Prove String is referene type in C# - c#-2.0

While I know string is reference type, but i could now prove it. because if I take variable test1 as string and assign some value then take other variable naming test2 and assign test2 with test1 variable. so if string is reference type then address of variable test1 will be assign to variable test2. so if i assign some value in tet2 variable which will be reflected in variable test1, but it's not happened.
other one example is if we pass two string variable in function and change value in this function will reflect in calling function, but it's not happen, please see example:-
and give me example by which i can prove that string is reference type. but behavior is different in both case class object and string variable please see again this example. I have edited
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string test1 = string.Empty;
string test2;
String test3 = new String(new char[10]);
test1 = "hemant";
test2 = test1;
test2 = "Soni";
//becuase if string is reference type then after asign value "soni"
// in test2, test1 also show value "soni" instead of value "hemant"
Console.WriteLine("test1:" + test1); // but displaying "hemant", while shoul display "soni"
Console.WriteLine("test2:" + test2); // while displaying "soni"
test3 = "soni";
// if string is reference type then after calling this function
//value of variables test1 and test3 should be changed.
testfn(test1, test3);
Console.WriteLine("test1:" + test1);// but stile displaying "hemant" instead of "hemant New"
Console.WriteLine("test3:" + test3);// but stile displaying "soni" instead of "soni New"
// should be true, because if string reference type then address of both variable should be same.
bool check = test1 == test2;
clsTest obj = new clsTest();
obj.x1 = "Hemant";
obj.x2 = "Soni";
Console.WriteLine("obj.x1:" + obj.x1); //"Hemant";
Console.WriteLine("obj.x2:" + obj.x2);//"Soni";
//after calling value has been changed of this object, but in string type its not happed like this
Console.WriteLine("obj.x1:" + obj.x1); //"Hemant New";
Console.WriteLine("obj.x2:" + obj.x2);//"Soni New";
public class clsTest
public string x1;
public string x2;
void callFn(clsTest obj)
obj.x1 = "Hemant New";
obj.x2 = "Soni New";
void testfn(string x, String y)
x = "Hemant New";
y = "Soni New";

String is a reference type but it is also immutable. Meaning, you cannot change the value of the string object, only replace it with a reference to another string. Thus when you pass the string into the function and you are assigning the parameter you are only changing the reference of the parameter of x not changing the value at x. To change the reference at x you must use the ref or out keyword on the parameter. This is also true of any kind of object in C#.
class Example {
public string Value;
void Foo(Example x, ref Example y) {
x.Value = "mutated"; // mutating the reference
x = new Example { Value = "new reference" }; // only changes local variable
y.Value = "mutated"; // mutating the reference
y = new Example { Value = "new reference" }; // changes the references y is pointing to
var x = new Example { Value = "x" };
var y = new Example { Value = "y" };
Foo(x, ref y);
Console.WriteLine(x.Value); // mutated
Console.WriteLine(y.Value); // new reference
But since string is immutable (it cannot be mutated) the only way to change values passed in as parameters is by using the ref or out keywords.

Add the ref keyword to testfn.
void testfn(ref string x, ref String y)
This will reference the object directly.
MSDN ref page


Dart: Reference a variable name from the variable itself

I’m trying to get the variable name instead of the value to pass it to another method
String myString = "xyz";
String getVariableName(String s){
// What i want is if the above string is passed [getVariableName(myString)]
//i want it to return ['myString']
This is generally not possible. At best, if there are a finite number of String variables you care about, you could manually make a collection of them, and then search it:
final stringVariables = <String, String Function()>{
'myString': () => myString,
'myOtherString': () => myOtherString,
var myString = 'xyz';
var myOtherString = 'abc';
String getVariableName(String s) {
for (var entry in stringVariables.entries) {
if (entry.value() == s) {
return entry.key;
return '';
void main() {
print(getVariableName('xyz')); // Prints: myString
myString = 'foo';
print(getVariableName('foo')); // Prints: myString
Note that stringVariables's above must use a Function as a thunk to delay evaluation of the variable; otherwise the variable name would be associated with whatever value it happened to have when stringVariables is first accessed and wouldn't work if your variables are reassigned.
All that said, I don't really recommend doing any of this. This sounds like an XY problem. You should be asking about whatever it is you ultimately want to do, and there probably is a better way to accomplish that task.

