Is NSUserDefaults thread safe for sharing data between extensions on IOS? - ios

The documentation for App Extension under "Sharing Data with Your Containing App" uses NSUserDefaults to do so, and write a bit further that
"to avoid data corruption, you must synchronize data accesses. Use Core Data, SQLite, or >Posix locks to help coordinate data access in a shared container."
But when I look documentation for NSUserDefaults says
"The NSUserDefaults class is thread-safe."
So do I need to use some kind of lock when using NSUserDefaults between my extension and container app or not?

Thread safety refers to the ability to change in-memory data structures from one thread in a way that doesn't damage the ability of other threads to also view or change those structures. When you use NSUserDefaults to share data between an app extension and its containing app, you're not sharing in-memory data between multiple threads, you're sharing on-disk data between multiple processes, so discussions of thread safety do not apply.
The documentation for NSUserDefaults synchronize doesn't say for sure, but one can almost certainly assume that it uses an atomic file write β€” that is, there's no danger of one process reading a file that's been partially written by another process. If you're concerned about race conditions or other timing issues between when your app writes defaults and your extension reads them (or vice versa), just be sure to synchronize immediately after important writes and immediately before important reads.
The comment about data corruption applies to plain file read/write operations β€” naively reading or writing a file in two processes can result in data corruption, because one process might read a partially written file or partially overwrite file contents. If you're doing your own file I/O directly, you need some sort of coordination mechanism (like NSFileCoordinator, but beware that only works correctly between iOS apps/extensions in iOS 8.2 and newer). Or you can use higher level utilities that do their own coordination, like CFPreferences/NSUserDefaults, SQLite, Core Data, or Posix file locks.
TLDR: Yes, you can safely use NSUserDefaults to share between an extension and its containing app. Just follow the recommendations in Apple's app extensions guide.

The documentation isn't overly clear, as it uses the NSUserDefaults as the main example of one way to share data but also covers other options without much of a pause. You should be safe enough to use NSUserDefaults without attempting to get a lock first, I've been building a Today extension using it and I've had no issues with data corruption. I am calling synchronize after each write though, just to ensure the data is immediately stored.

I am not sure if it is thread safe across extensions because of the following quote from docs:
When you set a default value, it’s changed synchronously within your process, and asynchronously to persistent storage and other processes.
In other words, it seems to indicate that it's thread-safe within your process, but NOT across processes (ex. extensions).
It could be that calling synchronize fixes this, but docs say:
this method is unnecessary and shouldn't be used


How to create snapshot of CoreData state?

