How do I reorderChild sprites without a texture atlas? - ios

For memory reasons I decided to not use texture atlas anymore, I want to load few sprites from file when I use them.
using batchnode, there was a very handy method which is reorderChild that automatically set sprites to front or back depending the axis they are
Is there any feature like that for free sprites? I'm not asking for the algorithm to do that.. just confirming if there is nothing similar to reorderChild out there before get my hands dirty.
Yes, I searched a lot before coming here,
thanks all


Understanding logic of SpriteKit animation with texture atlases

I just don't get it. For example: I'm making a game with enemies. I made some pics and put it into atlas. I want an enemy to stand still before he will collide with hero and then implement an animation. Should I add first pic from atlas to represent an enemy at first and then somehow add all atlas to that pic to animate it? Also, if I want to make the size of an enemy as twice the hero size: do I need to code it only for the first sprite (if I need to add it first) or for every sprite one after another or even the whole atlas itself? I can't understand how to interact with them!
Also, I'm trying to make game universal, is that correct to name sprites like enemy001#1x.png; enemy001(at)2x.png; enemy001(at)3x.png and put it in one atlas? I'll appreciate any help with this, thanks!
I'm coding it with swift if that matters.
Your question is too confusing in what your are specifically asking.
"I can't understand how to interact with them!"
is not a good question. You need to be more precise and break it down into several questions if need be. However, below are some pointers which might clarify some issues for you.
You typically preload a texture atlas to avoid delays during your game play.
When you init a SKSpriteNode you can either use a texture (preferred when using an atlas) or an image.
To animate a sprite you run a sequence of images. There are several ways of accomplishing that. For example: -(SKAction *)animateWithTextures:(NSArray *)textures timePerFrame:(NSTimeInterval)sec would run an animation sequence of images placed into the NSArray.
Sizing for different screen sizes has been asked numerous times on StackOverflow. Do a search and see what comes up.

collision detection and creation in xcode class

I'm working on making a new app in xcode and have run into two problems that always seem to be a problem when I program large projects.
Basically, I want the user of this app to be able to input specifics like size, position, color, and possibly speed and/or direction.
These inputs will create a square of specific size, position, and color which will move around the screen and interact with other squares the user has created.
Now here are my problems:
First: I have absolutely no idea how to create something in code. I know I almost certainly have to do this in a class, but I've never figured out how to do this in a single programming language.
Second: Interaction between the squares. How do I detect collisions between the possibly dozens or hundreds of squares the user creates.
I'd really like to figure out how to do this, especially because I'm sure it'll be helpful in not only this, but many other future projects.
I would recommend using sprite kit for the collision detection and creation of the squares. You'll probably want to subclass SKSpriteNode to define the properties for your squares.

How to check intersection of two images that aren't rectangular?

New user to the site, but I have used it in the past so I felt it best to ask my question here, for the best chance of getting a response.
What I'm dealing with is one object, this being the sprite for my latest app, which I need to check for when it comes in to contact with another object, in this case, a tunnel which will curve.
Now, I'm aware of CGRectIntersectsRect, however I can't see that being helpful, as if I've got 2 UIImages, that being the top and bottom of a "mountain", and said pieces curving, there's no doubt that the sprite would touch the "rectangle".
What I need is something to trigger when the sprite hits the actual wall, however my limited knowledge of Objective-C isn't helping my case.
I imagine someone out there will know what I can do to resolve this, as for all I know it could be a simple solution.
Thank you in advance everyone!
First, I'd probably not build these basic pieces yourself. For iOS 7, you can use SpriteKit, which is built-in. If you want to support older versions of iOS, look at cocos2d (it's good for iOS 7, too).
But to the question, one approach for detecting arbitrary overlaps is to draw both objects into a buffer and check if there are any overlapping pixels (for instance, by drawing one in in pure red, and another in pure green, and then looking for pixels that have both). For a discussion of how to do this kind of thing in Core Graphics, see Clipping a CGRect to a CGPath, which provides sample code for the simplest version (checking for the intersection of a rectangle and curve), but the same approach can be used more generally. Note that this drawing can get expensive if you're doing it constantly, so usually you first check whether the bounding rectangles overlap. That tells you whether it's even worth the trouble to look closer.
But first I'd look at SpriteKit.

How to implement Megatextures

I am interested in roughly how megatextures are/could be implemented on iOS.
In particular I am making a 2D platformer with a large (non-tiled) background and I would like to have one (precalculated, unreasonably large) image that is mapped to the background. One option I have gone with is to chop the precalulated image into tiles, and load/unload in the background.
I am however curious about megatextures. It would be far more convenient to map these all to one surface. Are megatextures simply another way of phrasing what I am doing right now, or is something more cunning going on. Is there one superlarge texture on the graphics card with multiple gltexsubimage2d calls going on?
Megatexture is a well-developed and advanced implementation of clip-mapping technique:
So yes, basically it is a continuous background loading of content to be displayed and unloading of currently unused content.

How to optimize my memory usage with sprites...between SpriteFrameCache and SpriteBatchNode

I have seen the usage of plist and png atlasses for the game i am developing. However I've notice a slight performance swiftness(speed up) keeping the 60 fps, and for a side note my app has not crash at the moment.
The thing is I noticed I have used SpriteFrameCache with plist to do CCactions and animations for my characters(sprites). However some of the characters ive been using SpriteBatchnode, but it was on accident, since I am relatively new to deep development of a game, I didnt notice this difference before, they both work, but I feel like both are the same, its just that one has an easier way of implementation than the other, i was thinking that perhaps it was developed in an earlier version....
so my question is. is there a difference between the two? will my game benefit for using SpriteFrameCache over SpriteBatchNode?
Thanks for the help.
FYI: this doesnt slow down my developing, its just a question because I know at the end when my game is finished maybe i would want to optimize performance for my game.
Batch nodes draw all child sprites in one draw call.
Sprite frames hold a reference to a texture and define a region in the texture to draw from. The cache allows you to access sprite frames by name.
Both are different concepts, they are not replacements for each other. You can use sprite frames to create sprites or sprite frame animations. In addition to that sprite batching enables you to speed up rendering of two or more sprites using the same texture.
Note that if you use a batch node with only a single child sprite this will not be any different from rendering the sprite without the batch node, since both create a single draw call so there is no positive effect in using the batch node.
