Configure access to View's SubFolders in ASP.NET MVC -

I am wondering if it is possible to do following with ASP.NET MVC 5.
I would like to have a OrderController and the following folder's structure
I need to know how we can configure methods for Details folder?
I mean Create/Edit/List.
Have we use some method attribute for it or routing and how it should be done?
I found very useful this link

You have two options. You can either make your own code to determine the correct view to return which is fairly complex or you can specify the view you need using the full path. Additionally if you have to have methods with the same (not sure why you would want that), then you would need to change your routing. An option is to use attribute routing.
public class OrdersController : Controller
public ActionResult Create(Order order)
return View("~/Views/Orders/Details/Create.cshtml");
public ActionResult Create(OrderDetails orderDetails)
return View("~/Views/Orders/Details/Create.cshtml");


How to refactor Umbraco for rendering controllers

I have been running an Umbraco v7 site for about 3 years. Traditionally I have not rendered any pages using controllers, I have however set up some controllers that I POST forms to but that is about it. My existing View pages have logic baked into them and use external helper methods instead of controllers.
I am about to develop a new page and thought this would be my time to test a better design pattern. This page will render data from a controller as well as required form submission via a controller. What is the best route to proceed that will also go smoothly if I decide to do a refactor on my existing View pages?
I am more specifically looking for an answer around Render vs Surface controllers and which one would be better.It is my understanding that my routing would be unchanged if I went with a Render controller, but if I went with surface, I would have to have special routing?
But if I used a render controller, this does not support form submission?
Not sure what else I am missing?
Thanks Again,
You don't have to configure any special routing - everything is baked right in to Umbraco.
As a rule of thumb Surface Controllers are best used for reusable actions, custom controllers (Route Hijacking) are better for adding custom logic to whole pages (Document Types/Templates) in Umbraco.
Both approaches will enable you to accomplish exactly the same results - the only difference between them is abstraction.
Surface controllers are MVC Child Actions that inherit from Umbraco.Web.Mvc.SurfaceController - this adds helpful Umbraco specific properties and methods.
Surface Controllers are good for creating reusable things like forms or anywhere you need a partial to do anything complicated (i.e. backed by a controller). Have a look at the documentation here.
When you use a custom controller to change how pages are rendered that's called Route Hijacking
To do this you create your own controller than inherits from Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController like this:
public class HomeController : Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController
public ActionResult MobileHomePage(RenderModel model)
//Do some stuff here, the return the base Index method
return base.Index(model);
This is a custom controller for the "Home" Document Type. You can of course return a custom model that inherits from RenderModel with your own properties and methods.
Fuller examples and documentation can be found here.
Post Requests
Both options allow you to handle POST requests by adding the [httppost] attribute like so:
Surface Controller:
public class YourSurfaceController: SurfaceController
public ActionResult YourAction()
// Do stuff
public ActionResult YourAction()
// Do stuff on POST
Controller for route Hijacking:
public class HomeController : Umbraco.Web.Mvc.RenderMvcController
public ActionResult MobileHomePage(RenderModel model)
//Do some stuff here, the return the base Index method
return base.Index(model);
public ActionResult MobileHomePage(RenderModel model)
//Do some stuff on POST, the return the base Index method
return base.Index(model);

.NET MVC routing using attributes only

Does anyone know how to create a route in .NET MVC which contains attributes only? My code is as follows:
public ActionResult CategorySearch(string listingCategoryDescription)
As you can probably tell I want the URL to simply contain a category. Is this possible? Or do I need to hard code at least one part of the route?
Many thanks.
Are you wanting the category passed in at the root URL? Like http://localhost/apples?
If so, this will work, but you will likely collide with other routes.
public class CategoriesController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(string listingCategoryDescription)
return Content("You picked category: " + listingCategoryDescription);

ASP.NET MVC Routing: Clean Urls - from camel case to hyphenated words

I currently have an action defined in my controller:
// GET: /schools/:cleanUrlName/data-loggers
public ActionResult DataLoggers(string cleanUrlName)
return View();
This works when I hit "/schools/brisbane-state-high-school/dataloggers", however - as per the comment - I want to access it via a slightly cleaner url (using hyphens): "/schools/brisbane-state-high-school/data-loggers". I know I could write a route to accomplish this, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to write a new route for every multi-worded action/controller. Is there a better way to address this?
You can use the ActionNameAttribute to create an alias for your action name.
So you just need to annotate your multi worded actions:
public ActionResult DataLoggers(string cleanUrlName)
return View("DataLoggers");
But because this affects also the view discovery therefore you need to return View("DataLoggers") so you are probably better with creating custom routes for your multi worded actions.

.NET MVC: Map Route Using Attribute On Action

I'm pretty new to MVC and can't find an answer one way or another to this question. Is there a built in architecture in MVC 1 (or 2, I suppose) that allows you to specify a route mapping via an attribute on a specific action method, rather than in the Global.asax? I can see its use being limited to a degree as multiple methods can be tied to the same action thusly requiring routes to be unnecessarily duplicated, but my question still remains.
Also, does anyone see any gotcha's in implementing something like this, aside from the one I just mentioned about the same action on multiple methods?
Note: I'm not asking HOW to implement this. Only checking if something like this exists, and if not, if it's more trouble than it's worth.
You can also try AttributeRouting, which is available via NuGet. Disclosure -- I am the project author. I've used this in personal and professional projects with great success and would not go back to the default routing mechanism of ASP.NET MVC unless I had to. Take a look at the github wiki. There's extensive documentation of the many features there.
Simple usage looks like this:
public class RestfulTestController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return Content("");
public ActionResult Create()
return Content("");
public ActionResult Update(int id)
return Content("");
public ActionResult Destroy(int id)
return Content("");
AttributeRouting is highly configurable and has a few extension points. Check it out.
I would recommend ASP.NET MVC Attribute Based Route Mapper for this. This is third party library and does not come with ASP.NET MVC 1 or 2. Usage is like the following:
public SiteController : Controller
public ActionResult Home()
return View();
public ActionResult AboutUs()
return View();
public ActionResult Products(string category)
return View();
Then in your global.asax, you just call routes.MapRoutes() to register your action routes.
It's dead simple to implement this.

ASP.NET MVC security: how to check if a controller method is allowed to execute under current user's perrmissions

Given an ASP.NET MVC Controller class declaration:
public class ItemController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
// ...
public ActionResult Details()
// ...
[Authorize(Roles="Admin, Editor")]
public ActionResult Edit()
// ...
public ActionResult Delete()
// ..
I need to reflect a list of methods in this class which may be invoked with the current user's permissions.
Please share some ideas of what could be done in this case.
Well for the new question think something along the lines of:
new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(typeof(ItemController)).GetCanonicalActions()
could be used to return the list of all available actions. I don't have ASP.NET MVC available to me at work, so I can't really check to see if the ActionDescriptor's returned by that will contain some parameter which says which members are allowed to execute them.
That is the members of the ActionDescriptor, you might be able to find something in there. I'll see tonight if I can figure it out, this has gotten me kind of intrigued.
There's no universal user login/authentication system for all applications, thus this really isn't possible to create a 'universal solution'. You could create your own user login and authorization classes which you then add your own annotations to methods to do, but its going to have the same restrictions that the mvc system has, its only for your login/authorization system (or whoever extends that system).