Background story
I am developing a big iOS app. This app works under specific assumptions. The main of them is that app should work offline with internal storage which is a snapshot of last synchronized state of data saved on server. I decided to use CoreData to handle this storage. Every time app launches I check if WiFi connection is enabled and then try to synchronize storage with server. The synchronization can take about 3 minutes because of size of data.
The synchronization process consists of several stages and in each of them I:
fetch some data from the server (XML)
deserialize it
save it in Core Data
Synchronization process can be interrupted for several reasons (internet connection, server down, user leaving application, etc). This may cause data to be out-of-sync.
Let's assume that synchronization process has 5 stages and it breaks after third. It results in 3/5 of data being updated in internal storage and the rest being out of sync. I can't allow it because data are strongly connected to each other (business logic).
I don't know if it is possible but I'm thinking about implementing one solution. On start of synchronization process I would like to create snapshot (some kind of copy) of current state of Core Date and during synchronization process work on it. When synchronization process completes with success then this snapshot could overwrite current CoreData state. When synchronization interrupts then snapshot can be simply aborted. My internal storage will be secured.
How to create CoreData snapshot?
How to work with CoreData snapshot?
How to overwrite CoreDate state with snapshot?
Thanks in advice for any help. Code examples, if it is possible, will be appreciated.
The size of data is too big to handle it with multiple CoreData's contexts. During synchronization I am saving current context multiple times to cleanup memory. If I do not do it, the application will crash with memory error.
I think it should be resolved with multiple NSPersistentStoreCoordinators using for example this method: link. Unfortunately, I don't know how to implement this.
You should do exactly what you said. Just create class (lets call it SyncBuffer) with methods "load", "sync" and "save".
The "load" method should read all entities from CoreData and store it in class variables.
The "sync" method should make all the synchronisation using class variables.
Finally the "save" method should save all values from class variables to CoreData - here you can even remove all data from CoreData and save brand new values from SyncBuffer.
A CoreData stack is composed at its core by three components: A context (NSManagedObjectContext) a model (NSManagedObjectModel) and the store coordinator (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator/NSPersistentStore).
What you want is to have two different contexts, that shares the same model but use two different stores. The store itself will be of the same type (i.e. an SQLite db) but use a different source file.
At this page you can see some documentation about the stack:
The NSPersistentContainer is a convenience class to initialise the CoreData stack.
Take the example of the initialisation of a NSPersistentContainer from the link: you can have the exact same code to initialise it, twice, but with the only difference that the two NSPersistentContainer use a different .sqlite file: i.e. you can have two properties in your app delegate called managedObjectContextForUI and managedObjectContextForSyncing that loads different .sqlite files. Then in your program you can use the context from one store to get current data to show to the user and you can use the context that use the other store with a different .sqlite if you are doing sync operations. When the sync operations are finally done you can eventually swap the two files and after clearing and reloading the NSPersistentContainer (this might be tricky, because you will want to invalidate and reload all managed objects: you are switching to an entirely new context) you can then show the newly synced data to the user and start syncing again on a new .sqlite file.
The way I understand the problem is that you wish to be able download a large "object graph". It is however so large that it cannot be loaded at once in memory, so you would have to break it in chunks and then merge it locally into to Core data.
If that is the case, I think that's not trivial. I am not sure I can think of direct solution without understanding the object relations and even then it may be really overwhelming.
An overly simplistic solution may be to generate the sqlite file on the backend then download it in chunks; it seems ugly, but it serves to separate the business logic from the sync, i.e. the sqlite file becomes the transport layer. So, I think the essence to the solution would be to find a way to physically represent the data you are syncing in a format that allows for splitting it in chunks and that can afterwards be merged into a sqlite file (if you insist on using Core data).
Please also note that as far as I know Amazon ( and Realm ( provide background sync of you local database, but those are paid services and you would have to be careful not be locked in (should not depend on their libs in your model layer, instead have a translation layer).

Singletons vs Core Data

This question is not about the technical problem, but rather the approach.
I know two more or less common approaches to store the data received from the server in your app:
1) Using managers, data holders etc to store the data. They are most often some kind of singleton and are used to store the models received from the server. (E.g. - the array of the posts/places/users) Singletons are needed to be able to access the data from any screen. I think the majority of apps uses this approach.
2) Using Core Data (or maybe Realm) as in-memory storage. This approach avoids having singletons, but, I guess, it is a bit more complex (and crash risky) to maintain and support.
How do you store data and why?
P.S. Any answers would help. But big "thank you" for detailed ones, with reasons.
The reason people opt to use Core Data/Relam/Shark or any other iOS ORM is mainly for the purpose of persisting data between runs of the app.
Currently there are two ways of doing this, for single values and very small (not that I encourage it) objects you can use the UserDefaults to persist between app launches. For a approach closer to a database, infact in the case of Core Data and SharkORM, they are built on top of SQLite, you need to use an ORM.
Using a manager to store an array of a data models will only persist said models for the lifetime of the app. For example when the user force quits the app, restarts their device or in some circumstances when iOS terminates your app, all that data will be lost permanently. This is because it is stored in RAM which is volatile memory, rather than in a database on the disk itself.
Using a database layer even if you don't specifically require persistence between launches can have its advantages though; for instance SharkORM allows you to execute raw SQL queries on your objects if you don't want to use the built in powerful query builder. This can be useful to quickly pull the model you are interested in rather than iterating through a local array.
In reply to your question, how do I store data?
Well, I use a combination of all three. Say for instance I called to an API for some data which I wanted to display there and then to the user, I would use a manager instance with an array to hold the data model.
But on the flipside if I wanted to store that data for later or if I needed to execute a complex query on it, I would store it on disk using Shark.
If however I just wanted to store whether or not the user had seen my on boarding flow I would just persist a boolean value into UserDefaults.
I hope this is detailed enough for you.
CoreData isn't strictly "in-memory". You can load objects into your data model and save them into their context, then they might actually be on disk and out of main memory, and they can easily be brought back via fetch requests.
Singletons, on the other hand, do typically stay in main memory all the time until the user terminates the app. If you have larger objects that you are storing in some data structure (e.g. full resolution images when all you really needed was a thumbnail), this can be quite a resource hog.

