UISearchBar iOS 8 clarification - ios

I'm trying to get special behavior of UISearchBar. I want never to show "Cancel" button (this part i'm already implement) and show Bookmarks button always.
But if i hide cancel button, bookmarks button is hide too in editing mode (only if searchBar.text.length > 0)
How i hide cancel button:
UITextField *textField = [searchBar valueForKey:#"_searchField"];
textField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeNever;
My question is how can i always show only bookmarks button?

You also need to set this:
textField.rightViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;


Show Clear Button of UITextField even it is empty

I have a UITextField for search in my Application.
When user taps on the Clear Button in the right of the Search Text Field I need to hide this textfield.
So, can I show the Clear Button then TextField is empty? I need to do it always to provide the ability hiding TextField.
Just create a Custom button and set it as rightView for your TextField
UIButton *cleanBtn = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
// Set clear image for your button
[cleanBtn setImage:img forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[cleanBtn addTarget:self action:#selector(cleanTextField:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
yourTextField.rightViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
yourTextField.rightView = cleanBtn;
I tried to fix this issue with creating a custom button and setting the rightView of my text field. It did not solve my problem. There is no button on the right view.
I have added UIButton in Interface Builder using Auto Layout and placed it on my text field. It works. It's strange solution but it works.

UITextField is not clearing when pressing button

I want to clear my UITextField on button click but when I press the button it doesn't clear. Here is my code:
self.textfiled = #"";
instead of

UITextField add cleared icon [duplicate]

Some apps have this nice little white circle with an gray x in there UITextField. How can I add this to an UITextField and delete the text when it is tapped?
To add a button like this, you can use the clearButtonMode property of an UITextField.
The code will be like this:
// Show cancel button never
textField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeNever;
// Show cancel button only when you're editing text in textField
textField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing;
// Show the cancel button only when you aren't editing the text
textField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeUnlessEditing;
// Show always the cancel button
textField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
Check out the clearButtonMode property.

Why does UIKeyboard appear when press cancel button on UISearchbar?

I am using following code for adding UISearchBar in iOS7 and UISearchBar appearance is fine.But problem is when press cancel button on UISearchBar then UIKeyboard appeared.Why its happen?Please help me.
CGRect searchFrame = CGRectMake(self.view.bounds.origin.x, 64, self.view.bounds.size.width, 44.0f);
self.mySearchBar = [[UISearchBar alloc]initWithFrame:searchFrame];
self.mySearchBar.delegate = self;
self.mySearchBar.searchBarStyle = UISearchBarStyleDefault;
self.mySearchBar.placeholder = #"search items;
self.mySearchBar.showsCancelButton = YES;
[self.view addSubview:self.mySearchBar];
Implement the searchBarCancelButtonClicked: UISearchBarDelegate method. If you want the keyboard to go away you would do something like:
- (void) searchBarCancelButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar
[searchBar resignFirstResponder];
I got your issue now.
When there is not text entered at that time cancel button will be disabled. So if you try to press it than it will consider SearchBar text area & Keyboard will appear.
While you enter the text than Cancel button will be active & than it will work.
Hope you'll get the solution from this.

How to disable keyboard when clicking a UITextField in iOS?

I am currently developing a prototype that I want to do user testing on desktop first before loading to iPad.
I am looking for solutions to disable the keyboard after clicking a textfield. That means after clicking a textfield, user is able to enter information from the macbook keyboard directly, and the virtual keyboard that automatically shows up in the simulator will not appear. I have been through a lot of tutorials but they are all dismissing the keyboard after user entry; that is not what I am looking for. How should I hide the keyboard?
Thanks so much!
Use this:
UIView *dummyView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0)];
myTextField.inputView = dummyView; // Hide keyboard, but show blinking cursor
It works for UITextField and UITextView and they need to be set to editable.
What you did Here:
You created a dummy view of width=hight=0, & assigned it as the inputView of your textField.
How It works:
Instead of showing default, keyboard, now, the viewController is showing DummyView as inputView for your UITextField. As DummyView has Width=height=0, You will not see anything on the screen :)
Here is another answer which I found the same hack but with little additional supportive code snippet to hide the blinking cursor too.
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
return NO; // Hides both keyboard and blinking cursor.
I needed this to be done for a Quantity text field where I increase/decrease the quantity using a UIStepper view. So I needed the keyboard to be hidden always.
This will set the inputView of your textField to, basically, an empty UIView with no frame.
self.theTextField.inputView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
