Teechart's components of IE can't be showed normally - activex

OS: Windows 7 64-bits
teechart version:
There are teechart's components in two IE windows.
When switching between each other, some teechart's component of second IE window can't be showed normally.
The unnormal area of second IE window looks like residual image of first IE window.
Unnormal area


Delphi 11 - scaling and font size problems

I have a VCL application that works fine with D10.4. Created with D11, all elements of the form are displayed greatly enlarged at runtime.
Depending on the project settings (Project/Options/Manifest) you can make the program run on the development computer with a 4K monitor in the specified font (everything set to 8 points).
If you start the same program on an HD monitor, all elements except the main menu (!) are displayed in a larger font.
Windows settings on the 4K: 200% scaling, on the HD: 100%
The Delphi has all patches up to 2/22.
The exe, created with 10.4, runs perfectly on both test computers.
Is there a solution for this or do I actually have to build an own environment for VCL apps?
Is there maybe a hidden option to disable all this scaling stuff?
Thanks for every hint!
Many greetings

Scaling DbGrid Indicator and DbNavigator Icons on 4K display

I am using DPro Rio 10.3 on an HP Spectre x360, which has a 4K display. The indicator on DbGrids and icons for DbNavigator controls scale fine at 1980 X 1080, but are almost invisible at 4K resolution. Text scales fine at any resolution.
I looked at the source code for both components and they contain methods which use LoadfromResource to load the appropriate graphic from the executable. TDbNavigator calls LoadfromResourse in a virtual method, SetButtonGlyph at runtime.
In addition, the DbGrid code seems to make an effort to scale the indicator in one of its methods. This, however, does not work, at least on my laptop.
FYI, I have set the form's Scaled property to TRUE. I have also tried several settings in the manifest, but none make a difference.
How can I fix this problem. Is it because these controls use a 16 x 16 graphic or is there some other cause? Is there a way to replace the graphics for each component with ones of higher resolution either in the executable resource file or programatically at runtime?
I stumbled across the answer from a post on the TMS Software website. In order to display properly on 4k screens, DPI awareness must be set to none. I tested this both in Rio and Tokyo, and it works. For Rio, you would select Project|Options and go to the Application section. Select Manifest and from the dropdown box for DPI Awareness, select None.
For Tokyo, also Project|Options, go to Application and uncheck Enable DPI.

ImageMagic import tool fails to capture a maximized browser

I am doing something quite simple:
import -window root foo.png
This is supposed to capture the entire desktop - and it does... after a fashion. In fact, it captures everything except:
no desktop background - it remains black
it is "blind" to a maximized chrome. Unmaximizing it brings the contents into the screenshot
it displays black border around windows, which does not exist.
I am on
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
X.Org X Server 1.19.3
ImageMagick 6.7.8-9 2016-06-16 Q16
Standard Screenshot capture utility works correctly - I am trying to figure out if I can fix the import tool setup for our test runs.

Delphi TImageList bitmaps spontaneously convert themselves from color to black & white

I have an issue where the 16x16 bitmaps in an imagelist get corrupted and are displayed as monochrome black and white images. This tends to happen between sessions in the IDE, so that after saving the project to disk, exiting the IDE, and opening up the project once again, lo and behold the images have transformed! This requires rebuilding the imagelist and is very annoying. A before and after example image is attached.
This project is being developed (and shuttled between) WindowsXP and Windows 7 x64 using Delphi 4, which is installed on both operating systems. The problem occurs rarely in XP and frequently in Windows 7. Does anyone have a clue as to what is going on here?

Problem changing icon in Delphi 2007

I've been working with a program someone else has made and I wanted to change the icon.
The icon I have is 256x256. I used http://converticon.com/ to create the icon (from a bmp I think). I used the icon in Inno Setup to create an installer and it worked fine
So I go to Options -> Application and attempt to load it. However, Delphi 2007 gives me an error 'The parameter is incorrect.' with this info: http://i.stack.imgur.com/vRCgs.png
When I do the same thing in Delphi XE, it works and loads the icon and changes it on compile. I can't use XE right now because the program uses a math parser that has a problem with unicode (thats something to fix for later haha)
So, what I did was open the project in XE, change the icon, save it, delete the dproj and open it in 2007. This works, compiles and displays the correct icon, but when I go to the project options, it gives me the same 'The parameter is incorrect' error.
The workaround isn't a big deal, but I shouldn't need to do it. Does anyone know why I can't change the icon in Delphi 2007?
Edit: I just used that same converticon site to convert the 256x256 icon to 192x192 and smaller and now it works perfectly. Thanks for the answers
The "icon" file is actually a collection of images, at different resolution and using different encodings. When I'm creating my icons I'm making sure they don't actually contain the 256x256 PNG-encoded version because development tools built before Windows Vista don't understand that. And that includes your Delphi 2007 and my Delphi 7. I also remove the alpha-encoded 256x256 icon because it simply makes the file needlessly large.
You've got two fixes possible:
Find an ICO editor and remove all of the larger formats until your Delphi accepts the icon. I personally never seen the 256x256 used in the real world, they'd take up huge amounts of space on user's Desktop or in Windows Explorer.
Use a dummy icon and replace the icon resource in the generated exe after Delphi is done with it. This way you can keep all of the larger image formats, including the 256x256 PNG image.
Edit to correct an error
If possible, always include the 256x256 image, Windows scales that down for everything above 64x64.
I always assumed Windows Explorer would show an image that's based on the closest matching image size available in the ICO. That is, if a 128x128 image is necessary, Windows would use the 128x128 image if available, or scale down the 256x256 image if that's available, or scale up the 96x96 image. Apparently that's not so. I've just made a test icon consisting of several image formats, including 32, 48, 72, 96, 128 and 256 consisting of simple blobs of color (using the flood-fill tool). In Windows Explorer I cycled throw the various Display Modes, and it became apparent that starting with "Large Icon" (and that's not very large) Windows will scale down the 256x256 icon, and if that's not available, use the 48x48 icon, unscaled! The result is truly ugly and unexpected. The 72x72, 96x96 and 128x128 icons were simply ignored.
Thank you David for pointing this out.
Older versions of Delphi don't support 256px Vista icons. I believe that 2010 does not support them so I guess the limitation was fixed in XE.
When working with an older Delphi you'll need to keep the 256px icon out of the IDE. You can still build an executable with a 256px icon from the command line compiler - I used to do just this before upgrading from Delphi 6. But to do this requires the use of a competent resource compiler, for example the Microsoft one.
2007 will let you select icons with a 256 pixel image. Here is what I tried:
The default icon for Delphi XE contains several image sizes, including a 256 pixel image.
If I extract the icon from a Delphi XE application using a resource editor, I can add that icon to a Delphi 2007 application using the IDE's project options. I don't get an error, and the icon images show as expected in Windows Vista/7 using Explorer at different sizes.
If I take the same icon that worked in Delphi 2007 and remove all of the image sizes other than the 256 pixel image using IcoFX, and try to select it again, then I get an error.
Try creating a .ico that includes other image sizes and see if that works for you.