Multi-thread daata access issue, #synchronized & serial queue

As you may have experienced, access none-thread safe variables is a big headache. For iOS one simple solution is to use keyword #synchronized, which will add NSLock to insure the data can be accessed by unique one thread, the disadvantage is as below:
Lock too many will reduce app performance greatly, especially when invoked by main thread.
Dead lock will occur when logic becomes complex.
Based on the above considerations, we prefer to use serial queue to handle, each thread safe critical operation will append to the end of the queue, it is a great solution, but the problem is that all access interfaces should by designed in asyn style, see the following one.
-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)key;
The people who invoke this class aren't reluctant to design in this way. Anyone who has experience on this field please share and discuss together.
The final solution is using NSUserDefault to store small data, for large cache data put them in file maintained by ourselves.
Per Apple doc the advantage of NSUserDefault is thread safe and will do synchronize work periodically.

From UIManagedDocument to traditional Core Data stack

I created a new App using UIManagedDocument. While on my devices everything is fine, I got a lot of bad ratings, because there are problems on other devices :(
After a lot of reading and testing, I decided to go back to the traditional Core Data stack.
But what is the best way to do this with an app, that is already in the app store?
How can I build this update? What should I take care of?
I think you may be better off to determine your issues with UIManagedDocument and resolve them.
However, if you want to go to plain MOC, you only have a few things to worry about. The biggest is that the UIMD stores things in a file package, and depending on your options you may have to worry about change logs.
In the end, if you want a single sqlite file, and you want to reduce the possibility of confusion, you have a class that simply opens your UIManagedDocument, and fetches each object, then replicates it in the single sqlite file for your new MOC.
Now, you should not need a different object model, so you should not have any migration issues.
Then, just delete the file package that holds the UIManagedDocument, and only use your single file sqlite store.
Basically, on startup, you try to open the UIManagedDocument. If it opens, load every object and copy it into the new database. Then delete it.
From then, you should be good to go.
Note, however, that you may now experience some UI delays because all the database IO is happening on the main UI thread. To work around this, you may need to use a separate MOC, and coordinate changes via the normal COreData notification mechanisms. There are tons of documents, examples, and tutorials on that.
Thanks for your answer. My problem with these issues is, that I'm not
able to reproduce them. All my Devices are working fine. But I got a
lot mails, about problems like this: - duplicate entries - no data
after stoping and restarting the app - some say, that the app works
fine for some days and stops working(no new data). These are all
strange things, that don't happen on my devices. So for me the best
way is to go back to plain MOC. My DB doesn't hold many user generated
data, all the data is loaded from a webservice, so it's no problem to
delete the data and start of using a new DB. – Urkman
Duplicate entries. That one sounds like the bug related to temporary/permanent IDs. There are lots of posts about that. Here is one: Core Data could not fullfil fault for object after obtainPermanantIDs
Not saving. Sounds like you are not using the right API for UIManagedDocument. You need to make sure to not save the MOC directly, and either use an undo manager or call updateChangeCount: to notify UIManagedDocument that it has dirty data that you want to be saved. Again, lots of posts about that as well. Search for updateChangeCount.
However, you know your app best, and it may just be better and easier to use plain Core Data.
Remember, if you are doing lots of imports from the web, to use a separate MOC, and have your main MOC watch for DidSave notifications to update itself with the newly imported data.
UIManagedDocument is a special kind of document, an UIDocument subclass, that stores its data using Core Data Framework. So it combines the power of document architecture and core data capabilities.
You can read more about document based architecture from Document Based App Programming Guide for iOS and I recommend WWDC2011 Storing Documents in iCloud using iOS5 session video. I also recommend Stanford CS193P: iPad and iPhone App Development (Fall 2011) Lecture 13.
What is created when you call saveToURL:forSaveOperation:completionHandler: is an implementation detail of UIManagedDocument and UIDocument and you should not really worry or depend on it. However in current implementation a folder containing an sqlite database file is being created.
No. All entities will be contained in a single database file also more generally called: a persistent store. It is possible to use more than one persistent store, but those are more advanced use cases and UIManagedDocument currently uses one.
UIManagedDocument's context refers to a NSManagedObjectContext from underlying Core Data Framework. UIManagedDocument actually operates two of those in parallel to spin off IO operations to a background thread. When it comes to the nature of a context itself here's a quote from Core Data Programming Guide:
You can think of a managed object context as an intelligent scratch pad. When you fetch objects from a persistent store, you bring temporary copies onto the scratch pad where they form an object graph (or a collection of object graphs). You can then modify those objects however you like. Unless you actually save those changes, however, the persistent store remains unaltered.
But it really is a good idea to take a look at the lectures and other material I posted above to get a general picture of the technologies used and their potential value to you as a developer in different situations.

