screen at one time (only one for BlackBerry 6).
If your application displays more than one ad (even if on different
screens), you should create a separate Banner object for each ad
Reusing a Banner object in multiple locations, might cause ads to
display incorrectly.
You shouldn't attempt to remove a Banner object from a screen without
removing the containing field manager as well, as this can lead to
issues with other Banner objects.
Using a FlowFieldManager object to display Banner objects might cause
ads to display incorrectly.
(Taken from the official Blackberry Page)