Cannot assign to a parameter

I have declared a function
func someFunction(parameterName: Int) {
parameterName = 2 //Cannot assign to let value parameter Name
var a = parameterName
and trying to assign it a value during runtime, but it gives me error
"Cannot assign to let value parameter Name".
Is the parameter name constant by default? Can I change it to a variable?
[In Swift >= 3.0] Function parameters are defined as if by let and thus are constants. You'll need a local variable if you intend to modify the parameter. As such:
func someFunction (parameterName:Int) {
var localParameterName = parameterName
// Now use localParameterName
localParameterName = 2;
var a = localParameterName;
[In Swift < 3.0] Declare the argument with var as in:
func someFunction(var parameterName:Int) {
parameterName = 2;
var a = parameterName;
use of inout has a different semantics.
[Note that "variable parameters" will disappear in a future Swift version.] Here is the Swift documentation on "variable parameters":
Function parameters are constants by default. Trying to change the
value of a function parameter from within the body of that function
results in a compile-time error. This means that you can’t change the
value of a parameter by mistake.
However, sometimes it is useful for a function to have a variable copy of a parameter’s value to work with. You can avoid defining a
new variable yourself within the function by specifying one or more
parameters as variable parameters instead. Variable parameters are
available as variables rather than as constants, and give a new
modifiable copy of the parameter’s value for your function to work
Define variable parameters by prefixing the parameter name with the keyword var: ..."
Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.”
If you actually want to change the value stored in a location that is passed into a function, then, as #conner noted, an inout parameter is justified. Here is an example of that [In Swift >= 3.0]:
1> var aValue : Int = 1
aValue: Int = 1
2> func doubleIntoRef (place: inout Int) { place = 2 * place }
3> doubleIntoRef (&aValue)
4> aValue
$R0: Int = 2
5> doubleIntoRef (&aValue)
6> aValue
$R1: Int = 4
In order to modify the argument passed in, you have to designate it as an inout parameter:
func someFunction(inout parameterName:Int)
parameterName = 2;
var a = parameterName;
Note this will change the variable that was passed in as well. If that isn't what you're looking for, use var as GoZoner suggested.

When should I use let, member val and member this.?

F# has many different ways to define variables/members in types. When should I use let, member val and member this. in F#, and what is the difference between them? How about static and mutable members?
The answer from #meziantou already gives a nice overview of the options (and how they behave differently), so let me just give a brief summary, or list of recommendations:
Use let or let mutable if you want to define a local value that is visible only within the type (essentially a private field or a private function). Inside a module at top-level, these are publicly accessible and evaluated once. let mutable at module level creates a single writable field with no backing value.
You can use val to create an auto-property, it is short for member val Foo = .. with get. From F# this is seen as a field, but it's internally implemented as a get-property with a backing field to prevent mutation.
You can use val mutable to define a public field, but I wouldn't recommend this unless you actually need a public field (e.g. some .NET library may require types with this structure).
Using member x.Foo = ... is the best way to expose (read-only) state from a type. Most F# types are immutable, so this is perhaps the most common public member. It is short for a get-only instance property.
Using member x.Foo with get() = .. and set(value) ... is useful when you need to create a get/set property with your own custom code in the gettor and settor. This is sometimes useful when you're creating a mutable object.
Using member val Foo = ... with get, set is basically the same thing as auto-implemented properties in C#. This is useful if you need a mutable property with a getter and setter that just reads/writes a mutable backing field.
Using static let on a type creates a static (class-level) read-only field, which internally creates a property with a backing field. Use static mutable let ... for a read/write static field without a backing field.
Using static val mutable private creates a static read/write auto-property with a backing field, it cannot be public.
I found out easier to just decompile what's happening, so:
type Region() =
let mutable t = 0.0f
member val Width = 0.0f
member x.Height = 0.0f
member val Left = 0.0f with get,set
member x.Top with get() = 0.0f and set(value) = t <- value
is actually the following:
public class Region
internal float t;
internal float Width#;
internal float Left#;
public float Width
return this.Width#;
public float Height
return 0f;
public float Left
return this.Left#;
this.Left# = value;
public float Top
return 0f;
this.t = value;
public Region() : this()
this.t = 0f;
this.Width# = 0f;
this.Left# = 0f;
This sample explains the difference between syntaxes:
type MyClass() =
let random = new System.Random()
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable field : int
member val AutoProperty = random.Next() with get, set
member this.ExplicitProperty = random.Next()
let c = new MyClass()
// c.random is not accessible
c.field <- 42 // 'field' is accessible
// An automatic property is only evaluated upon initialization, and not every time the property is accessed
printfn "AutoProperty = %d" c.AutoProperty // x
printfn "AutoProperty = %d" c.AutoProperty // Still x
// The value of the explicit property is evaluated each time
printfn "ExplicitProperty = %d" c.ExplicitProperty // y
printfn "ExplicitProperty = %d" c.ExplicitProperty // The value is re-evaluated so you'll get a different value