Interprocess SQLite Thread Safety (on iOS)

I'm trying to determine if my sqlite access to a database is thread-safe on iOS. I'm writing a non App Store app (or possibly a launch daemon), so Apple's approval isn't an issue. The database in question is the built-in sms.db, so for sure the OS is also accessing this database for reading and writing. I only want to be able to safely read it.
I've read this about reading from multiple processes with sqlite:
Multiple processes can have the same database open at the same time.
Multiple processes can be doing a SELECT at the same time. But only
one process can be making changes to the database at any moment in
time, however.
I understand that thread-safety can be compiled out of sqlite, and that sqlite3_threadsafe() can be used to test for this. Running this on iOS 5.0.1
int safe = sqlite3_threadsafe();
yields a result of 2. According to this, that means mutex locking is available. But, that doesn't necessarily mean it's in use.
I'm not entirely clear on whether thread-safety is dynamically enabled on a per connection, per database, or global basis.
I have also read this. It looks like sqlite3_config() can be used to enable safe multi-threading, but of course, I have no control, or visibility into how the OS itself may have used this call (do I?). If I were to make that call again in my app, would it make it safe to read the database, or would it only deconflict concurrent access for multiple threads in my app that used the same sqlite3 database handle?
Anyway, my question is ...
can I safely read this database that's also accessed by iOS, and if so, how?
I've never used SQLite, but I've spent a decent amount of time reading its docs because I plan on using it in the future (and the docs are interesting). I'd say that thread safety is independent of whether multiple processes can access the same database file at once. SQLite, regardless of what threading mode it is in, will lock the database file, so that multiple processes can read from the database at once but only one can write.
Thread safety only affects how your process can use SQLite. Without any thread safety, you can only call SQLite functions from one thread. But it should still, say, take an EXCLUSIVE lock before writing, so that other processes can't corrupt the database file. Thread safety just protects data in your process's memory from getting corrupted if you use multiple threads. So I don't think you ever need to worry about what another process (in this case iOS) is doing with an SQLite database.
Edit: To clarify, any time you write to the database, including a plain INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, it will automatically take an EXCLUSIVE lock, write to the database, then release the lock. (And it actually takes a SHARED lock, then a RESERVED lock, then a PENDING lock, then an EXCLUSIVE lock before writing.) By default, if the database is already locked (say from another process), then SQLite will return SQLITE_BUSY without waiting. You can call sqlite3_busy_timeout() to tell it to wait longer.
I don't think any of this is news to you, but a few thoughts:
In terms of enabling multi-threading (either serialized or multi-threaded), the general counsel is that one can invoke sqlite3_config() (but you may have to do a shutdown first as suggested in the docs or as discussed on SO here) to enable the sort of multi-threading you want. That may be of diminished usefulness here, though, where you have no control over what sort of access iOS is requesting of sqlite and/or this database.
Thus, I would have thought that, from an academic perspective, it would not be safe to read this system database (because as you say, you have no assurance of what the OS is doing). But I wouldn't be surprised if iOS is opening the database using whatever the default mode is, so from a more pragmatic perspective, you might be fine.
Clearly, for most users concerned about multi-threaded access within a single app, the best counsel would be to bypass the sqlite3_config() silliness and just simply ensure coordinated access through your own GCD serial queue (i.e., have a dedicated queue through which all database interactions go through, gracefully eliminating the multi-thread issue altogether). Sadly, that's not an option here because you're trying to coordinate database interaction with iOS itself.