Difference between "var" and "dynamic" type in Dart?

According to this article:
As you might know, dynamic (as it is now called) is the stand-in type when a static type annotation is not provided.
So, what is the difference between dynamic and var? When to use?
dynamic is a type underlying all Dart objects. You shouldn't need to explicitly use it in most cases.
var is a keyword, meaning "I don't care to notate what the type is here." Dart will replace the var keyword with the initializer type, or leave it dynamic by default if there is no initializer.
Use var if you expect a variable assignment to change during its lifetime:
var msg = "Hello world.";
msg = "Hello world again.";
Use final if you expect a variable assignment to remain the same during its lifetime:
final msg = "Hello world.";
Using final (liberally) will help you catch situations where you accidentally change the assignment of a variable when you didn't mean to.
Note that there is a fine distinction between final and const when it comes to objects. final does not necessarily make the object itself immutable, whereas const does:
// can add/remove from this list, but cannot assign a new list to fruit.
final fruit = ["apple", "pear", "orange"];
// cannot mutate the list or assign a new list to cars.
final cars = const ["Honda", "Toyota", "Ford"];
// const requires a constant assignment, whereas final will accept both:
const names = const ["John", "Jane", "Jack"];
dynamic: can change TYPE of the variable, & can change VALUE of the variable later in code.
var: can't change TYPE of the variable, but can change VALUE of the variable later in code.
final: can't change TYPE of the variable, & can't change VALUE of the variable later in code.
dynamic v = 123; // v is of type int.
v = 456; // changing value of v from 123 to 456.
v = 'abc'; // changing type of v from int to String.
var v = 123; // v is of type int.
v = 456; // changing value of v from 123 to 456.
v = 'abc'; // ERROR: can't change type of v from int to String.
final v = 123; // v is of type int.
v = 456; // ERROR: can't change value of v from 123 to 456.
v = 'abc'; // ERROR: can't change type of v from int to String.
try this in DartPad:
void main() {
dynamic x = 'hal';
x = 123;
var a = 'hal';
a = 123;
you can change the type of x, but not a.
var, like final, is used to declare a variable. It is not a type at all.
Dart is smart enough to know the exact type in most situations. For example, the following two statements are equivalent:
String a = "abc"; // type of variable is String
var a = "abc"; // a simple and equivalent (and also recommended) way
// to declare a variable for string types
On the other hand, dynamic is a special type indicating it can be any type (aka class). For example, by casting an object to dynamic, you can invoke any method (assuming there is one).
(foo as dynamic).whatever(); //valid. compiler won't check if whatever() exists
(foo as var).whatever(); //illegal. var is not a type
var a ;
a = 123;
print(a is int);
a = 'hal';
print(a is String);
When defined without initial value, var is dynamic
var b = 321;
print(b is int);
//b = 'hal'; //error
print(b is String);
When defined with initial value, var is int in this case.
To clarify some of the previous answers, when you're declaring a variable as dynamic, it's type changes depending on what you assign to it. When you're declaring a var, the type is set once it's assigned something, and it cannot be changed after that.
For example, the following code:
dynamic foo = 'foo';
print('foo is ${foo.runtimeType} ($foo)');
foo = 123;
print('foo is ${foo.runtimeType} ($foo)');
will return the following result when run in DartPad:
foo is String (foo)
foo is int (123)
But the following code won't even compile:
var bar = 'bar';
print('bar is ${bar.runtimeType} ($bar)');
bar = 123; // <-- Won't compile, because bar is a String
print('bar is ${bar.runtimeType} ($bar)');
Long story short - use dynamic if you want a non-typed variable, use var when you want a typed variable with whatever type you assign to it.
Looking at the previous answers I hope this can clarify/summarize everything:
There are the keywords var, final, and const. These are to declare a variable (to indicate its existence) (Side note: Declaration vs Initialization)
Then there are types like String, int, List, dynamic, etc. (The type indicates what kind of value the variable should hold, this is for type safety)
Usually, we declare a variable by explicitly stating its type:
String a; // a is now a String type
int b; // b is now an int type
But we can also use the var keyword. By default, this sets the type of the variable to whatever it is initialized with. (This is called type inference)
var a = "hello"; // a is now a String type
var b = 5; // b is now an int type
Now what happens when you try to declare a variable with the var keyword, but don't initialize a value? How is it supposed to infer a type? Well, there is also a type called dynamic. This is different than the usual String or int in the sense that it allows for the variable to be assigned a value of any type (Usually there will be an error).
String a = "hello"; // a is now a String type
// var a = "hello"; // Alternative way; same as the line above because its type is inferred to be String
a = 5 // error: A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String'
dynamic b; // b is now a dynamic type
b = "hello"; // still a dynamic type, but now its value is of type String (You can use b.runtimeType to check)
b = 5; // dynamic type, but now its value is of type int
So to address the original confusion regarding the quote from the article,
As you might know, dynamic (as it is now called) is the stand-in type when a static type annotation is not provided.
It just means that if you don't explicitly state its type (you use var to declare a variable) and do so without initialization, it simply infers its type as dynamic:
var b; // b is now a dynamic type, the following will not have any errors.
b = "hello";
b = 5;
b = true;
Other notes:
Not sure why people started talking about final and const, but I think the accepted answer here explains it well if you want to know more.
dynamic a; and var a; is effectively the same: They both declare a variable of dynamic type.
Two ways of checking the type of a variable is using the is operator and using .runtimeType which works differently. See the following example:
dynamic b; // b is now a dynamic type, no value
print(b is dynamic); // true
print(b is Null); // true
print(b is String); // false
print(b is int); // false
print(b.runtimeType); // Null
b = "hello"; // dynamic type, String value
print(b is dynamic); // true
print(b is Null); // false
print(b is String); // true
print(b is int); // false
print(b.runtimeType); // String
b = 5; // dynamic type, int value
print(b is dynamic); // true
print(b is Null); // false
print(b is String); // false
print(b is int); // true
print(b.runtimeType); // int
One of aspect than can consider in comparison dynamic vs var is taking into account behavior when using var declaration with initialization at the same time there is not possibility to change type which in case of dynamic is.
But dynamic vs var is not the question what I would ask.
I would ask more what is difference between dynamic vs Object.
Here is a DO annotate with Object instead of dynamic to indicate any object is allowed.
It is hard to feel it at the beginning, but dynamic I would relate to generic type argument.
Both in dynamic and var,the variable can hold data of any data type, i.e., int , float,string,etc
If a variable is declared as a dynamic and if even initialised, its type can change over time.Try this code in
void main() {
dynamic x = 'abc';
x = 12345;
If you declare variable as a var, once assigned type can not change.
void main() {
var x = 'abc';
x = 12345;
The above code will result in the error stating that A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String' - line 3
BUT, if you state a var without initializing, it becomes a dynamic:
void main() {
var x ;
x = 'abc';
A dynamic variable can change his type and a var type can't be changed.
For example :
var myVar = 'hello';
dynamic myDynamicVar = 'hello';
myVar = 123; // not possible
myDynamicVar = 123; // possible
dynamic is a data type that indicates all data types in dart
var is a variable declaration way like "final" that takes the data type of its value
If you use var you can't change the data type of the variable. But if you use dynamic you can change it freely.
for ex.
dynamic x = 12; // type: integer
x= "Hello world"; // type: string
This will work with no issues if you do the same using var instead of dynamic you will get an error since you can't change the data type because it is automatically assigned to the variable when initialized.
dynamic: can change the TYPE of the variable, & can change the VALUE of the variable later in the code.
var: can't change the TYPE of the variable, but can change the VALUE of the variable later in code

How can I write custom comparison (definition for binary operator Equal) for entityframework object to an int?

I'm getting this error:
ex = {"The binary operator Equal is not defined for the types 'MySite.Domain.DomainModel.EntityFramework.NickName' and 'System.Int32'."}
What I tried to do was do a select all where the NickNameId = someIntPassedIn... the problem is that the NickNameId is a foreign key, so when it compares the someIntPassedIn to the NickNameId it pulls the whole NickName object that the NickNameId refers to and tries to compare the int to that object.
I need a solution here to allow it to compare the int to the NickName object's Id... so
A) How can I define the binary operator Equal for comparing these two objects
B) How can I compare it directly to the id instead of the whole object?
You don't have to read this, but here's the SelectAllByKey method incase it helps: (I passed in "NickNameId" and "1")
public IList<E> SelectAllByKey(string columnName, string key)
KeyProperty = columnName;
int id;
Expression rightExpr = null;
if (int.TryParse(key, out id))
rightExpr = Expression.Constant(id);
rightExpr = Expression.Constant(key);
// First we define the parameter that we are going to use the clause.
var xParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(E), typeof(E).Name);
MemberExpression leftExpr = MemberExpression.Property(xParam, this._KeyProperty);
int temp;
BinaryExpression binaryExpr = MemberExpression.Equal(leftExpr, rightExpr);
//Create Lambda Expression for the selection
Expression<Func<E, bool>> lambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<E, bool>>(binaryExpr, new ParameterExpression[] { xParam });
//Searching ....
IList<E> resultCollection = ((IRepository<E, C>)this).SelectAll(new Specification<E>(lambdaExpr));
if (null != resultCollection && resultCollection.Count() > 0)
//return valid single result
return resultCollection;
}//end if
return null;
Let me know if you need any more info.
You should call SelectAllByKey('NickName.ID','1').
Since ID is property of property, you could use this extension method:
public static MemberExpression PropertyOfProperty(this Expression expr,string propertyName)
var properties = propertyName.Split('.');
MemberExpression expression = null;
foreach (var property in properties)
if (expression == null)
expression = Expression.Property(expr, property);
expression = Expression.Property(expression, property);
return expression;
The accepted answer seems way too complicated for the problem at hand, if I'm reading this correctly.
If I understand you correctly, you're trying to run a query like:
var q = from e in Context.SomeEntities
where e.NickNameId == someIntPassedIn
select e;
...but this won't work, because e.NickNameId is an entity, not an integer.
To reference the Id property, you can just refer to it, like this:
var q = from e in Context.SomeEntities
where e.NickNameId.Id == someIntPassedIn
select e;
Update: If you can't use strong-typed properties due to your level of abstraction (per your comment), then use query builder methods:
var q = (ObjectQuery<T>)Repository.SelectSomething();
return q.Where("it.NickName.Id = " + someIntPassedIn.ToString());
You can adapt this as you see fit, but the general point is that the EF already knows how to translate strings to property members.
